unaga himself went to Magadha and enthroned his son Kakayrana in Kasi (cf. Mais ya Purana, ad CCLXXI, V-5). 'Sisunaga was followed by Kakavarna Ksem-Vardhana and Ksemajita. The fifth king of the Sisunaga dynasty was Prasenjita (The name of Pras enjita is omitted in the Puranas, but according to the Jain tradition the famous king Bimbisara was the son of Prasenjita. Also the Buddhist work Divyayadana (p.369) enlist Prasenjita in the successors of Sisunaga and Kakavarna, cf. Raychaudhuri, op. cit., p. 222). 'It was Prasenjita, who transferred his capital from Kuthalnagar to Girivrija, Prasenjita was succeeded by Bimbis ara, Ajtaasatru, Uday Anuruddha and Munda'. (The Puranas enumerate Nandiyaradhana and Mahananda as the successors of Udayi, while the Buddhist chronology enlist Anuruddha-Munda. It will be shown below, Nandiyaradhana and Mahanandi were Nanda kings, and not Sisunagas). 'The regnal period of each of these ten kings is as follows: 1. Sisunaga
60 years 2. Kakavarna 3. Ks em yaradhana
50 4. Ksemajita 5. Prasenjita 6. to 10. Bimbis ara to Munda 108
Though the Puranas ascribe slightly different regnalperiods to these kings the above regnal-period assigned by T. L. Shah seems to be more correct.
36 43
11 11
(206) It may be remarked here that though the puranas
state that the 10 kings of the Sisunaga-dynasty reigned for 362 years, the total of the regnal period was assigned by them to these kings come out to be 333 years, (Cf. vayu purana, a ic, vss. 315-321, Pracina by Mahamabopadyaya Vishaveshar Nath
Reu, Vol. II, p. 54). (207) Sisunaga
807 B.C.
747 B.C. Kakavarna 747 B.C.
711 B.C. Ksemavardhana 711 B.C.
661 B.C. Ksemajita 661 B.C.
625 B,C. Prasenjita 625 B.C.
582 B.C.
(208) The Puranas insert Darsaka in between Ajatasatru
and Udayi. Also the famous Sanskrit play Syapanayasaya datta speaks of Darsaka as the King of Rajagrha.