480-410 B. C. Dr. Aggrawal has also endorsed the view of Jain chronology that the Nanda-dynasty ruled in C473323 B. C. (op. cit., p. 473). Dr. Aggrawal has also accepted that in 465 B. C. Nandivardhana, the first Nanda king was reigning at Pataliputra (op. cit. p. 474). Dr. Aggrawal has also cited an allusion from the grammer of Panini, which records that Nandivardhana was the first Nanda king and that Mahanandin his son was the second Nanda-king (Loc. cit.).
214. Vayu Purana, adh, ICV 320; Matsya Purana adh CCLXXI, vs. II.
215. Vayu Purana, adh, Ic, V. 327.
216. Ibid, loc. cit.
It is remarkable that Dr. Smith, who has established his chronology on different basis, has also ascribed the period of 88 years from 413 B. C. to 325 B. C. to Mahapadma Nanda.
218. Candragupta Maurya acceeded to the throne of Magdha in 322 B. C., but the Nandas continued to reign at Avanti, upto 313 B. C. As already discussed before, Candragupta Maurya acquired the kingdom of Avanti in 313 B. C., and this ended the rule of the Nanda-dynasty.
Some historians have called the first two NandaNandivardhana and Mahanandi as old Nandas and Mahapadama Nanda and his dynasty as Neo-Nanda (Nanira-Nanda) or new Nandas. (Cf. Dr. Shanti Lal Shah, Chronological Problems, pp. 34-37; also Cf. E. J. Rapson Cambridge History of India, pp. 279-280; Dr. K. P. Jayaswal, Journal of Bihar and Orissa Research Society, Sept, 1915, p. 21).
219. Cf. the following chronologies supplied by the Mahavamsa, Dr. Smith and Dr. Shanti Lal Shah respectively:
(i) Mahavamsa, Pariccheda 1 V, V.
(Taking Buddha's Nirvana in 544 B. C., the eighth year of Ajatasatru's reign; the dates refer to the accession of the kings mentioned).