Book Title: Jaina Gem Dictionary
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________________ INTRODUCTION. I The idea of this little work suggested itself to me thus : My friend, Jaina Dharma Bhusana Brahmachari Sital Prasadji, passed his rainy season of 1915 with me at Indore. We were translating Tattvarthasutra, Panchastikaya, Samayasara, &c. Everyone, who has had to translate an old technical oriental work into English, knows how difficult it is to find satisfactory equivalents of the words of one language in the other. . Sometimes the task is impossible. Some ideas or view-points are entirely alien to the other language and consequently quite untranslatable into it. I have not been more, : rather less, fortunate than other workers in the same field. It is not without a profound sense of the tentative character of this little Dictionary that I' put it before the public. At first it was prepared merely as a glossary to the English translation of Tallvarthasutra. But as words from Panchastikaya and Samayasara were added to it, it was decided to drop the idea of a glossary and to publish it as a small separate work. For this purpose, the late Syadvada Varidhi Vadi Gaja Kesari Pandit Gopal Dasji Baraiya's Jaina Siddhanta Pravesika was taken up and almost all the words. given in it were translated into the Dictionary. It is important to observe that ordinary words, which can be found in the current Sanskrit-English dictionaries, are kept out of this book. to drop work. Fora Pand
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________________ Thus the Dictionary contains almost all, and only the most! important, Jaina technical terms. Its utility, I reckon, is considerable. Just now there is a movement in several directions to translate old Jaina texts into English. So far as! India is considered, the movement started in 1904-5, where the Jaina Gazette began to publish the English translation of Almanusasana. Then followed the Purusartha Siddhyupaya by my friend, B. Rickhab Dass, B.A., vakil of Meerut, in the same monthly. My friend, Kumar Devendra Prasadji of Arrah, has started a series of Sacred Books of the Jainas. Its first volume, Dravya Samgraha, by Prof. Sarat Chandra Ghoshal, M.A., B.L., Saraswati, Kavya Tirtha, Vidyabhusana, Bharati is ready. It struck us forcibly that all these different translations might employ different English equivalents for the same Jaina word. This destroys uniformity and causes confusion in the mind of a non-Jaina reader of the works. Therefore it was thought best to put together the most important Jaina technical terms and to try to attempt to give fixity to the meaning in which Jaina philosophy employes them. Of course, it is idle to claim finality in an undertaking of this kind. But so long as a better collection does not replace it, it is hoped that the present work removes a real want and must be most useful to students of Jainism and Jaina Literature. I am thankful to my friends, Babus Hemchandra Sogani, B.Sc., and Sikhar Chandra Jaina, for alphabetical arrangement of the words. INDORE: J. L. JAINI. . September, 1917.
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________________ JAINA GEM DICTIONARY d Abadhita (alreri)-Irrefutable by any other mode of proof or argument. As that fire is cold,' is refutable by obvious observation; therefore coldness cannot be the area or inference from fire, i.c., it is not waida. The conclusion must be sound and free from fallacy. Abhasa (EATHTA)-Fallacy. Abhasatmaka ETHIOTCH56) Not uttered by the mouth. Abhava (ha) (1) The non-existence of one substance or thing in another. This is merely a corollary from the famous .. first Law of Thought. All A is A; i,c., no A is non-A; i.e., A never exists in non-A. (2) Non-existence of a past condition. (3) Privation. (4) One of the seven Vaisesika categories. It is a Padurtha, the knowledge of which is dependent on its contradictory. Abhavabhava (THIETA)-The beginning to trans form the future into the present condition.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Abhavya (EHU)--Incapable of being liberated. : Abhavyatva (Touca)--Incapacity of becoming liber ated. Abhiksnajnanopayoga ( E USI IFTTTTT)--Ceaseless pursuit of right knowledge. Abhinibodha (THEGTET)-Deduction; reasoning by! inference. Abhipreta ( E F ) = Ista (q. v.) Abhisava (f a) --Aphrodisiac. Abhiyogya (Eftret) That grade of celestial beings who provide conveyances to the other grades. Abhyantarakriya (ENTRADIT)---Internal activity; i.e., am (yoga) soul vibratory aetivity, and 479 (kasaya) giving way to the passions, Abrahma (EST)--Unchastity. Acharanga (ENERIT)-- The first Anga of scriptures. Acharya (Eterf)-The head of an order of saints. Achetanatva (maca)--Unconsciousness, Achitta (EFT)-Lifeless, e.g., matter. Achyavana (45407)--Not falling off from. Achyuta ( E )-The name of the 16th Heaven. Adana (CTA) --To take ; (to steal).. Adana niksepana samiti Ectar aqUHHT) Care in lifting and laying down things.
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________________ Adarsana (ETC.) Slack faith. Adatta (ECT)--Not given. Addha Palya (787474)-Equal to innumerable Uddhara Palyas (q.v.) Adesa (ETC)-(From) the standpoint of speech. Adeya ( ECT)-Dignified and prepossessing appearance. Adhah karana (Ete: Fiu)- It is the totality of thought-activity of the soul when it is on the point of rising from the 7th to the 8th spiritual stage. It may gain greater purity and radiance than is gained by souls which have been on the point of rising an instant or two before it; or, it may be left behind in point of purity and radiance by souls which have come to the point of rising from the 7th to the 8th stage, after it. This is called the : 4169 (adhal karana), thought. activity. But where the souls have pure and radiant nevy thought-activity in the order in which they rise from the 7th to the 8th stage, although they begin at some intermediate point simultaneously, they may rise to. gether or slightly more or less quickly, so far as purity and radiance are considered. But those, whose entrance into the 8th stage was successive, never have the same purity and radiance at one and the same time. This is called sa 47 (aparva karana), the 8th spiritual stage (9.v.) In the 9th stage, the souls which enter it at the same instant rise cqually in purity and radiance; but those
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Abhavya (ETHOT) ---- Incapable of being liberated. Abhavyatva (moyce)-Incapacity of becoming liber ated. Abhiksnajnanopayoga (en ite UsitTutoT)-Cease less pursuit of right knowledge. Abhinibodha (EHT )--Deduction; reasoning by inference. Abhipreta ( E UA) = Ista (q. v.) Abhisava (EF )--Aphrodisiac. Abhiyogya ( EFTTT)-That grade of celestial beings who provide conveyances to the other grades. Abhyantarakriya (Emerat) ---Internal activity; i.e., am (yoga) soul vibratory aetivity, and 1414 (kasaya) giving way to the passions. Abrahma (158)----Unchastity. Acharanga (ENERI)--The first Aiga of scriptures. Acharya (ER)--The head of an order of saints. Achetanatva ( arica)--Unconsciousness, Achitta (Enfatt) ---Lifeless, e.g., matter. Achyavana (549)-- Not falling off from. Achyuta poya)-The name of the 16th Heaven. Adana (NICIFT)-To take ; (to steal), Adana niksepana samiti (AdAnanikSepaNasamiti) Care in lifting and laying down things.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary, Adarsana (EGA)-Slack faith. Adatta (17)Not given. Addha Palya (7 44)-Equal to innumerable Uddhara Palyas (q.v.) Adesa ( EEST)-(From) the standpoint of speech. Adeya (E )Dignified and prepossessing appearance. Adhah karana (ta: U)--It is the totality of thought-activity of the soul when it is on the point of rising from the 7th to the 8th spiritual stage. It may gain greater purity and radiance than is gained by souls which have been on the point of rising an instant or tivo before it ; or, it may be left behind in point of purity and radiance by souls which have come to the point of rising from the 7th to the Sth stage, after it. This is called the sa: 10 adhah karana), thoughtactivity. But where the souls have pure and radiant new thought-activity in the order in which they rise from the 7th to the 8th stage, although they begin at some intermediate point simultaneously, they may rise together or slightly more or less quickly, so far as purity and radiance are considered. But those, whose entrance into the 8th stage was successive, never have the same purity and radiance at one and the same time. This is called ma 10 (apurva karana), the 8th spiritual stage (g.v.) In the 9th stage, the souls which enter it at the same instant rise equally in purity and radiance; but those
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. who come after can never equal their predecessors in purity and radiance. This is the 9th or the arrivrittikarana stage. It is by these three ascending stages of pure and enlightened thought-activity that the 21 sub-classes of right-conduct-deluding Karmas are destroyed or made to subside. This threefold precedence of spirituality occurs also when the 7 or 5 sub-classes (3 or 1 of right-beliefdeluding Karmas, and four error-feeding passions) of Karmas subside or are destroyed in the soul's attaining subsidential or purified right belief in the 4th to the 7th spiritual stage. Adharma (@ )--A substance which is the medium of rest to soul and matter. Fulcrum of rest. But it is not matter, although it is not conscious. It is one of the sis dravyas of Jainism. Adhigama (EUTETTA)-Knowledge derived from ex ternal sources, e.g., precept, Adhikarana (EireTIRU)--Place; relation; topic, subject. Adhikaraniki ( E ARFAITI) --Having hurtful weapons. Adholoka yarati.The nether world. This is 7 rajus deep, under the mount Meru, Adhruva ( a)-Transient; as perception of a flash of lightning. Adhyavasaya (EETGERT)--- Impure (from the point
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. i : of view of soul's own nature) thought-activity, as love, 'hatred, delusion, etc. Aditya ( cca)--The second class of Laukantika heavenly bodies. AgaNha (NG)-Wavering right belief. Agama (177)--Trustworthy affirmation. It is a technical term for the Jaina scriptures. Agamabadhita (FTTHAETT)--A premiss from which the conclusion drawn is refutable by scriptural knowledge. As, sin leads to happiness. The Scriptures tell us that it leads to misery. Agama bhava niksepa (ETT HITTC)-Calling 2 soul a knower of something when it is actually attentive to it. Agama dravya niksepa (EITTE COUTEO) Calling a soul a knower of something to which it is not attentive, although it knows it. Agamapramana (TRY#ru)-Knowledge of things derived from authoritative books. Aghatiya (yafat) Non-destructive (Karma); which does not destroy the essential qualities of the souls. Agnikunara (f r ) The 5th class of Residential order of celestial beings. Agrayani purva (Tartu The second Parva of scriptures. oks.
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________________ 10 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Agurulaghu (1967 (1) Individuality; the quality by which a substance or attribute does not become another, and by which none of the attributes of a substance can ever fall off from it. (2) Absence of family-determining Karma. 3) Neither too heavy nor too light. (4) Increase and decrease in various ways in the modifications of all substances. It is a common feature of all dravyas, and this natural feature is to be found in the mass, and also in an atom. Ahamindra ( firs) (Lit., I am Indra.) The Kal patita heavenly beings are so called, because they are all alike as Indras. Ahanika ( 1191) Part of a chapter. Ahara (EMTETC) --Assimilation of ahara vargana, or mole cules of matter which form the external body. Aharaka (ENTERT)-Spiritual manlike emanation from the head of a Saint. It is also the name of the body possessed by one who has studied 14 Purvas. The saint with such a body goes to resolve some of his doubts to a Tirthankara. Aharaka misra (TER -aharaka mixed with physical body. Ahararargana ETERUT)-The material molecules which go to build up the physical, fluid and aharaka bodies.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionar. 18 Aharya riparyaya Eleri Fagera) glitale in scriptural knowledge due to the hearing of another's preaching. Ahinsa ( E ET) Non-injury to any of the 10 vitalities of living beings. Alitabhirutram ( CHPEG)-Fear of pain-bringing actions. Ahoratra (ERT)-Day & night = 30 dluhurta (9:".) Ailaka (Falas)- A layman with only a loin cloth, in the 11th Pratima (q...) Airavata (Beta )-The 7th division of Jambudrip.. Aitilya (PAE)=Sruta (9.6.) Ajira (esia) Non-Soul. It includes kula, Pudgalas tibaya, Dharmastikiya. Adharmastikaya and Akasastikaya, it possesses attributes opposcs to those of the Jiva, the principal of these attributes being conscious. ness. Ajoanamithyadarsana (EFT THEIGER) - Wrong belief caused by ignorance. Ajuauika (ig -agnostics: they are of 67 kinds. They say that ascetic practices are necessary for salva. tion and not the knowledge of soul. Ajwal samvakta (EUSI FRM) - Right belici arising from faith in discourses of Tirthaikaras. Ajnata bhera (SIT HTT)Unintentional character (of the act).
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________________ 12 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Ajuavichaya (Elsa) Contemplation of the authority of scriptures. It is the first of Dlarna dhyana (q.v.) Ajuavyapadiki (E4510419ffit ---Mis-interpreting the scriptural injunctions. Akama nirjara (fil# FAGERT)--Equanimous sub mission to the fruition of Karmas. Akasa (78177)--Space. Akasagatachulika (ThyroraaFeat) --The 5th Chalika in the 12th Anga of scriptures. Akasaya (1973)Without the passions. Akaya (TTT) Non-embodied; Time, the only non embodied substance. Akinchana (En -Non-attachment; not taking the non-Self for the Self. Akinchitkarahetvabhasa (akiJcitkarahetvAbhAsa) A premiss which can prove nothing. The fallacy of giving inconsequential licti. Akriyavadi (Enstellaret)-A kind of wrong believers of 84 kinds. Akriyavada is a doctrine teaching that. soul does not exist, or that it does not act, or is not affected by acts. Materialists, Vedantists, followers of Sankhya and Yoga schools come under some part or other of this doctrine. Aksepani (Etaqut-Narration, constructive of truth.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 13 Aksinasiddhi (EETU LE) - Capacity of making stores, place, etc., inexhaustible. . Aksipra ( 9) Sensitive knowledge of slowness of motion. Alabu (Ag)-Gourd. Alingagrahana (EnfiiTTEU)--Not perceptible by the senses. Alochana (ENG )-Avagraha (g.v.) Alochana ( EGTET)Full and voluntary confession to the head of the order. Aloka ( Fi)-Beyond the universe. Alokanta (a r ) Up to the end of the universe. (97) loka consists of 343 cubic rajis; and only here all * the sis dravyas are found. Alokitapanabhojana (Gla9771616)Tho roughly seeing to one's food and drink. Alpa (79)-Sensitive knowledge of a thing, one in number, or little in quantity. Amanaska (E151671)Irrational; vithout a mind. Ambu vata (ng ara)--Vapour atmosphere. Amnaya (FPI)--Memorising and proper recitation. Amudha-dtisti (G E ).- Freedom from inclina tion for the wrong path. Amurtatra ( Strica )immateriality.
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________________ . 14 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Amurtika taiata) - Devoid of colour, taste, smell and touch; immaterial. Anabhoga (EFTTTT)- Indifference in putting a thing down. Anabhoga niksepa ( ETHIT FT9)--Putting a thing down where it ought not to be put. Anadhyavasaya (ECER) Wrong knowledge caused by carelessness or indifference. Anadinidhana (EFTEFTETT)-Eternal ; having neither beginning nor end. Anadisambandha (ETIC HFFET)--Connection with out beginning. Anaharaka (TFTER) -Non-assimilation. That con dition of the soul in which it does not assimilate the molecules, of which the external body is formed. Anaikantikahetvabhasa nafrati catata) A premiss which is consistent with the presence, absence or dubiousness of the conclusion. Anantabhagahani ( ETCHTTEIT)-Decrease in or by infinite division or part. Anantabbaga vriddhi (TEFANTEI)--Increase in or by infinite division or part. Ananta chatustaya (Etrat 21)-Quaternary of Infinite Knowledge, Conation, Power and Bliss. Anantaguna (ESFATTU) --- Infinite-fold.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary.. 15 Ananta gunabani (Fra JUETA) --Infinite-fold decrease, Anantanubandhi kasaya (Estrateert 721)--- The passions which feed wrong belief; error-feeding passions. Ananta viyojaka (para torni)-One tho trans forms the karmic matter of the error-feeding passions into that of less injurious ones. Ananugami (18THT)Visual knowledge limited to a particular locality. Anapavartya (nya)-An=not, apavartya=cut short. Anariddhi prapta (attie 977) -Without super natural powers. Anarthadanda virati (ATTEUS Facfa-Taking vow not to commit purposeless sins. Anata (na)--The name of the 13th Heaven. Anatmabhata laksana (Tacita JETU)-- Separ. able accident. Anavasthita (WakeUF) ---Unsteady visual knowledge. Anayana ( R )-Sending for from beyond the limits. Andaja (91551) Incubatcry; birth from an egg-shell ; egg-born. Anekanta (para) --Alany-sided vice of Logic.
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________________ Zo una em alsynary. Anekantika hetvabhasa (anekAntika hetvAbhAsa)A fallacy where the hetu is found in paksa, sapaksa, and vipaksa (q. v.) Augabahya (a)-Those scriptural texts, which are not included in the Angas are called Angabahyas. Anga pravistha (g)--Contained in the 12 Angas, scriptures. Angaraka ()-- The planet Mars, Angopanga ()--Limbs and minor limbs. Angula (5)--Finger. A measure of length, Anidhanam (87)--Without death. Anihsrita (f)-Sensitive knowledge of a hidden thing; as, perception of a ship from its funnel above the horizon. Unexposed, hidden. JU Anindriya (anindriya) - Mind. Anirdista samsthana (anirdiSTa saMsthAna ) -- With no material form. Anista samyogaja (ang dun)--The first monomania due to unpleasant association. Anivritti karana (ufagia nu)--The 9th spiritual stage of advanced spiritual activity. Also see Adhah karapa. Aniyata guna paryaya (aniyata guNa paryAya) - N steadfast in its own attributes and modifications, Annapana nirodha (annapAna nirodha) -Withholding of food and water.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 17 - Antahkaranarupa upasama (antaHkaraNarUpaupazama) -Internal subsidence is that by which the operation of Karmas . (which are to attain fruition in the future) is either hastened before, or retarded till after, the time of their due maturity. ? Antakriddasaiga (TASHEETIT)- The 8th Aoga of the scriptures. Antaradvipaja (facec14)--Inter-continental Mlechchhas. They live in the islands of Lavana Sea encircling Jambadvipa. Antaraya karma (FATTE AF-Obstructive Karma, Antarmuhurta (c )--A measure of time. It is (1) Jaglanya or minimum and is equal to 1 avals and I samaya and (2) Utkrista or maximum, which is equal to 48 minutes minus i samaya, Anubhaga bandha (TTT arat) Bondage as regards to its fruition being strong or mild. Bandha is the bondage (or assimilation) of karmic matter to the soul. Anubhaga bandhadhyavasaya sthana (HTT FETEJTETT FART)--Degree of passion which determines the intensity of bondage of karmic matter to the soul. Anubhaya Yoga (979 911)-- Neutral vibration activity, i.c., neither true nor false.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Anudisa (3)--The second set of nine abodes of 'Ahamendras. Anugami (1)--Accompanying (visual knowledge). It is one of the divisions of Avadhi or visual knowledge. It is so-called because it accompanies the soul. Anujivi (goat)--Attributes which co-exist in and constitute the substance. Anukampa (+)-Compassion. Anukta ()-Sensitive knowledge of a thing not 18 described before. Anumana (A)--Inference. It is one of the pramanas accepted by the different Indian schools of philosophy, except the Charvakas. Anumanabadhita (anumAnavAdhita) - A premiss from which the conclusion drawn is refutable by inference. As grass, etc., are made by some one, because they are the result of some one's action. But this is refutable by the inference; grass, etc., are not made by any one; because they are not made by any embodied being, and everything that is not made by an embodied being cannot be made by any one (or has no maker). Anumati tyaga pratima (anumati tyAga pratimA) -The 10th Pratima or stage of a layman's life, in which advising on worldly affairs is given up. Anupalabdhi (i)--Establishing an affirmative or negative proposition by a negative middle.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 19 read. the of Anupreksa (EITTET)--(1) Meditation. (2) Reflection or meditation on 215. what is read. ul Anupurvi (hayat)-Power of retaining, in migration, the form of the body possessed in the last birth. Anusreni (Ergafu)-In a straight line, parallel with IT one of the three directions (East-West, North-South, Up and Down) either way. ___Anuttaraupapadikadasaliga (anuttaropapAdikadazAMga) ot -The 9th Anga of the scriptures. Anuvichibhasana ( EATEHTU)--Speaking according to scriptures. 1 Anuvrata (EU )Partial vow. Anuvritti ( 717)-Dravyarthika point of view. No. tion of generality, as opposed to particularity. * Anvaya (490)--Affirmative logical connection (vyapli). Anvayadristanta (Tata U17)-The observation in which the premiss and conclusion both inhere; as, smoke and fire in kitchen. It is positive er doistanta. Anvayavyatireki (racouscon)-The argument in the seneta (u daharana) of whichi, the illustrative or dristanta portion is both positive and negative. As there is fire on the mountain, because there is snioke on it. For where there is smoke, there is firc, as in the kitchen, etc., and where there is no fire, there is no smoke, as in a tank, well, etc.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Anvayi ()-Co-existing in different stages. Anyatva (a)--Reflection that all else is separate from me. 20 Anyonyabhava (F)--The non-existence in the present condition of one thing, of the present condition of another thing. As in the present condition of the book there is non-existence of the present condi. tion of water. Or the non-existence in the watch, of the lamp. It is denial of the reciprocality between two things. Apadhyana (ETA)--Thinking ill of others. Apagama (H) = Avaya (q.v.) Apagata (a) = Avaya (q.v.) Apakarsana ()-Decrease in the duration of Karmas, already bound to the soul. Apana (17)-Breathing-out. This is a word tech nical in Yoga system. Apanoda (T) = Avaya (q.v.) Apanutta (A) = Avaya (q.v ) Aparajita (GA)--The 4th Anuttara; a celestial abode. Aparyapta (a)-Non-developable. See Paryapta. Aparyapti (f)--The state of dying within one Antaramuhurta without gaining the capacity to develope fully the characteristic of the body into which the soul incarnates.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary." Apavada (gare)-Exception to the general rule. Apavaya (479)-Avaya (9.v.) Apaviddhi (larg)-Avaya (9.v.) Apavyadha (9909TE)-Avaya (q.v.) Apaya (779)-1) Destruction (dangerous character) (2)=Avaya (9.v.) Apaya vichaya (974 fatt) --Contemplation of means to remove the world's ignorance and misery. It is the second kind of Dharma dhyana. Apeta (da)--Avaya (q.v.) Apinda praksiti ( Equs utila- Non.concrete body.making karmic matter. Aprainarjita ( E G A)--Without sweeping. Apramatta virata ( HET -- The 7th spiritual stage ; perfect row. Aprasiddha ( E E ) Asiddha (9.0.) Aprathagbhata (795)-Non-separate. Apratighata (Eulaga) Unpreventible. Apratihatadarsana ( EAC3)-Indivisible con. ation. Apratipata ( fara)-Alental knowledge which can not be lost, lasting till it is merged in perfect knowvicdge. Apratisthita pralveka Cafalga 9677) Opposite of Sapratisthitro pratycka (9.v.)
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary ! Apratyakhyana ( UTC )- Partial-vow prevent ing (passions). Not renouncing what ought to be re. nounced. Apratyaveksita (Acudi TT)--Without seeing. Apratyaveksita niksepa ( UTMA FO) Putting a thing down without seeing. Apravichara (galer) ---Without sexual enjoyment. Apta (91)--The all-knowing and the preacher of Truth. A learned man in whom we can put trust as to spiritual matters. Aptavachana ngaga)-Sruta scriptural texts. The speech of the Lord. Apunarbhava (yaha)-Re-birthlessness. Apurvakarana T u )--The 8th spiritual stage, new thought-activity. Also see Adhah karana. Arambha tyaga pratima EpiCH ETT ORIHI) The 8th Pratima, giving up means of livelihood, etc. Arana ( E U)--The name of the 15th Heaven, Arati (ra)-Ennui; dissatisfaction. aratiya (ENTER)-Same as Acharya ; authors of the ten Vaikalikas, etc., Sutras and commentaries, etc. Ardhanaracha (TSARTET)-- Big joints on one side and bones. A kind of physical characteristic of the body. Ardhapudgala parivartana (arghapula parivartana)
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 23 : _Half the time taken by the soul in its embodiments in all matter. Arhat ( o)-The adorable. Arista (Ette)--The 8th class of Laukantika heavenly bodies. Arjava (Ita) ---Straightforwardness; honesty. Arjuna (1 ) Silver. Arta dhyana (tra F)-Monomania, painful con centration. Arthah ( 91: )-Functions. Arthanaya ( T ) --Standpoint relating to the object considered. It is the collective name of 4 standpoints Naigama, Sangraha, Vyavahara and Rijusitra (2.v.) Arthaparyaya ( eta)--Non-spatial modification, NIodification in any attribute of a substance, excepting spatiality. Arthapatti ( min ) -Presumption, Mimansakas believe this to be a separate Pramana. Arthavagraha ( taga)-Perception of a deter. minable sense-objcct. Aruna ( 50 )-The 4th class of Laukaintika heavenly bodies. Arunavara ( fuat)--Name of the 9th continent and ocean.
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________________ 24 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Arya (ET)--Men who care for religion ; noble ; worthy; any respectable. Arya khanda ( GUS)One of the 6 divisions of Bharata Ksetra. Asadana (TEICAT ) - Denying the truth proclaimed by another by body and speech. Asadbhava sthapana (TACTA F919777).-See Ata dakara sthipana. Asadbhuta vyavahara naya (asadabhUtavyavahAranaya) -Non-substantive practical standpoint. To take for one indivisible entity things which in reality are distinct and separate as substances, e.g., to take the body as mine. The body is material and essentially different and distinct from the soul. Asadvedya (THE )--Karmic matter which brings feeling of pain. Asamarthakarana ( OTO) - Opposite of Samarthakarana (q.0.) Asambhava ( Tita )-Obviously contradictory to the evidence of senses or to inference or to any other kind of knowledge. Asambhavadona ( hacia )--That in which the differentia is impossible. Asamiksyadhikarana (WHTIARU)--Over doing a thing
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 25 * Asamkhyuta bhaga hani (Tieu HienT) -Decrease in or by innumerable division or part. Asamkhyatabhagavriddhi ( T ara High ) -Increase in or by innumerable division or part. Asamkhyata gunahani (asaMkhyAta guNahAni ) Innumerable fold decrease. Asamkhyatagunavriddhi (asaMkhyAtaguNavRddhi ) Innumerable fold increase. Asamprapta sripatika. samhanana (asaMprAptaspA feat TETIGT )--Bones with no joints but having only ligatures. A kind of physical constitution of the body. Diarthrodial articulation, in which bones may be more or less freely moveable, when the articular surfaces are covered with smooth cartilage, and surrounded by a fibrous capsule. Most of the joints of the human body are of this form. Asamyama ( FATH )--Non-control. Asamyata ( 14 )--Vowlessness ; vowless. Asasjni ( #sit )--Irrational, without a mind. Asankhyeyagunam ( cATTU ) -Innumerable times. Asarana ( 1U )--Unprotectiveness; helplessness. Asarira (erit )-Disenibodied souls ;-siddha (9. v.) Asarvaparyaya ( duara )--Not in all modifica tions (Asarva, not all.)
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary." Asat (777)--Unreal ; untrue ; not existing; something which never existed. Asatyamanoyoga (EUHATUTIT ) --False mental activity. Asatyavachana yoga ( TECH aan ) ---False speech. Asiddha ( e ) (1) Unliberated; imperfect, (2) That which is not ascertained and proved so far as the other party is concerned, i.e., it is waste of time to prove what the other party already holds as proved. Asiddha hetvabhasa (El EcaTATE)--A premiss which is impossible and can never be established ; or the truth of which 'is doubtful. As, sound is material, because it is the subject matter of the eye. Here the reason ana (sadhana) given is absurd. Asrava (TEC)-inflow of karmic matter into the soul. It is of two kinds. The vibrations which draw the mat: ter are Bhavasrava and the matter drawn is called Dravya asrava. Asteya ( TEST )--Theft ; taking what is not given. Astikaya ( Erectilu ) --Embodied substance. Astikya (ETFE8727 ) ---Belief in the principles of Truth. Astinasti pravada purva (astinAsti pravAda pUrva) -The 4th Parva of the scriptures.
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________________ ," * Jaina Gem Dictionary. 27 Astitva (terra) --Being; is-ness; permanence"; consist ing of its own isness. Asubha taijasa (TH AGTE)-- Mlaleficent electric body, emanating from an angry saint. Asuchi (yle)--Impurity. Asurakumara (TER ETC)--The first class of Resi. dential order of celestial beings; called kumara, because of their perpetual youth and youthful actions. A-sva-samvidita (Falas)-Knowledge by which the Self cannot be known. Atadakara sthapana (9Gtak 491471) ---Repre. sentation by a dissimilar figure. Atapa ET49)--Body from which'warmth flows to others. Atichara (FileNC) - Defect ; partial transgression. Atindriya (yalfcu)-Supra-sensual.. Atisarga (FFH)-Giving up. Atisaya (fage) Supernatural manifestation. Atithi samvibhaga (ang sila HTT)-Feeding the ascetics with a part of one's food. It is one of the Vra tas taken by a laynian. Ativyapti Founta)-The logical defect when the differentia is 100-wide. Ativyaptidosa (sognato).A differential attri. bute which is found in the class; but also in some other class. As to say cow's nre horned. True; but buffaloes
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________________ 28. Jaina Gem Dictionary. and stags are also horned. It is to confound an inseparable accident with differentia. The definition is too wide. Atmabhata laksana (Tha TTU)--Inseparable differentia. Atmapravada (ArchTag)--The 7th Parva of scrip tures. Atyantabhava curata)-The eternal non-exist ence in one substance of another substance. As that of soul in matter, and vice versa. It is different from anyonyibhava (anyonyAbhAya) which has to depend on a saMyoga or that relation, and has its contradictory determined by some connection. Audarika ( CCT ) - External physical (body). Audarikamisra (SIGTR SHA)--Physical mixed with karmic body. Audayika bhava (UTERI HTT)-Operative thought. activity, caused by the operation of Karmas. Aupapadika (iai)-Born by instantaneous rise. Aupasamika 1991 ). Subsidential thought-ac tivity, caused by the subsidence of Karmas. Ausadha riddhi Mwig-Healing power, Avabodha (Ena)--Dharana; cognition. Avadharana (qarUT)-Avagraha ; Dharana (q. v.) Avadharana (ECU)-Avagraha (q. v.)
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 29 : Avadhi-juana (Tarasta) ----Visual knowledge ; direct knowledge of matter, limited as to (subjectmatter), place, time and nature, i.e., without the help of the senses. Avadya (at)--Censurable character. Avagaha (Tamil) - Lit., Entrance. The state of giv- ing ispace to other substances: this power lies in the Akasa dravya. Avagahana (state)-Entrance; depth; place; localisation. Avagama ( TH)-Dharana (q.v.) Avagraha (yang) Perception; apprehension of the object. Here the state of mind is such that it has a vague idea of an object: it has no clear perception about the object. Avali ergat) Twinkling of an eye, and consisting of innumerable samayas, instants, or points of time. Avamaudarya (ECHIETU)--Eating less than one's All. Avantarasatta (narra ATTU)--The isness or exist ence of one particular substance. Avarnavada (pallate )-Defaming. Avasarpini (antiquit)--The xon of decrease ; fall ing of the wheel. Avasthana (Taf417T--Dharana (v.9.). Avasthita ETAFEGIAT) Steadfast (visual knowledge). Fixed.
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________________ 30 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Avasyaka parihani (TATUATTRETIU)--Not neg. *lecting daily duties (of a layman or an ascetic). Avaya (Eart)--Judgment; ascertained knowledge. Avayava (1947)7th category in Nyaya. Avibhagapratichchheda (Enfahrt fag) (1) The indivisible part of the force of fruition of Karmas. 12. Degree of an attribute of an atom. Avibhagi (faurit)-Undivided. Avidha (Eras)-Whirling. Avigraha (glas)--Vertical ; straight; upward. Avijoana (Enlasi17)---Having no imperfect knowledge. Avinabhava (fata)--Vyapti (q. v.) Avinabhava sambandha (EFATHTA TET). Necessary relationship of causation, co-existence or succession. As where there is smoke, there is fire also. Where there is no fire, there is no smoke. Technically smoke' is called ATETU, Sadhan the obesrvation from which the inference is drawn: Fire is called ETET, Sadhya the thing proved or inferred. Avipaka nirjara (faqah Fautet --Shedding of Karmas before maturity by ascetic practices, etc. Avirata samyaktva ( East Africa)--Vowless right belief, the 4th spiritual stage.
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________________ Jaina Gen Dictionary. Avirati Enfacia) The first 4 stages of vow-lessness.' Lack of compassion for 6 kinds of living beings and of restraint of 5 senses and the mind. Aviruddha Eldor) Hetu which does not contradict the Sadhya (q. v.). Avrata (976)--Vowlessness. Avvahulabhaga (FOTECT HTT)-- The 3rd or lowest stratum of the first earth. The first hell is situated in ya 10). Avyabadha (TITATE)--Undisturbable. (1) The absence of the feeling Karma in the soul. (2) The 7th class of Lunkantika heavenly bodies, Avyaghati (27ana-Unpreventible. Avyapti ( Earth--The logical defect when the differentia is too narrow. Avyaptidosa (ortacio-A differential attribute which is not found in the whole class; but only in some. As to say, animals are horned beings. True, some aninials have horns; but all do not. It is to confound a separable accident with differentia. The definition is too narrow. ; Avyaya (south)--Indestructibility. Ayoga ( IT)--The 14th and the highest stage of spirituality in which there are no vibrations in the soul. Ayogakevali Epinaat)--The 14th spiritual stage; vibrationless perfect soul.
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________________ 32 Jaina Gem Dictionary.. Ayukarma (nilai mines age. -Karnic mattersslich deter! Badara (@rct)---Gross body. Badha (az)Deprivation of vitalities. Badhita visaya hetvabhasa (bAdhita viSaya hetvAbhAsa) --The fallacy of drawing a conclusion which is refu table by observation, inference, etc. Babu (g-Perception of things, many in number, or much in quantity. Bahusruta bhakti (CET HB)-Devotion to the learned, specially to the learned saints. Bahu vidha (ag fa ) -Simultaneous perception of many kinds of things. Bahyakriya ( ateisti )--External activity, as to hurt, steal, lie, fornicate or amass worldly wealth., Balabhadra ( C 6) ---The elder brother of Narayana. Baladeva (@aica)--The elder brother of Narayana. Balariddhi ( a ir) -- Miraculous strength. Balatapa (aracaq)-Austerities not based upon right knowledge. Bandana prakirnaka (arca YATU+)-The third Angabahya part of the scriptures.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Bandha (@ret)-Tying up; union; bondage of soul by karmic matter. Bandhachchheda (qreoa)-The cutting or separa tion of bondage. Bandhana (are)-Five kinds of molecular bondage of the 5 bodies. Bauddha (ar) Followers of Buddhism. They believe in 2 Pramanas; Pratyaksa and Anumana, i.c., preceple tion and inference. There are 4 schools of Buddhists. Bhaiksya suddhi (Huys)Purity of almis. "Bharata ( HT)-(1) The 1st division of Jambudvipa. (2) The eldest son of the 1st Tirthankara Risabba. Bhasa paryapti (377 quif-Completion of the a capacity to develope the organs. Bhasa samiti (219T ERFT-Proper care in speaking. to Bhasa vargana (77at artur)--Vocal molecules, of which sound is made. 1. Bhava (Hra)- Quality ; essence ; becoming; substance ; existence; thought-activity. Blava bandha (Hra da)-Though-activity, by which * karmic matter binds the soul; subjective bondage. Bhavabhava (HTCTTT)- The beginning to transform the present into the past condition of the future. (The present condition of the soul would gradually be no morc, Thus what is present noir will become past in the future.)
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________________ 34 Jaina Gem Dictionary. * . . . Bhava lesya ( 74T) -- Thought paint, thought colour; tint of the soul. Bhava linga (Hra FGT)Thought-activity relating to sexual inclinations. Bhava mana (HID 797) -Soul's capacity to use the material mind. Bhava molsa (7717 F-Subjective liberation. - Bhavana (HIFTT)--Meditation. Bhavanavasi (tagarat) --Residentials, one of the 4 orders of celestial beings. Bhava niksepa (HTa FETO) --Positive aspect; giving' a thing a name connoting the attributes of its present! condition only, Bhava nirjara (HT FAST)--Subjective shedding. Bhava parivartana (Hra ftadat)-Thought-cycie of wanderings. Bhava parivartana (7a Tiada )-Incarnation cycle of wanderings. Bhavaprana (TaHTU)-- Vitality as consciousness and the power of the soul. Bhava pratyaya (Ha teera)-Innate ; inborn. Bhavasagara (HETTT)--The ocean of mundane es- | istences. Bhava Samvara (Hra. Bat)Thought-activity by : which inflow is stopped ; subjective stoppage.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 35 Bhavasrava (Hrana)-- Thought-activity, by which karmic matter inflows into the soul; subjective inflov. Bhava vachana (#7 997)-Thought-speech. Bhava vipaki (Ha garat-Birth-maturing Karma, by the fruition of which the soul is kept in mundane conditions of existence. Blavendriya (Hraft)--Sense-faculty. Bhedabheda viparyaya (HGTAEC faqaft)-Perverse confusion of cause and effect. Bhoga antaraya (FrT FURTT)--Preventing enjoy ment of consumables. Bloga blumi (HTOT --The regions where there is enjoyment only, i.e., people do not have to work for their sustenance, and the arts of agriculture, etc., are neither necessary nor known. All that the people want, they get from the wishing-trees called Kalpa Vsikgas. Bhoga ksayika (TTT 1 ) --- Infinite attainment or enjoyment of consumable objects due to purification caused by destruction of Karmas. Bluta (HT)-(1) The five Tattvas of Sanknya. (2) The 7th class of the peripatetic order of celestial beings. Bodhi-durlabha (alfa cat+7) ----Rarity of knowledge of right path. Bodhita (area). Led to the path of liberation. Brahma (au)-The name of 5th Heaven.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Brahmacharya pratima (brahmacarya pratimA ) -- Celibacy, the 7th Pratima or stage of a layman's life. Brahmendra (The only Indra of the 5th and 6th heavens, Brahmottara (H)--The name of 6th Heaven. Brihaspati (EA)--The planet Jupiter. Buddha (g)-The planet Mercury. Buddhi (g)-Goddess of Maha Pundarika lake. Buddhiriddhi (gfgfg)--Power of enlightenment. 36 C Chaitya ( caitya)- -Images of the Adorable or the Perfect souls. Chakradhara ()-The king of the whole Bha rata ksetra. Chakravarti (a)-The king of the whole Bha rata ksetra. Chala ()-Right belief not fully fixed. Chandra prajnapti (5)--The 1st Parikarma of the 12th Anga of scriptures. Also it is one of the Upangas. Charananuyoga (R)-One of the 4 kinds of Scriptures. It contains Rules of conduct for laymen and ascetics.
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________________ 37 Jaina Gem Dictionaryz"tap Charitra (aupasamika) : T (Subsidential) right conduct. Charitra (ksayika) Siria (ATRIA)(Purified) right conduct. Charitra moha (Fifa FIE) -Right-conduct-delud. ing. Charvaka (alat) --A materialist who believes in Pratyaksa pramana or the authority of perception only. Charya (aut)--Conduct. Chetana (STRAT) --Consciousness; intelligence. Chhadmastha vitaraga (asen TT-The 11th and 12th stages of spirituality, where all the passions have subsided or are destroyed. Chhala (act)--One of the 16th categories of Nyaya school. Chhedopasthapana (@CITET451)---Recovery of equanimity after losing it. Chinta (feat) -Induction. Chittodbhrama (FETE )-Wandering of mind. Chulika efendat) - The 5th part of the 12th Anga of scriptures. Daivakuruvaka (aita)Inhabitants of Daiva. uru, the Bhoga bhumi portion of Videha ksetra.
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________________ 38 Jaina Gem Dictionary. . ) Danaksayika (ETTERT) -- Charity (bestoval of fear: lessness, etc.) due to purification caused by destruction of karmas. Danantaraya (@aliraera)-Charity-obstructing. Darsana(@STTT)Conation ; tendency towards an object. Darsana ksayika (ERITAT FT )-Purified conation. Perfect conation. Darsana. moha ksapaka (darzana moha kSapaka)--One who destroys the three kinds of right-belief.deluding Karmas. Darsana pratima (ESTA HIGHT)-The 1st Pratima, faultless belief. Darsanavarana karma calaku )-Cona. tion-obscuring karmic matter. Dasavaikalika prakirnaka (dazavakAlika prakIrNaka) -The 7th Angabahya scriptures. Desa charitra (@I SIT )Partial right conduct of layman. Desaghati (nella)--That Karma which destroys the manifestation of the essential attributes of the soul partially. Desaghati sparddhaka (agaia F ) Karmic matter which obscures only partially. Desana labdhi (CUFT ala)--Attainment of incli nation to understand the truth.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Desapratyaksa ()-Incomplete direct know ledge Desavadhi (afa)-Partial visual knowledge. Desavirata gunasthana (dezavirata guNasthAna ) - The 5th spiritual stage, in which the layman observes partial vows. Deva ()-(1) One of the 4 orders of Digambara Jaina ascetics. (2) Celestial being. Deva Risi ()--Celibate heavenly bodies called Laukantikas. Dharana (u)--(1) Retention; keeping things in the mind; memory of judgment. (2) One of the stages of practical Yoga. Dharavahi jnana (T)-Repetition of what is known. It does not add to our knowledge. Dharma ()--(1) *A substance which is the medium of motion to soul and matter. 39 (2) Observance. (3) $6 Sadhya (q.v.) There is no English equivalent for the Jaina Dharmastikaya or the Jaina Adharmastikuya, Dharmastikaya may be rendered as the cosmic principle which upholds (or simply conditions) the order of simultaneous (or consentancous) movements in the world ("Sakrid-gati yugapadvhavi-gati"-Prabhachandra) answering somewhat to Leibcita's Pre-established harmony............ Dharmastikaya is
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________________ 40 . Jaina Gem Dictionary. not simply the accompanying cause of movements--it is. something more it is the cause (or condition) of the system of movements, the fact of an order in the movements of Jiva and Pudgala.--Dr. Seal. Dharma svakhyatattva (HESTUTATA Nature of the Right Path. Dharnii (EHT) - That with which the conclusion (sadhya). is always associated. Dhataki khanda (Errits)-The second continent after Lavana Samudra. Dhatuchatuska (anged67)-- Four elements: earth, water, air and fire. Dhrauvya (tot)-Permanence, continuous sameness of existence. Dhriti (fa)--Goddess of the lake Tiginichha. Dhruva (la) --Perception of a lasting thing, as of a mountain. Dhuma prabha ( 91-The fifth earth, in hue like smoke. Dhyana (EUTT)Concentration. Contemplation or me ditation, Digvirati (fotlasia)-Taking a life-long vow to limit one's worldly activity to fised points in all the ten direc* tions. Dikkumara (FFHTT)--The 10th class of Residential order of celestial beings. . . . . .
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary Dravya ()-(1) Substance. (2) Subject-matter. (3) A category of Vaisesika. Dravyabandha ()--The substance which binds the soul as karmic matter; objective bondage. Dravya bhava (a)--Category of substance. Dravya lesya (64 )--Matter-paint ; the colour or tint of the body. Dravya linga (4 fm)-Sex-organ, Dravya mana (FH)--Material mind; organ of mind. (dravyamokSa) Dravya moksa (T)-Objective liberation. Dravya niksepa ( )--Privative aspect; giving a name, the qualities connoted by which were possessed in the past, or will be possessed in the future by the thing named, but are not possessed now. Dravya nirjara (cou favi)--Objective shedding. Dravyanuyoga (dravyAnuyoga ) - That portion of Jaina literature which treats of Jaina metaphysics. Dravya parivartana (ou fada)-Matter-cycle of wanderings. Dravyaprana (quru)--Material vitalities, i.c., power of mind; body; speech; five senses; respiration; and age. Dravyarthika (g)--Relating to the substance.
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________________ Janna vel victionary. Dravyarthikanaya (fourteet)--Substantial stand point. Dravyasamvara (FOTET) ---Karmic matter which is stopped from flowing into the soul; objective stoppage. Dravyasraya (Fouta)--The substance which inflows into the soul as karmic matter ; objective inflow. Dravyatva (Fouca)-It is one of the general natures (Samanya svabhava) of substances; it means the fact of all the dravyas performing their functions and modifica tions. Dristanta (en )--(1) 5th category of Nyaya school. 1 (2) One of the components in Pararthanumana. (3) The observations from which an induction is made; as the presence of smoke in kitchen with a fire and its absence in a tank where there is no fire. It is the illustrative part of EFTET (udaharana.). Dtistipravada anga (ETCHTIG )--The 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Dvesa (q)-Aversion ; repulsion. Dvipakumara (19hrt)--The 9th class of Residen tial order of celestial beings. Dvipaprajaapti (atqusita)-The 4th Parikarma of the 12th Anga of the scriptures. Dvitiyopasama samyaktva (dvitIyopazama samyakatva)
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 43 . -The second subsidential right belief. It arises in a saint in the 7th spiritual stage of Perfect rots then he is preparing to pass on to the 8th stage of new spiritual thought-activity along the lines of subsidential advancement; having been already a right believer of the destruction-subsidence kind, he transforms the na'ture of the 4 error-feeding passions into lesser passions and causes the subsidence of the three sub-classes of right-belief-deluding Karmas, namely, trong belief, mised right and wrong belief, and right belief slightly i clouded by wrong belief. Duhhidam (EEC)--Distressed ; unhappy"; miserable. Duhkhama (5:01)-The 5th age of the Avasarpini . =21,000 years, ( the present age). * Duhkhama duhkhama (q:qHT:0#)-The sixth age of this Avasarpini <
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________________ 44 : Jaina Gem Dictionary. Ekatva (Topical)Reflection that we alone are doers and enjoyers of all the actions of our life. Ekatvapratyabhijnana (Thica cuf STAT) --Recog: nition of the same thing which was and is now also the subject-matter of the senses and the mind. As recognising John as the John whom I saw yesterday. Ekatva. vitarka vichara. (ekatva vitarka vIcAra) Absorption in one aspect: only of the self. The 2nd. pure concentration, Ekavidha (Falas)-Perception of a thing of one kind only. Evambhuta naya (Fat GIFT)- Active standpoint; restricting a name to the very activity which is connoted by the name. Gana (TU)--Brothers of the same order of saints. . Ganadhara (TTU ETT) - Apostles having all the five * kinds of knowledge, except perfect. Gandharva (stere)The 4th class of peripatetic order of celestial beings. Garbhaja (T )-Of uterine birth. Gardatoya (heart)-The: 5th class of Laukantika heavenly beings.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. : 45 Gati (ufat) -(1) Condition of existence. (2) Vigrahgati; (q. v.); (3) Moving from place to place. (4) Touring. 1. Gatiparinama (TYTUTT)-Nature to go up. Ghadi (ast)-24 minutes=Nali (q. v.) Ghritavara (nat)--Name of the 6th continent and : ocean. * Ghana (97)--Sounds from cymbals, etc. Fad Ghatiya (STETT)--Destructive; karmas which destroy the essential nature of the soul. ati Glana (vart) - Invalid saints. ta' Gotra karma (Tiat off) --Pamily-determining karmic matter. Graha (o)-(1) The planets. (2) The 3rd class of stellar order of cel estial beings. Te Grahana (EU)= Avagraha (q. v.). Graiveyaka a47) --The first nine abodes of Aham endras. : Guna (TU)-Attribute; degree of attributc. Gunahani (TUE )-A geometrically decreasing scries; the number of the terms of a scries, the sum of which is the number of molecules of a unit of Bondagc,
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________________ 46 Jaina Gem Dictionary. and each term in which is half of the term immediately preceding it. E.g., if the maximum number of molecules. which the soul draws in to bind itself in one instant be 6300; and the duration of their bondage be 48 samayas and there be 6 gunahanis or terms in the geometric series, then the number of the molecules shed in the 6 ginahanis respectively will be 3200, 1600, 800, 400, 200 and 100. Here in each gunahani there are 4-8 samayas. This is called gunahani ayama, i.c., the duration of one gunaliani. The whole series of 6 gunahanis is called naiaa gunahoi. The number 2 raised to the power of the number of gunahani in the nanagunahani is called Anyonya bhyasta rasi. In the above example it is=26=64. One samaya prabaddha or unit of Bondage divided by Anyonya blyasta rasi minus one, gives the number of molecules shed in the last or antima gunahani.. Here 4392=6299=100 is the last gunahani. : { The double of the number of gunahani ayama is Nisekahara. Here it is=8x2=16. Chaya is the regular arithmetic difference between any consecutive two of the terms of the series which represents the karmic molecules shed in each successive samaya, of which each gunahani consists. In the above example in the gunahani of 8 samayas 3200 molecules: are shed. In the first samaya more are shed than in the
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. : 47 3200X4 ethet st term second, in the second more than in the third and so on. The number of molecules by which the shedding is less in every succeeding instant is called chaya. In the above example it is found as follows. We find the first term of the series and divide it by Nisekahara (here=16). The first term is found as follows: gunalani molecules X4 . (3xgunahani uyamas)+iner (3xsti First term 512 2800=512... Chaya mahoni Guima= 2x5=1002 That is, in the 1st 8 samayas of the 1st gunahani the number of molecules shed will be respectively 512, 480, 448, 416, 384, 352, 320 and 288. The chaya for each succeeding gunahani will be half of the one immediately preceding it. As the number of molecules in cach gialiani is half of that of its immediate predecessor, its chaya is also half the chaja of its predecessor. Guna pratyaya avadhi (guNa pratyaya avadhi) Visual knowledge acquired by mcrit as distinguished from Bhava pratay? or inborn. Gunasthana (TUF91)--Spiritual stages. There are 14 stages: mithyatva, sasadana, misra, avirata samyaktva, desa virata, pramatta vrata, apramatta * vrata, apurvakarana, anivsitti karana, suksma samparaya, upasanta moha, ksina moha, sayoga kevali, and ryoga kevali.-Sce Appendix B. Gupti (usta) ----Preservation. Guru (15)-The religious preceptor.
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________________ 2 48 Jaina Gem Dictionary. + E Haimavataka (A)--The 2nd division of Jambu dvipa. Hairanyavata ()--The 6th division of Jambudvipa. Hari (f)--The 3rd division of Jambudvipa. Harikanta (f)--A river in Hari ksetra. Harit (a)--A river in Hari ksetra. Harivarsaka (R)-The inhabitants of Harivarsa, the 3rd Division of Jambudvipa. Hasta ()-Two spans or vitasti. Hataparaparah (hata parApara : ) - Having destroyed the cycle of existence (by breaking through the past, and the cause of future, bondage). Hetu (1) Cause; (2) Premiss; that which gives the basis of the conclusion. Hetvabhasa ()-(1) Argument or premiss in which the reason is fallacious. (2) One of 16 categories of Nyaya. Himsa (f)--Injury to any of the 10 vitalities of living beings. Hinadhika manonmana (honAdhika mAnonmAna)Using false weights and measures.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary Aita parikarma ( TIESIF) ---Employment in plea sure-bearing deeds. Eri (1)--Goddess of Mahapadma fale. Hiyamana ( 191)-Visual knowledge which is liabic to decrease, Hrida (EC)-Lake. Humdaka sansthana (ESG FEAT)-Quite unsyn metrical gure of the body. Humqavasarpini (istemaut)--That aeon of de crease or avasarpini in which there are special features of decrease; as birth of a daughter to a Tirthamkara, etc Iha (T)--Conccption. Dealing with perception in order to arrive at judgment (avays). Iksuvara (at)--Name of the 7th continent and ocean. Indra (575)-(1) Soul. (2) King of Gods. There are 100 Ineiras, Indraka bila (Frca Gast. The central portion of the 7 hells. Indraka vimana (front Hi -The centrai por. tion of the heavens.
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________________ 50 Jaina Gem Dictionary. . bois Indriya paryapti (strcu veniat) --Completion of legali . the capacity to develop the sense-organs. Isana ( $977) The name of the 2nd Heaven. Ista (E) The proposition sought to be established by mi the parties to a controversy. That is, the real point at issue which should not be lost sight of. Istaviyogaja (52 FUTTT)_2nd class of monomania, i.e., that which arises on separation from a pleasing | object. Itara nigoda (Bare Fina)-Souls which have return ed to rigoda. (9.v.) Itvarika aparignibitagamana (Sraforare GITTHET Intercourse with an unmarried immoral veoman, . Itvarika. parigrihitagamana (itvarikA parigRhItA 779)---Intercourse with a married immoral woman. Iryapatha ($uica)-Transient, fleeting. Irya samiti (ei rifa) --Care in walking. Walking carefully after looking at the ground (so that no living beings are trampled upon). Jagatghana (ANTZER)--Volume of the universe=343 | 4a cubic rajus.
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________________ - Jaina Gem Dictionary. 51 Tagatpratara (TICHETT) - Area of the base of the universe=49 squares rajus. Jagatureni (TICsut) ---Length or breadth of the universe, i.e., 7 rajits. Taghanyaguna (EfeJU ) - Minimum degree of attribute. Taghanya sthiti bandha (jaghanya sthiti bandha) Minimum duration of bondage in a rational wrong believing person. Jalagata chalika (GOTTA SIT) --The 1st Chu lika in the 12th Anga of the Scriptures, Jalpa (70)-One of the 16 categories of Nyaya. Tambudvipa (ciasta)-The central continent which contains our carth. Jambudvipa prajnapti (Gaga us) --The 3rd Parikrama of the 12th Anga of the Scriptures, Jarayuja (ERTYF)--Umbilical, birth in a yolk-sac, as that of a child. Tati (fa) --(1) Genus of beings. (2) One of the 16 categories of Nyaya. sayanta (Hera) - The 3rd Anuttara heaven. Tijuasa (fsat) = Iha (9.0.)
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________________ 52 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Jina (GST)--The Arhat; the soul in the 13th and 14th stages of spirituality, who has conquered the four destructive Karmas. Jina kalpi (GGT Stiera)-A monks advanced enough to detach himself from his order. Jina vachana (fea gen)-sruta ; Jaina Scriptures. Jinavarah ( FESTET: )--Conquerors of love and hat. red: they are the highest perfection of spirituality: they are the best among the Jinas. Jiva (Gila)-Soul; living being. Jivarasi ( qetil)-The totality of souls. Jivasamasa (Gia EHTE)-Soul-ciass: The 14 classes into which the mundane souls are divided. They are : (1) One-sensed gross beings. (2) , fine , (3) Two-sensed beings. (4) Three-sensed >> (5) Four-sensed, (6) Five-sensed irrational beings. (7) rational. Each one of these may be paryapta, capable of full development, or aparyapta, not so capable. Thus they are 14.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 53 According to some there are 98 such classes (Sec Gommatasara Jiva Kanda, Gathas, 73-80): 85, 9, 2 and 2 respectively of sub-hunan, human, hellish and celestial beings. 85 of sub-human beings.-- 69 of those born by spontancous generation (Samirchchhana).42 of one-sensed beings. Earth-bodicd. Water-bodied. Fire-bodied. Air-bodied. Nitya szigoda vegetables. Itara nigoda vegetables. 12 of these as being gross or fine. 1 Sapratistita pratycka. 1 Apratistita pratycka. 14 Thesc 14 being i. paryaptaka, ii. sirvrittzaparyaptaka, iii. labdhyaparkaptaka, are 42. 9 of vikalatraya, i.C., i. paryapiaka, ii. nirvrittyaparjapiaka and : iii, labdlyaparyaptaka of two, three and four-sensed beings. 18 of fivc-sensed hcings.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 1. Aquatic (fishes). 2. Terrestrial (beasts). 3. Aerial (bird ). These 3 have minds or not; and then, the paryaptaka, etc., 3 kinds of each, give 3x2x3=18 kinds. 16 of those of five-sensed beings of uterine birth (garbhaja). 12 of karma blueini (q. v.) Aquatic, Terrestrial and Aerial; each of these rational and irrational :-these 6 kinds being paryapta or szirvrittya paryapta. 4 of bhoga bhumi (q.v.) Terrestrial and Aerial, being paryapta and nirurittyaparyapta. 9 Kinds are as follows: 8 Of Garbhaja or uterine birth. Those born in Arya khanda, Mlechchlia khanda, Bhoga bhumi, Kubhoga bhumi or antardvipaja, each one being paryapta or nirvsittyaparyapta, we have 8 kinds, 1 Of Saumurchchhana or beings spontaneously generated in the generative organs and arm-pits of women and dying as soon as they are born 18 times in one pulse-beat. They are too small to be visible to the naked eye and are always labdhiaparyaptaka. Jivavipaki (stafamonth-Soul-maturing Karma which affects the soul mainly.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 55 Jivitasansa ( CAIET) --Desire to prolong life. Jnana chetana (FGTEET)Consciousness of know ledge, pure and perfect, as in liberated souls. Joana ksayika (FIR )-Purified knowledge, perfect knowledge. Jnananumargachari ( STAITARTETET ) --- Follower of the path of right knowledge. Joana pravada ( FIT FATE ) The 5th Parva of the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Joanavarana karma (staracuff)--Knowledge obscuring Karmic matter. Joanendriya (staro)-Five of twenty-five categories of Sankhya system. Joata bhava (Fitahra ) --- Intuitional character of the act. Jiatridharmakathauga ( FC FENT ) - The 6th Anga of the Scriptures. Juayaka sarira (5147927E)---Body of the knower. Josita (HTTGAT)--Observer. Jugupsa ( JUCAT ) - Disgust. Jyotiska ( FUF76241).---The stellar order of celestini beings.
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________________ 56 Jaina Gem Dictionary. K Kala (T)-20 Kasthas (q. v.), (kalA) Kala ()--(1) Time; one of the 6 Substances of Jain ism. (2) Age; one of the 6 Ages of Jainism, Kalanu (arg)--Point of time, Kala parivartana (R)-Time-cycle of wanderings. Kala samudra ( )--2nd ocean encircling the continent Dhatakikhanda dhAtakIsaMra. Kalatita (A)--Beyond time, Kalpa ()-Cycle of 2 mons; 20 crore into crore Sagaras; Heaven. Kalpakalpa prakirnaka (kalpAkalpa prakIrNaka) - The 10th Angavahya part of the Scriptures. Kalpatita (ha)-Heavenly beings born beyond the 16 Heavens. Kalpavyavahara prakirnaka ( kalpavyavahAra )--The 9th Angavahya part of the Scriptures. Kalpopapanna (1997)--Heavenly beings born in the 16 Heavens.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 57 Kalusya (571667)Unclean thoughts. Kalyanavada ( FarruatE ) --The 11th Purva in the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Kamativra abhinivesa (ATHAIS GAE-- Intense, sesual desire. Kamksa (mial)-Desire of worldly objects, as rewards for piety. Kapista (nas)--The name of the 8th Heaven. Kapota (Alyta) Grey; dove-coloured. Karana (RU)--(1) It is the cause or causes which produce an effect. (2) Infcrence of eifect from causc. Karana labdhi ( U O)-Attainment of thought activity which causes right belicf within 48 minutes. Karananuyoga (UTGUTT)-That portion of Jainn literature which treats of cosmology, ctc. Karana viparyasa (Fru aquis) --Mistake in the cause. Karma (1)-(1) Karma is the karmic molecules which inflow into and bind a soul, if it is subject to love and hatred, etc., activity: very fine matter, of which the Karmic body is made and which in its various kinds and degrees goes on binding, and dropping of from, the mundanc 'soul incessantly. (2) Actions for which the mundane soul is responsible.
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________________ 58 Jaina Gem Dictionary. . . Karma bhumi (part 1)-The place sshere agri culturc, etc., are followed by men for their subsistence. ; Karma chetana (SAT)--Consciousness of only one's action or Karma itself. Karmana (THU)--Karmic; made up of moleculer of subtle matter, called karmana vargana. Karmana Targana (Titu astur)-Molecules of Karmic matter which fill the universe; Karmic molecules of which the Karmic body is made. Karma phala chetana ( 5 ESITTT) Consciousness only of the fruition of Karma or the result of action, as in trees, etc. Karma pravada (Si alc)The 8th Parva, in the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Karma raja (FG) Karmic ashes. Karma yoga (FT FTT)-Vibrations set in in the sout by the operation of Karmas; Karmic Impulse. Karmendriya ( T )-Five of 25 categories of the Sankhya system of philosophy. Karya ( after ) Inference of cause from effect. Kasaya (1979)-Passion. Kasayadhyarasaya sthana (kaSAyAdhyavasAya sthAna) Degree of passion which determines duration of bondage.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 59 Kastha (718T).-_-Wink=15 nimisci (q.u.). Kautkuchya ( Tiago )--Gesticulating; practical joking. Kaya ( -One of 6 kinds of embodiment, earth; watre, fire, air, vegetable and mobile. Kayaklesa (PES)-Mortification of the body, so long as the mind is not disturbed. Kayatva (price)-Extension. Kayiki (fruit) A kind of inflow by readiness to hurt others. Kayotsarga (plast)- Giving up attachment to the body, and practising self-contemplation. Kesari (chift)--Lake on llountain Nila. Kevala joana (199sti) --Perfect knowledge; Omniscience. Kevalanvayi (aircut )---The argument, in the JE TETO (u daharaan) of which, the illustrative or drixtarita portion is only positive; as the soul has many qualities, becausc it is of the nature of a substancc; and all substances have many qualities, like matter, etc. Hevala samudghata (Tagacara)--Universal projection of the soul by expansion in an onniscient saint in the 13th spiritual stage. Omniscient orcrfior.
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________________ 60. Jaina Gem Dictionary. Kevalavyatireki (motiaat)-The argument, in the screen (udalarana), of which the illustrative or dristasta portion is only negative; as there is soul in a living body, because there is respiration in it; and where there is no soul, there is no respiration, as in a' chair, table, etc. Kevali ( at)-Omniscient, Kharabhaga ( HTT)--The first stratum. of the 1st earth. This is the abode of the residential order of celestial beings (except the Asura Kumaras) and of the peripatetic order (except the Rakoasas). Kiku (Fenst) ---Cubit or hatha. Kilita samhanana (minta 59a )--Small joints and bones. A kind of physical constitution. Synarthro. dial articulation, in which boncs are immoveable and directly united. Kimpurusa (Pelargo)The 2nd class of peripate tic order of celestial beings. Kodakodi (75T)-One crore x one crore, or 10 millions x 10 millions=100 millions. Kramabhari ( Firat) --Separable accident or property. The condition or modification of a thing.... Kramabhari paryaya ( F iat quiet)-Successive modifications,
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________________ : Jaina Gem Dictionary. 61 Ktitikarma prakirnaka (From yolumn)- The .: 6th Angavahya part of the Scriptures. Kriyavadi ( arci )-A kind of wrong belief, e.g., that merely time, soul, etc., cause everything in the world. It is of 180 kinds. Kriya visala purva (for fama --The 13t11 Parva of the Scriptures, Ksamti (pifat) --- Forgiveness. Ksapaka (87997) ---The saint who is destroying the right-conduct-deluding Karmas. See Sreni. Ksaya ()--Destruction of Karmic matter. Ksayika bhava ( HIRTSHA)-Purified thought. : activity, that which rises by destruction of certain .. Karmas. Ksuyika samyakta (priamo ).---Right belief at. tained by the destruction of the 7 prakritis of Dcluding Karmas, Ksayopasama labdhi (17937 eloa)--By Kisa yopasama of Karmas, a person attains senses, ninci, etc., which are capable of acquiring right belici. Ksayopasama samyakta (FUIT MTT) Right belief attaincd by the subsidencc or destruction of G and . operation of the 7th praliziti of the Deluding Karma.
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________________ 62 Jaina Gem Dictionary.* Ksayopasamika or misra (EriITanff or 9) Destructive subsidential, i.e., caused by a misture of ksaya (destruction) and upsama (subsidence) of Karmic matter; caused by partial subsidence, destruction and operation of Karmas. Ksetra parivartana (@afant)- Spatial cycle of wanderings. Ksetra vipaki (a fagrant-Transition-maturing Karma, by the fruition of which the soul in its transition from one condition of existence to another retains the form of the previous body, till it takes on the body of its new incarnation. Ksetra vuiddhi (FT )-Change in the boundaries by increasing on one and decreasing on the other side. Ksina moha (alu FIE) 'The saint who has totally destroyed the right-conduct-deluding Karmas; the 12th spiritual stage ; delusionless. Ksipra (191)--Perception of quick motion. Ksiravara (eirrat)--Name of the 5th continent and the 5th ocean. Ksut (22)--Hunger. Kula (at) --Fellow.disciples. Kulakara (cholart)-The great leaders of men who flourished at the end of the third age (sukhama dukhama) of the present zon...,
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________________ .: Jaina Gem Dictionary. 63 Kumbhi ( 1)--Kumbli, a three-sensed insect. Kupya (cy)-Clothes, etc.' Kusila (zasilat) --A possessionless saint, with a slight imperfection in his secondary vows. Kutalekha kriya (ficeta EiT)--Forgery. Labdhyaparyapta (conqui)-Dying within one antarmuhurta without Paryapti (q.v.). Labha ksayika (CTT HFTF) ---Infinite gain due to purification caused by destruction of Karmas. Labhantaraya (EHTARPT)--Gain-preventing Karma. Laksmi (EFI)-Goddess of the lake Pundarikn. Laksana (CTETU)-(1) Differentia. . (2) Sentence. Laksanabhasa ( JHUTHTE )-Apparent, but really defective, differentia or characteristic. Laksya (PET) ---That to which the differentia belongs. Lautava (irca).--The name of the 7th Heaven. Laukantika (mitrai)--Heavenly beings so-called from their next human incarnation being the last. They reside at the end of the 5th Heaven Brahmaloka.
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________________ 64 - Jaina Gem Dictionary. Lavanodadhi (MAUTEFT)The ocean, which en: girdles the 1st continent Jambudvipa. Lesya (@TET) ---Tint; paint; here, thought-paint= . Bhava lesya, as distinguished from Dravya lesya= matter paint; colour of the matter. Linga (iets) ---Sex; sign. Lisa (c)--Nit. Loka (19)---Universe=343 cubic rajuis in volume. i Lokakasa (1991)-The universe, the place of all; the substances. Lokapala (cat)-The protectors of the people (like Kotwals). M Madhya loka (Talsi)-The middle world. Of the height of Mount Meru, 1 lac 40 yojanas high. . . Mahahimavan (FETTE HO )--2nd mountain divid ing the two regions, Haimivata and Hari. Mahakalpa prakirnaka-(Felsea Tours The 11th Angavahya part of the Scriptures. .. Maha matsya (HETERT)-The great fish, the largest animate being found in the last Svyambhuramana ocean, Mahapadma (781991)-Lake on Mountain Mahi Himavan.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 65 * Mahapundarika (e gus210) ---Lake on Mountain Rukmi. Maha pundarika prakiinaka (FENGUETTE TUF) -The 13th Angavahya part of the Scriptures. Mahasatta ( HTETIT) - Universal isness.' That is. ness which comprehends the being or existence of all ; the substances in the universe. This is the wala. satta, which is the basic " isness" of all the substances. Maha sukra (FETT 55) --The name of the 10th Heaven. Maha tamah prabha (HETAH: JHT) ---The seventh F Earth, in hue like pitch. Malavira (arat)--Lord Mahavira, the last or the : 24th Tirthamkara. He was born in 599 B.C. and attained liberation in 527 B.C. The whole of modern Jainism takes its present life from Him and is due to His teach. ings. de Mahavrata (Helaa)--Pull vow. e Mahendra (FLEFF) --The name of the 4th Heaven. Maboraga (HEITIT)--The 3rd class of peripatetic order of celestial beings. Vala (RTT) --- Defect in right belief. Alana (777) One of the 25 categories of the Simkliya system; mind.
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________________ 66 Jaina Gem Dictionary." Manahparyapti (7:quila) Completion of capacity to develop the organ of the mind. Manah paryaya (7779273)---Mental knowledge : direct knowledge of another's thoughts about matter. Mamgala (sitat)--The planet Mars. Manovargana (airastut)---Subtle matter of which mind is made. Manusottara (FICUTTI) - A mountain which divides Puskarvaradvipa into two equal parts. Maranantiki (Hautfront- of death-bed. Maranasamsa ( HTUTTET) --Desire to die soon. Mardava (Hica)--Ever-ready and sincere humility. Margana (#TTUT)-Soul-Quest. There are 14 special conditions or characteristics by means of which the mundane souls are sought, distinguished and investigated. The irnames are :---1. Gati, 2. Indriya, 3. Kaya, 4. Yoga; 5. Veda, 6. Kasuya, 7. Jnana, 8. Samyana, 9. Darsana, 10. Lesya, 11. Bliavyatva, 12. Samyaktva, 13. Sanj: soitva, 14. ATaraka. Marga prabhavana (714raRT)--Propagation of the right path. Matijnana (Ffcisilat--Sensitive knoirledge, acquired, by means of the 5 senses and the mind.
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________________ ::: Jaina Gem Dictionary. 67 Matrivaha (Areale)- Mactra molluscs. Matsarya (FTI) -Jealousy; refusal to impart know. ledge out of envy. 2.Maya (FPTT)-Deceit. Mayagata (HRUTITAT)-Third chulika of the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Mayakriya ( Fran)-Disturbance, by deceit of v some one's right belief and knowledge. Meru (75)-Mount Meru, in the middle of Jambudvipa the 1st continent. Merunabhih (GFTT:)--Having Mount Meru in the centre like the navel. Mimamsaka ( 187)--A follower of Jaimini's Purva Mimamsa which believes in 6 Pramanas, perception, B inference, trustworthy affirmation, comparison, presump tion and privation. This school is divided into two 1.6. classes, one headed by Kumaril Bhatta, and the other D by Prabhakara. Misra gunasthana (9UJUFTIF)--Mixed (the third spiritual stage). Misra or kshyopasamikabhara (mina or kSAyopaza ra-Mixed thought-activity, caused by partial destruction, subsidence and operation of certain Kurmas.
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________________ 68 Jaina Gem Dictionary.' Mithyadarsana (Tuare ) --Wrong belief ; Mithya-- darsanakriya, i.c., praising actions due to wrong belief. Mithyadtisti (FETTETC) --Wrong believer. Mithyatva gunasthana (FEATJUFTTT ) --The : first spiritual stage, called Delusion. Moha (FIE)---Delusion. Mohaniya Karma (FTER FIFT)-Deluding Karma; Karmic matter which deludes right belief and right conduct. Moksa (FIE)--Liberation ; liberation of Soul from : matter. Muhurta (EF) = 48 minutes = 2 ghadi or 2 nali (q.v.). Mulaguna nirvartana (ayu adalat)--Produc tion of body, speech, mind and respiration. Mula prakriti (Fort usta) --- Primary nature of Kar-1 mic matter. Muni (fa) --Saint with visual and mental knowledge : ascetic. DIurtatva (Frica)-Materiality; Murtak, .i.e., material. .
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 69 . . N. Nadi ( FET) --Trasa nati, the region of mobile souls, 14 rajju high, 1 rajju long and 1 rajju wide. Naga kumara (arie TT)-- The second class of resi dential order of celestial beings. Naigama (amp)-Figurative, not literal, mode of speaki ing of a past or future event as a present one. Mode of ..looking at a thing both generally and particularly. Naksatra (FEET)-Constellation, the 4th class of the stellar order of celestial beings. Nali (ariant) = 20 kalu (q.v.). . Nama karma (ATH ) - Body-making Karma. Nama niksepa (ar# Figu)-Attribution of a nanie without reference to its connotation; name-aspect; name. as such; negative aspect. Nandisvara (aretsat)--Name of the Sth continent and occan. Naracha sambanana (FREEEEEFT) - Ordinary am. * phiarthrodial articulation and bones. A kind of physical constitution, Naraka (1297) --Hellish being; infernal being. Narakanta (acima) --A river in Ramyaka. Narayana (artu)-The king of half of Bharataksetra and successor by conquest of Pratina raynna.
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________________ 136 Jaina Gem Dictionary. 6. Ferie Snigdha, Smooth. 7. fon Sita, Cold. 8. Usna, Hot. 5 ru Rasa, Tastes. 1. Fick Tilta, Pungent, 2. men Kntukz, Bitter, 3. 1989 Kasaya, Astringent. (Salinc.) 4. at Amla, Acid. 5. Aye Madhura, Sweet. 2 ju Gamdha, Smell. 1. gita Sugamdha, Sweet-smelling; fragrant. 2. svira Durgamdha, Evil-smelling; malodorous. 5. at Varna, Colour. 1. Say Krisna, Black. 2. 1 Nila, Blue. 3. Tih Rakta, Red. 4. gra Pita, Yellow. 5. 7 Sukla, White. 4 sagate Anupirvi, Migratory form; the power of retaining the form of the last incarnation during transmigration, i.c., the passage from one to another condition of existence. The names are according to the four conditions of existence. Devanupirzi means the power of retaining the last form whatever it was, in going to the celestial condition of existence. 1 mang Agurulaghu, Not-heavy-light; neither too heavy to move, nor too light to have stability.
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________________ Jaipa Gem Dictionary. 137 ' 1 Juta Upaghata, Self-destructive; Having a self destructive limb or organ. 1 qera Paraghata, Destructive; Possessing a limb or organ fatal to others. 1 on atapa, Hot light; radiant heat; possessed of a brilliant body, which is hot to others but not to the possessor, as the gross radiant earth-bodied beings in the sun. 1 saia Udyota, Cold light; phosphorescence; cold light, like moonshine. 1 gegara Uchchhvasa, Respiration. 2 faerama Vilayogati, Movement; capacity of moring in space. 1. TH Subha, Graceful. 2. 74 Asubha, Awkward. 1 Are TC Pratycka sarira, Individual body; A body enjoyable by one soul only, 1 MUTU TE Sudhurana Sarira, Common body ; Possessed and enjoyable by many souls, as a potato. I ag Trasa, Mobile, with bodies having 2, 3, 4 or 5 senses. 1 Farat Sthavara, Immobilc, with bodies having one sense only, i.c., the sense of touch. 1 977 Subhaga, Amiable; amiable personality, even though not beautiful. 1 gun Durbhaga, Unprepossessing; unprepossessing, even though beautiful. I gear Sustara, Sweet-voiced ; musical.
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________________ 138 Jaina Gem Dictionary. 1 g:FT* Duhsvara, Harsh-voiced. 1 mm Subha, Beautiful Thody). 1 ay Asubha, Ugly (body). 1 wa Saksma, Fine (body)-uncuttable and all-pervasive. 1 Badara, Gross (body). 1 qutif Paryapti, Developable; capacity of developing the body fully. 1 cift Aparyapti, Undevelopable; Incapacity of deve loping the body fully. 1 Fear Sthira, Steady (circulation of blood, bile) etc. 1 mafiae Asthira, Unsteady. 1 na adcya, Impressive ; appearance such as may affect others. 1 waraa Anadcya, Non-impressive; dull appearance. 1 q: entfs Yasah kirti, Fame ; bringing good fame. 1 990: fa' Ayasah 7irti, Notoriety ; bringing bad name, even if one does good actions. 1 prie Tirthakara, A l'irthamkara's career with all its grandeur when he preaches and completes his ministry. VII. 2 017 Gotra, Family-determining. 1. oy Uchcha, High. 2. ffre Nicha, Low. VIII. 5 starta Antaruyd, Obstructive of 1. Dana, Charity. 2. An Labha, Gain. 3. * Bhoga, Enjoyment, enjoyment of consumable things.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary.. 139 4. Jam Upabloga, Re-enjoyment, enjoyment of non consumable things. .: 5: ata Virya, Power ; exercise of one's capacities. The 8 Karmas have respectively 5, 9, 2, 28, 4, 93, 2 & 5 sub-classes, i. e., 148 sub-classes in all,
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________________ I. Samkhyata. (=S.) Jaghanya S. Madhyama S. Utkrista S. APPENDIX B. Brief statement of 21 kinds of numbers. ... II. Asamkhyata. (=A,) Jaghanya Parita A, Madhyama Parita A. Utkrista Parita A. Jaghanya Yukta A. Madhyama Yukta A. Utkrista Yukta A. Jaghanya Asamkhyata J-G A. ... ... ... A=2 A=2. ... B=3, 4, &c. upto C-1 B=3,4, D-2. C=(D-1) C=D-1 ... ... D=(Sco p. 144) ED+1...... to F-1... F-G-1 D G-D ... ... I=J-1 2 ... *** D I-1... ... ... D=(Sco p. 144) D D-2 D F-D-1 D G=D ... 2D D D-2 2D I=D-1 2D J=D... 2D 2 Madhyama Asankhyata L-1... M-2. A. Utkrista Asankhyata A. | LM-1 LEM-1 ... ... ... Number of c.g. Instants in Avali or wink. an Number of spatial units in a Loka which can be the possible subjectmattor of visual knowledge (Avadhi jana) of the highost kind. 140 Jaina Gem Dictionary.
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________________ M .............. III. Ananta. (=A.). Jaghanya Parita A. l= ... M= Madhyama Parita A. ... 0-1... NI - 2... M Utkrista Parita A. ... O=P-1 ... ... O=M -1 ... NI Jaghanya Yukta A. ... | P=M ... P=M...... E.g. No. of souls 21 incapable of liMadhyama Yukti A. ... Q=P+) R-1 112... beration, 2NI Utk pista Yukta A. ... R=S-1 ... R=M-1 Jaghanya Ananta A. S=P ... SEM 2M Madhyama Ananta A... U-I ... TOM+1... to U-1 ... 1 Number of Siddhas. Utkrista Ananta 4. ... U=Porfcct knowledge U=Perfect knowledgo Avibhaga pratich chicita of Kovala jnana. 21 Jaina Gem Dictionary. All Minimums aro: A, D, G, J, M, P, 8 = 2, DDN, D2D, 11, MM, M32. So rcally there are ouly 2 unknowns, i.c., D and M. Jaglianya=Minimum. Pariti=Preliminary. Sankliyata=Numerable. Madhyama=lcilim. Ynkti= Advancci. Asankhyata=Innumerablc. Utkrista=\aximum. Ananta Infinite Anonta = Infinite. 141
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________________ Table of Names of Numerationi. Mina 142 Laakika Alaukika. Esotra bata Budva Or al'a na Uomana Avamana Gayitamina Pratima na Tatpratimana Dravya Gananamana Tatpramina or Upainamana Samkhyamana. Jaina Gcm Dictionary: Samkhyata Asamkhyata .. ananta Daniel Parita Yukti Asamkhyata Parita Fukta ananta -1) Jaghanya Utk pista Madhyama (n-1) A 3,4 &c. to (C-1) C B. D G Ezohi of thcso is Jaghanya-- K-Madhyama -L-Utkrista- -- E E F- -II- I -N-O. R U B Note:-Jaghanya & Utkrietn ovorywhoro ropresont only onc numbor.
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________________ 2" In the abovo Table, A=2 B=3,4 &c. to C-1 K=J+1, 3+2 &c, to L-1 C=(1-1) L=(1-1) D=As given bolow M=As given below. E=D+1, 142, &c. to F-1 N=M+1, M72 &c. to 0-1 I=(G-1) G=(as given below) D D O=(P-1) M P=M (This is the number of souls incapablo of Liberation.) Jaina Gem Dictionary. II=Q+1, G+2 &c, to I-1 I=J-1 Q=P+1, P+2 &c. to R-1 RS-1 2 SEP 'T=8+1,5-12, &c. (U-1) U=Numbor of units of porloct knowlodge.. 143
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________________ 144 Jaina Gem Dictionary. To sud D=Jaghanya Parita asamkhyata... Lot there he four pits each of 1 lac Yojanas in diameter and 1000 Yojanas doop and called : Anavasthi Salaka ... (B) Pratibalika Mahasalaka ... (8) Fill a, with round rapo seeds; overfill it from its mouth surface in a regular conical form, the apex of which is one rape seed; as A The number of scods in the pit is ... 197912092999680000000000000000) 45 fica 000000000000000 ,, , in the cono aboro ., , 179920081515163636363636363638346 figs. 636363636363636111 The total secds aro 1997112938151316363636363636363 Lie 636363636363636-4) 10 bigs. }40 figs. Say=2. For this filling of Q,, drop one socd in B.. Then take up the seeds from a,, and drop ono seed on each of the continents and Oceans beginning with Jambudvipa. Where the last seed is dropped, it trould be an ocean (disregard the 4/11 seed, which will not be in the Cone). Now dig a pit of the diameter of this Ocean, of the same depth, i.e., 1000 Yojanas. Call it Qy; and fill it in with rape seeds like a topping Cone, as a was filled in. Then drop another rape seed in B, for the filling of ag. Then take up the seeds from an and drop one each on the Continents and Oceans beginning with the Continent next to the Ocean where the last seed from a, was dropped. Wherever in a Continent or Ocean the last seed of ag is dropped, take the diameter of that as the diameter of the next pit a, which is also 1000 Yojanas deep. Fill it up conically like a, & ag. For the filling of az, drop a third rape seed into Bj. Repeat till B, is filled in the usual top Conical form. The number of seeds in B, and of the pits from a, to a, is=Z. For the filling of Bu, drop a seed in y. Repeat the same process of dropping one seed on each Continent and Ocean, beginning from the one next to where the last seed from the Qx pit mh
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 145 was dropped. The next pit, B, will be 1000 Yojanas deep and with a diameter of the Continent or Ocean where the last seed from the a: pit was dropped. Go on till there are 2 pits of the B class with over-increasing diameter. When the last B pit i.e.,' B: is exhausted, drop the last seed in Yi. Now y, is also conicalls filled. Then drop the first seed in 8. Repeat till 8 is also filled. Then the nnmber of a, b, and y, pits till be 37. The number of seeds in the last of these 37 pits is the number D or Jaghanya Pariti asamkliyata. To find G=Jaghanya Yuktu Asamkhyata. Take D and Virlana it, or spread it into its units; i.c., write down as many oncs as there are units in D. On the top of each one, place a D (called Deya). Multiply all together. The product D is D. This is equal to G. This is the number of instants (samaya) in an Auuli or wink. To find M=Jaguanya Parita Anauta. Take J. Treat it to the third degree of Salake-Virluna-Deya as below. There are always three dispositions of the number treated. The first is called Salaka. Tho number is kept in this and is reduced by one at each completion of processes in the next thro dispositions. The second disposition is called Virlana. In this one is placed in as mauy places as there are units in the number. The third disposition is Deya. It is the number which is given to bo placed on the top of crers unit in the Virlaun. The first Dcya is always the number itself. Let us treat 3 by this method. We place 3 as Salviki. To place 3 ones under Virlana ; and the Deya is 3. In the Virlana on the top of each 1 tre place 3. Te multiply all these threes and get 3x3x3=27. This is the next Deya. Nor wo reduce the s'alaka by one. So at the second stop wo late 2 as Salvika: 27 ones as Tirlanu ; 27 and 27 as Deyn. The next Deya rould be 27. Nos se reduce 10
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________________ 146 Jaina Gem Dictionary. the S'aliikii by another one. So at the third step we have 1 as 27 27 S'alaka; 27 ones as Virian, and 27 as Deya. The noxt Deya or the result of ( 27 ) Virlana is 137 . Now we can reduce the S'aldika by one norc. The process is completo. The result is ( Let us express it symbolically thus : 27, which means that 27 is to be written four times, once as a base, then as a power of that base, then as a power of that power and so on. If we take the last result, i.C., 27, and treat it by the Sulaka method as we treated the three above, it would be a two-fold' treatment. The result of this second treatment also being treated in tlie Saiakii way will give us the third degree Salaka treatment of 3. This is technically called Salaku-Traya-Nistluipana. The resnit of treating J like this is a kind of K. To this result add the following six : 1. The innumerable spatial units of the substance of No tion (Dharma Drarya), 2. The innumerable spatial units of the substance of Rest (Adharma Dravya). 3. The innumerable spatial units of one Soul (ek Jiva Dravya.) 4. The innumerable spatial units of the Universe-Space (Lokakasa). 5. Innamerable x innumerable spatial units, i.e., the number of non-host individual Souls (Apratisthita Pratyeka). Innumerable x innumerable spatial units, i.e., the number of host individual Souls (Sapratisthit a Pratycka).
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 147 : 'Take the total of these 7 and treat it to salaka-Traya-Nisthuimana as above. The result is again a kind of K. To this add the following four : 1. Instants of the cycle of Avasarpini and Utsarpini (the in* stants of 20 crore X crore Sagaras of years). 2. Innumerable x innumerable, i.c., the number of thought activities of the soul which determine the duration of bondage of Karmas (Sthiti-bandha Adhyayasaya-Sthana). 3. Innumerable x innumerable, i.e., the number of degrees of passion which determine the intensity or the mild or strong frnition, of bondage of Karmas (Anubhaga-vandba Adhyavasaya Sthana), 4. Innumerable x innumerable, i.c., the number of the units of soul's vibratory activities (Avibhaga pratichchheda of Yoga). Take the total of these five and treat it to Salak.i-Traya-listhapana as above. The result is eqnal to N. To find U=Otkrista Ananti Ananta. Takes. Treat it to Salaka-Trayn-Nisthapana. Tlie result is a kind of T. To this add the following six : 1. Infinite part of all souls, i.c., the number of Liberated souls (Siddhas). 2. Infinite x above, i.c., number of common regetable (sudh:rana yanaspati) rigoda souls (i.c. all the mundave souls except the carth, water, fire, air, and vegetable, and mobiles ; i.f. Sadharana vegetable nigoxla). 3. Infinite Xabove, i.c., number of all regetable souls (Vanas pati). 4. Infinite Xall souls, i,l., the number of atoms of matter(Puci gala). 5. Infinite x inanite matter-atoms, i.c., nunber of instants in Practical Time (Vyarahara Kala.) Lin. de
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________________ 148 t/ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 6. Infinite X infinite instants in Practical Time, i.e., the num-. ber of spatial units in the non-universe space (Alokakasa). . . Take the total of these soven, and treat it to Salaka-Traya-Nisthapana. The result is a kind of T. To this add the Infinite x the Infinite which is the number of units (Avibhaga Pratichchheda) of the Individuality attribute (Aguru laghu guna) in the substances of Motion and Rest (Dharma and Adharma Dravya). Take the total of these two, and treat it to Salaka-Traya-Nisthapana. The result is a kind of T. Subtract this from the number of units (Avibhaga Pratichchheda) of perfect knowledge (Kevala Juana); and then add it to the remainder, Thus the number of units of Perfect Knowledge is U. This last subtraction and addition of the same is to show that even this last kind of T, soul-straining though it is, is nothing compared with U, Omniscience which is the goal and glory of Jainism, being the highest and the most Ideal condition of the Purest possible soul. 10: Note that the expression "innumerable X innumerable," and "infinite x infinite" is employed above, because the innumerables and the infinites are not the same. By this time it will be clear that there are a huge number of these innumerables and nfinites, in the Middle kinds, included in E, H, K and in N, Q & T.
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________________ APPENDIX C. . . . . . . .. . Brich Statement of Series of 14 kinds-(Dhara). 1. Sarva. 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0,... 2. Sama. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,............ 3. Visama. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,............ 4. Kriti. 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 02, .......... 5. Akriti. (barva minus Kriti terms) 2, 3.5 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17,...... 6. Ghana. 13, 23, 33, 4,3 53, 63,... ...... - 7. Aghana (Sarva minus Ghana terms) 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,......... 8. Kriti Matrika 1, 2, 3, up to 7U. 9. Akriti ,, VU+1, VU+2, &c. up to U 10. Ghana , 1, 2, 3 up to last cubable number (=T) before U. 11. Aghana Matrika 5+1, 4+2.......U. + 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12. Dvirupa Varga 2, 2, 2, 2 (Pannattii), (Vadala), 2(Ekatthi)&c. 18. Ghana Ghana 3*(); (3) (1) (3).deg (13) * (33) 09 &c. &c. the last 3 terms are cubes respectively of Pannatthi, Vadala, and Ekatthi. 4 S 16 32 14. Ghana Ghanaghana 2 or 512, (512), (512), (512), (512), (512) &c. &c. 3
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary.': Note: There are innumerable concentric rings of alternate Continents and Oceans. The first is Jambadvipa with a diameter of 1 lac Yojanas. Each ring has its breadth equal' to double of its predecessor's. The sories of their diamoters in lacs of 1, 5, 13, 29, 01, 125, 253, 509, 1021, 2045, 4093, 8189. 10381, 32765, 05533,. The differences are: 4 8 16 32 64 128 250. Eacli term is double of its immediate predecessor+3 tol (diameter of the nth ring) =24+*_3. i-3=15336 diameter for the 15th ring, i.c., the - 3 - 05533 8th continent. There are 14 kinds of series. (Dhara). - 9" Sarva Saina Visama Kriti Akriti Ghana Aghana (All). (Even). (Oda). (Square).) (on-squaro). (Cube). (Non-cabe!. Kriti Matrika (Squarable). Akriti Mitarika (Non-squamble). Gliana Aghapa Matrika Matrika (Cabable). (Non-cubable). Dvirupa Vargn. Dvirupa Ghana. Dvirupa Ghanaghana. (2 Square (2 Cube (2 Cabe Square Square Cube Square square) Square Square). Sarra.--1, 2, 3, 4, 5, U. Arithmetic progression with 1 3s common Difference, and 1 as first term Sana.-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, - Arithmetic progression) with 2 as comnion difference and 2 as " The No. first term. of terms Visama.--1, 3, 5, 7, 9, U. Arithmetic progressionis of * with 2 as common difference and one as U. first term. :
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________________ : Jaina Gem Dictionary. 151 * Kriti.-1, 4, 9, 16, 25,... to U. Series in which each term is the ms in Sarya. The number of Kriti sau terms=yU. Akriti--2, 3, 5, 6 (U-1). This is the Sarva series, omitting all the square numbers as 4, 9, 16, 25, from it. In brief it is Sarva minus Kaiti series. Ghana-1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216,... to the last cubic number before U. The cube root of the last term is the number of terns in this series. Aghana-Sarya ininus Ghana. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,...20, 28... 63, 65...124, 126, &c &c. This is Sarva series minus cubic numbers. Kriti Matrika-1, 2, 3, &c. up to vU. Each term can be squar ed. Number of terms is vo. Akriti Matrika-VU+1, VU-2 &c. up to U. No term can be squared. Number of terms is U-VU. Ghana Matrika-1, 2, 3, &c. up to the cube-root of last cubic number before U. The Number of terms=thc cubo root of the last term (call it). Aghana Matrika-641, 94.2,...U. Number of terins here is 0-9. // // // // Dviraps Varga--2; 2; 2; 2 (called Pannatthi=05536); (05535 =1=16=256 called Vadala; (4299 67296). called Ekatthi=18446744073709551616 ; &c., ec. 2 Where there is a Madhyama Sankhyata term, of which the square is ] then the Varga (Salaka) of that term is tho Varga Salaka of D. Ardha Chheda is the number of times that a given
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. number can be halvca. As-Ardha Chheda of 4 is 2, 8 is 3, 16 is 4, 32 is 5, 64 is 6 &c. Dvirupa Ghana-Geometric Progression, each term is square of its predecessor and first term is 2. 2 =8, 304, 4096, (2) c e content are se repose people are * c. &c. =2 627 12,47712863 (2103 (202); &c. &c. Note:-? is called i'aynatthi. ? Vadala. 64 2 , Ekatthi. Dvirupa Ghanaghana-Geometric Progression in which cach, term is sgnare of its predecessor and the first term 3 is (2)=512. 2=512, 2 262144,
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________________ APPENDIX D. Measure of time aitu spacc. Palya (Granary pit.) Sagara (Ocean.) Suchyangula Pratarangula (Linear finger.) (Square finger.) | Ghana ngula Jagat sreni Loka-Pratara Loka-ghana (Cubic finger.) (Basic line of (Basic area of (Volume of the the universe the universe universe =7 rajjus.) =49 square =343 cubic rajjus.) rajjus.) Vyavahara-palya Udbhara-palya Addha-palya. 'Palya. Vyavahara P. m is used for numbering the hair-ends. Uddhara P. Continents and Oceans. Addha P.- - duration of Karnas and ages &c. of celes tial beings, &c. 002=(Infinite xintinite material atoins=1 Avasannasanna (Avasan- na=limit terminal) (a). 8 a=1 Sanvasanna (s), 8s=1 tritarenu (t). St=1 trasarenu (tr) 8 tr=1 ratlarenu (r) 8 r=1 hair end of Uttama-bhoga-bliuwi (1..) 8 h.u.=1 hair end of Madhyama-bhoga-bhumi (h.m.) 8 h.m.=1 , Jaghanya (.j.) S kj=1 . Karma (h.k.) .
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Sh.k.1 nit (p) Lika 8 n=1 rape-sced (r. 5.) sasson 8 r. 5.31 barley (b) sh=1 utseda (u) finger (1) utseda (lit.=height, thickness, fat ness.) It is uscd in mcasuring the bodies of hellish, celestial, human and sub-human beings and the cities and temples &c. of the celestial beings. 500 uf.=1 Pramina finger (p.f.). It is used in measuring conti.' nents, oceans, rivers and lakes &c. =1 Atmi angula, own finger (of). It is the own finger at any particnlar time of people in Bharata and Airavata regions, Bows, utensils, ornaments, liouses, gardens &c. are measured by this. G=1 pada foot (pi 2 p=1 Span (sp) 2 sp=1 Cobit (c) 20=1 Visa. (V) 2 r=1 bom, dhanusa (ah) 2000 dh1 Kosa (K) 1 k=1 Yojana. * Dig a pit in depth and diameter 1 Pramina yojana (2000 utseda Kosa) Fill it packed with h.u.'s li.e., hair-ends of a lamb of Uttama-bhogabhumi) level with the earth's surface. To find the . number of h.u.'s, square the diameter, multiply by 10, this gives tlir circumference; multiply by 1 of diameter. In Jaina Books == . Thus oid=v3 + 23vq=31
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. ".155 The rule is :-To tlie nearost square-root add the remainder 2x square root. 1.6.V2./1+2.1=1+1=. 10 the volume of tlie pit is (where r=radius and h=depth), ' + r"= V10x (5)*x i=1*: Cube yojanas cubie yojanas. 'The'h.u.'s in it are max (4 x 2000 x 2x2x2x2x6x500x8390 =413452630308203177740512192000000000000000000 (45 figures), Take out one hair ond (h. u.) in 100 years; when the pit is . empty, you get the Vyavalara Palya. That is the number of years in .it is '4134520303082031777495121:9200000000000000000000 (47 igures). : To reduce these years into instants (Samaya), se lave . :: 1 year=2 ayana (six months). itayana-3 ritu (season). . . . . . l'ritu=2 masa (months). 1 masa=30 alioratra (days and niglits). . . 1 ahoratra=30 mnhurta. 1 muhurta=sankliyata a vali.' . 1 kvali=Jagbanya yukta Asandhyata Samaya (GOD) Insta i Vadhuira palya. Take the instants of asankhyita crore; multiply them by the 15 figured'. Vyavaluirci Palya. The prod number of Samayas (instants i Palya. These multiplied .. give tho number of ci of the Middin Worm Addna Palya, Take the instants of los llie insta product is . ..Addha Pr'
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Sagura. 19 crorex crore Palyas of any kind male. This!.. ma of the corresponding kind. Trong Euchyigula (lincar singer). Addha Palya Being raise 22" ; power of its number of halring i chchhedas) is one Suchgaugala. It number of spatial units in that pal : space which is one Pramanangula and one spatial unit (pradesa) in bre and height. Pratarangula (square finger) is the square suchyangula. . Ghanangula (cnhic finger) is the cube of suchyangula. Jagat sreni. Divide the number of halvings of one Palya by innumerable Gbanangula i to the power of the quotient is 31 sreni,=7 Rajjus. . Jagat Pratara is the square of Jagat-sreni=43 square raji Loka Ghana cube 1. =343 cube :
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 99 Sarvaghati sparddhaka (hafa faal) Karmic * matter which obscures wholly. Sarvajna (as)-The all-knowing. Sarvajnanadarsi (HAsagif)--All-knowing, all cona tive. Sarvartha siddhi (Haitials).--The last Anuttara " -a region above the Heavens, Saryavadhi (Falafet) -Pull visual knowledge. Sasadana gunasthana (ETETICI TUFUTA)-- The , 2nd spiritual stage, i.c., downfall. Sasana (971977) --Scriptures. Sasvata (FITAT) --Permanent, Sat (a )-Existence ; is-ness ; Real; True. Satara (AATT) ---The name of the 11th Heaven. Satisaya-apramatta virata (araga 7777 fara) The stage of perfect vows, where the soul does not i slip down to the 6th stage, but is on the point of ascend. ing to the 8th spiritual stage. Satkapakramayukta (qesi14 TH) - With move. ments in Six directions in going from one condition of i existence to another. Satta (FTTT)--Is-ness; Existence. Existence of karmic matter as binding the soul.. Satva (cat)--Soul; Being.
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________________ 100 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Satya pravada purva (acy Targ )--The 6th Parva in the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Saucha (5119).--Contentment. Saudharma (TER) The name of the 1st Heaven. : Savikalpa (Alanica)-The attention which accompanies the eight kinds of knowledge. Savipaka nirjara (Afaqen Favret)--Shedding of the Karmas on proper maturity. Savisvarupa (alanda)-With different natures. Sayoga kevali (Hitaat)-The 13th spiritual stage. vibrating perfect soul. Sena ( ) ---One of the four orders of Digambara Jaina ascetics. Siksa vrata (FTET - Disciplinary vows. Sila ()-7 Supplementary vows; chastity. Sila (11)-One of 7 supplementary vows, chastity , Siddha (Fe)-Liberated soul; God. Siddhanta (Ferra)-(1) The Jaina Canon. (2) A badartha or category of the Nyaya school of philosophy.. Siddha sadhana (akinchitkara) hetvabhasa. free Era (Thracine) Eratura-A fallacy in which the conclusion drawn is merely the meaning itself of the premiss. As, fire is hot. It is self-evident and needs no proof. It is redundant. Siddhi (FAR)Determination...
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 101 Sinha (iz). One of the four orders of Digambara Jaina ascetics. Sindhu (h) -A river in Bharata. Sita (HE)-A river in Videha. Sitoda (HCIci) - A river in Videha. * Skandha (FET) (1) Molecule. (2)=Khandha=one of the five aggregates or groups of Buddhism. : Skandhadesa (FREGET) --Half-molecule. Supposing a molecule has 16 atoms. Then 16 atoms, are the maxi. mum molecule: 9 the minimum. 8 is the maximum hall. molecule, 5 the minimum. 4 is the maximum quarter. molecule; 2 the minimum, Skandhapradesa (France)-Quarter molecule, see Skandhadesa. . Smriti (Far)--Remembrance. Smriti samanvahara (Fala fraiert) - Repeat edly thinking of. Smsityantaradhana ( F E TE )-Forgetting :. the limits. : Smrityanupasthana ( 4546417)-Forgetting : the due formalities. Snataka (ata)--The Kevalin, in the 13th and 14th stages of spirituality. . Snigdha (FETE)-Smooth. Spardhaka ()--A group of vargana (q. v.) .
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________________ 102 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Sparsana indriya (Fq2jTE FT)-Organ of.touch. Sraddhana (PTT) --Belief; conviction. Sramana (HU)--Kevalin or the omniscient: saint. Sravaka (795)--Layman with partial vows of the 5th stage of spirituality. Sravika (enfacht)-Laywoman with partial vows. Sreni (701) --A straight line of spatial units from end to end. Sreni is the ladder of spiritual advancement by going up which the 21 sub-classes of right-conduct-delud. ing Karmas begin either to subside or to be destroyed. That in which subsidence takes place, is called 3474 (upasama sreni), the subsidential ladder. That in which destruction takes place is called ksapaka treni) the destructive ladder. Srotra (1=1) Ears. Srutajuana (Qastat)---Scriptural knowledge. It is based on matijnana, and is of things other than those to which matijnana relates. Srutakevali (Zagott-Saints who know all the Scriptures thoroughly. Stanita kumara (Farragirrt)The 7th class of residential order of celestial beings. Steya (Fries)-Theft; taking what is not given. Sthalagata chalika (FECTTAT FT) --The 2nd Chalika in the 12th Auga of the Scriptures. Sthananga (FETHIT) ---The 3rd Anga of the Scriptures.
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________________ +44 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Sthapana niksepa ( sthApanAnikSepa) -- Representative aspect: representation of one thing by another. Sthavara (FT)--Immobile souls. Sthavira kalpi ( sthavirakalpI) - A member of an Order of Monks. 103 Sthitibandha (fyfaqe)--Duration of the attachment of karmic matter to the Soul. Sthula (F)--Liquid; matter which on being parted falls back into union by itself. Sthula suksma (FY HEH)--Vadara sukrma (q.v.) Stri veda (a)--Feminine inclination. Styanagriddhi (F)--Somnambulism, Subha taijasa (H GA)--Beneficent electric body, emanating from a compassionate saint. Suddha samprayoga (zuddha saMprayoga ) - Attachment or devotion to the pure souls, i.e., Arhats and Siddhas. Sukha (g)-Enjoyment, happiness. Sukhama (1)--The second age of the avasarpini, the present aeon=3 crore into crore Sagaras. Sukhama dukhama (sukhamA duHkhamA ) - The third age of avasarpini, the present aeon=2 crore into crore Sagaras. Sukhama sukhama (sukhamA sukhamA ) - The first age of the avasarpini, the present on 4 crore into crore Sagaras.
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________________ 104 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Sukhanubandha (gargerT) --Remembrance of past enjoyments. Sukla dhyana (E ETTT)--Pure concentration of the soul on itself. Sukra (97) --The planet Venus. The name of the 3rd Heaven.. Suksma (EE)--Fine, as karmic molecules. . Suksma jiva ( FLH ofte )-Fine-bodied souls (which are not destroyed by any one). Suksma kriyapratipati (ehet afatla) --The 3rd Pure concentration, in which the deeply absorbed * soul has fine vibrations. Suksma samparaya (FE# Fiqra)--Slightest Delu 'sion. Tenth spiritual stage, where all the passions are suppressed or destroyed escept the slightest greed; right conduct all but free from passion. Suksma sthula (FLEA FYZ) ----See Suksnia vadara. Suksma suksma (FTE FEH)-Fine-fine ; very fine. Finer than karmic molecules till we reach the molecule of 2 atoms. Suksmatva (FEET)-Fineness, one of the 8 qualities of a Siddha, due to the absence of body.determining Karma. Suksma vadara ( argt)-Fine-gross. Invisible: to the eye, but apprehended by the other 4 senses; as air, sound, smell.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 105 Suparna kumara (@TUHATT) --The 4th class of : residential order of celestial beings. Surya (FC)-Sun, the 1st class of the stellar order of celestial beings. Surya prajnapti ( USI)-The 2nd Parikarmi in the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Susira (arat)-Sounds from flute, etc. Sutra (HET) --A division of the 12th Anga of the Scrip tures. Sentence or Vakya, Yoga, Laksana = sentence. Sutrakritanga (FETHAIT)-The 2nd Anga of the Scriptures. Svabhava (F779)--Argument in which the middle term gives the property of the major term. Svabhava-artha-paryaya (Fata e quit) Self-non-spatial modification. Modification in any attribute of a substance, except spatiality, such as is caused by the substance itself; as, in the pure knowing i attribute of the soul. Svabhava mardava -(ETHIC HIC)--Naturally humble disposition. Svabhavaniyata (972 )--Steadfast in its ".. own nature. Svabhava-vyanjana-paryaya (ERT Bich gefr) Self-modification of spatiality as, in the liberated condi tion of the soul. Svadhyaya (FOTEUTT) --Study of the Scriptures.
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________________ 106 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Svaka charitra bhrasta ( caritra bhraSTa ) - Having fallen from self-conduct (i.e., from the path which leads to self-realization). Svakam samayam ( )--Self-absorption. Svamitva (aa)--Possession; Inherence. Svara ()--Sound. The gamut consists of seven tones, Sadja, Risabha, Gandhara, Madhyama, Panchama, Dhaivata, Nigadha, which are represented in English by the Tones. Do. Re. Me. Fa. Sol. La, Si. Svarthanumana (417)--The inference itself. Svarupacharana charitra (svarUpAcaraNa cAritra ) - The conduct in self-absorption and never separable. from it. This is produced by the subsidence or destruction of the four error-feeding passions. Svarupa siddha (41 face of it. Svarupa viparyasa ( g)--Unproveable on the fachie)-Mistake in the nature or character of a thing. Svasochchhvasa-kala (sareigreat)--Svasochchhvasa is the time taken by the pulse of a healthy man to beat once. There are 3773 pulse-beats in one muhurta or 48 minutes. Thus in one minute the pulsebeats of a healthy man are 78 2. According to modern science, the frequency of pulse-beats of a normal healthy person is from 70 to 75 per minute-an almost exact anticipation of modern physiological research by ancient Jaina writers.
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________________ : Jaina Gem Dictionary. 107 ...In fineart thania-Goinmatasara Jiva Kanda gathas, 573-574, the frequency is calculated as follows: 7 oare (uchchhvasa or pulse-beats=1 ara stoka.) 7 Stokas=1 ( a ) (lava.) 381 lavas=1 (71ci) (1zali.) 2 nalis=1 (Jam) (muhurta.) Thus the number of pulse-beats in one muhurta=2x 381x7x7=77x7 x 7=539x7=3773. In one mu* "Trurta, there are 48 minutes, therefore the frequency of pulse-beats per minute, according to Jainism, is 319=7838. In ganga (sat paluda), the chapter on Hange, (bhaua pahida), gathas, 28-29 an antar muhurta is calculated as follows:---Labdhya paryapta (q.v.) Souls die 18 times in one pulse-beat. In one antar muhurta they die 66336 times ;.1 antar mulurta=66396 pulse-beats. As there are 379 pulse-beats in one minute, therefore the number of minutes in one antarmuhurta is 66336 31 18 06330 X 48 3773 = 18x3773=46 minutes 53 3773 seconds. But 48 : this antarmularta is madliyama or middle. : The utkrista' or maximum antarmuhurta is 48. minutes minus one samaya (q.v.)=48 minutes practically. . The jaglanya or minimum antar ruhurta is 1 samaya +1 avali (q.v.) (see Gommatasara Jiva Randu ::gathas, 574 (1) p. 120 of Edition 1911, Bombay).
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________________ 108 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Svasthana-apramatta-virata (FTFUTA YHT? Tata)-- It is the stage of perfect vows, from which the soul repeatedly falls down to the 6th, re-ascends to the 7th and falls down again to the 6th and so on for thousands of times. Svati samsthana (Falla FFYT)-A small head with a big body. Svavachanabadhita (Falahatina) --Self-contradictory premiss. My mother is barren. Svayambhu (Equiv)-The soul identical with its orin reality and nature. Svayambhu ramana (FAITHU) --The name of the last continent and ocean. Syadasti (FATEFFA) --From the point of view of its own subject-matter, place, time, and nature, the substance is, i e., it exists as itself. Syadvada (F41&TC)---The system of Jaina Logic, by which things can be explained from seven different points of view. Syat asti avaktavya (Rita Pra Famou)-From the standpoint of its own quaternary and at the same time from the joint quaternary of itself and the non self, a substance is and is also unpredicable. * Syat astinasti (Fita FETES -- From the stand: point of the quaternary relating to itself and the non-self
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 109 a substance is and is not, if we make the statement successively. Syat astinasti avaktavya. (syAt asti nAsti 10 Toy)-From the point of view of its own quaternary and the non-substance quaternary, and at the same time from the joint quaternary of itself and non-substance, the substance is and is not and is unpredicable. Syat avaktavya (Fala 1970)-The substance is unpredicable, if we wish to make at once statements * about it from the point of view of itself and of the non* self. Syatnasti (PARCATLET From the standpoint of non substance quaternary, a substance is not, i.e., it is not non-substance. Syat nasti avaktavya (eta ATEST 1970) From the standpoint of the non-self quaternary and at the same time from the joint quaternary of itself and the non-self, substance is not and is also unpredicable. Tadakara Sthapana ( a ute FA1991) ----Represen* tation by a similar figure. Taijasa vargana (acte asjur)-The material mole cules which form the electric body. Tamah prabha (an: THT)-The sixth stratum of the earth, in hue like darkness,
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________________ * 110 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Tanmatras (FFHTETT:)-Five of the 25 categories of th Sanlshya School. They are evolved from Ahamkara. Tanuvata (aart)-The thin-air atmosphere. Tapa (714)--Austerities. Tapaniya (a97714) --Red-hot gold. Tapariddhi (94 )--Power of austerities. Taraka (art)-Star; the 5th class of the stellar orde of the celestial beings. Tarka (as)-Chinta (q.v.); sometimes= to Tha (q.v.) Tattva (az)--Topic or Principle of Jainism. Tatvajna (aras-A knower of the principles, o Jainism. Tatvartha (acare) --(Tattva, that-ness, a thing as i * is; thing in itself; artha that which is ascertained things ascertained as they are. Tiginchha (fanisa) - A Lake on mountain Nisadha. Tikta (fam)-Pungent. Tirthankaratva (aryanera) --Tirthankara Body. making Karmas. Tirthankara is a Proclaimer of Liberation and the guide on the path to it. Tiryagyonija (Ferreifact) Of Sub-human birth. Tiryancha (fazis)-Sub-human beings. Trasa (Fe)-Many-sensed; mobile; capable of spon. taneous movements.
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________________ Jaina Gena Dictionary. 111 Trasa nadi (=th arct) -Mobile channel. That part of the universe outside of which living beings with only :, one sense are found. Trasarenu (RU) (1) Trasarenu=8 urdhvarenu. or Truti-renu. :: 1 Urdhvarenu or Truti-renu=8 sanjnasanjna. i 1 Sanjasanjpa=8 utasanjnasanjna. 1 Utasanjnasanji a = Infinite vavharika atoms. (2) It is the smallest visible particle in the sunbeam and this is called the tertiary atom. It is a technical term used for the explanation of the atomic theory of the Vaisesika school. Triloka vindusara (FECTA TarghTT)--The 14th . Purva of the 12th Aoga of the Scriptures. Tusita (aro )-The 6th class of Laukantika heavenly beings. . , Tyaga (2010)--Renunciation. Uchcha gotra (CE 113) --High family determining ... Karma. . Uchchhadana (2016)--Concealing. Uchchhvasa (Fonte)-- Respiration. Udadhikumara (ECTETSATT)-The 8th class of re sidential order of celestial beings,
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________________ 112 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Udabarana ( EFTU)---The proposition in which an induction is expressed; as where there is no fre, there is no smoke, as in a tank, Udaya (Ecu) Operation of Karmas at maturity. .. Udayabhaviksaya (Scanala)-Destruction of Karmas without producing any effect on the soul by operation. Udbhavana (sprat)--Proclaiming. Uddhara palya (694)-=Innumerable vya vahara palyas. Uddista Tyaga ()--a layman in the 11th stage Pratima. It has two divisions Ksullaka having a sheet and loin-cloth only and ailaka having a loin-cloth only, next to a naked monk. Uddista tyaga pratima (EFECCITAT) - A layman refusing food specially prepared for him, this is in the 11th Pratima. Udyota ( sa) -- Light. Uha (GEI)ha (q. v.) Ukta (576)--Perception of a thing which has been described before. Unodar (GFCT)-eating slightly less than one's fill. '. Upabhoga Antaraya (ETHIT PATET) Preventing enjoyment of non-consumable things.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 113 Upabhoga Ksayika (STHITHTP1)-- Infinite attain ment or enjoyment of non-consumable objects due to purification caused by destruction of Karmas. Upabhoga, Paribhoganarthakya. (upabhoga paribho JIFU)-keeping too many consumable and non-con sumable objects. Upabhoga Paribhoga Parimana 54HIT GRATUIT T roLimiting one's enjoyment of consumable and non-consumable things. Urdhva (Fed) Higher. Upachara Vinaya (8 991 fa90)-Observing proper forms of respect. " Upacharitavyavabara (39afa ETC) --Figura tive, non-substantive practical standpoint. To mistake as one, things which are really and obviously quite separate. As to look upon one's worldly possessions as one's own self. Upadanakarana (Sarti Fru)-=Samartha learana (2.v.) Upadhi (SME)Attachment to worldly objects. Upadhyaya (EYTETTT)--Preceptor (of an order of Saints). Upagraha (sua) --Support. Upaghata (qara).-I. Refuting the truth, knowing it to be such. 2. Possession of (a limb which causes 8 :
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________________ 114 Jaina Gem Dictionary, one's own death); a suicidal limb, c.g., the horns of a stag, which get entangled and make the stag an easy victim of death. Upagrahana ( E EU)--defects of in effective believers. Upakarana (397U)---Organ protecting environment. Upalabdhi (sqala)-(1) Establishing an affirmative or negative proposition by a positive middle. (2) Knowing. Upamana (971A) -- Comparison. It is a Pramana accepted by the Nyaya and the Mlimansaka schools of philosophy. Upanaya (EGF)--Similarity in the observation which is the basis of an induction with the observation which is the basis of the deductive conclusion. E.g., in the syllogism There is fire on the mountain; because there is smoke there; where there is smoke, there is fire as in the kitchen ; So there is smoke on the mountain ; .. there is fire on the mountain. Here the fourth proposition : 'so there is smoke on the mountain' is called 3479 Upanaya. The first is alde pratijna; the second is 6747 Sadhana ; the third is eart Udaharana; and the fifth is Formati nigarana. Note that the wording of pratijna and nigamana is the same ; pratijsa is the postulating of the proposition to be proved, whereas nigamana is the statement that
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 115 the pratijna has been proved. Similarly, the wording of Sadhana and upanaya is the same, Sadhana is just indicating the basis of the conclusion; upanaya is the employment of this basis in the actual argument itself, Roughly one can say that the first two propositions are preliminary or introductory. They are both repeated in the conclusion and one of the premisses respectively. The real argument lies in the last 3 propositions, which in their arrangement and logical cogency represent the major and minor premisses and the conclusion of Aris. totelean or European Logic. From another point of view, the first two propositions may be said to contain the whole argument. The pratijna is the conclusion; and the Sadhana, the basis of it. The major premiss which contains the middle term and the subject of the conclusion is suppressed, and supposed to be known and admitted, e.g,, we want to prove that there is fire on the mountain: We do so by observing smoke on it. Our syllogism is. There is fire on the mountain, because there is smoke on it. The connection between fire and smoke is unexpressed; it is supposed to be known and admitted universally. Froni this point of view, the third proposition STIEKE Udalarance is more of an induction than deduction. In this the induction that where there is smoke, there is fire, is expressed; how this is arrived at is indicated by the dristanta half of it, as in the kitchen &c. This mention of kitchen is symbolical of all places where fire and smoke are both observed to exist as cause and effect.
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________________ 116. Jaina Gem Dictionary. This induction is sometimes further fortified and safe. guarded by making a negative observation; i.C., by observing that where there is no fire, there is no smoke, as in a tank, or rather by observing that where fire is impossible, there smoke is never found. The first two propositions are said to be sufficient for the intelligent and the knowing. But for greater'explanation and exposition, the argument is spun over the 5 propositions of Jaina and Nyaya Logic. [See Manikya Nandi's Pariksa Mukha, Chapter III, Sutras 32 & 41.] Upapada (39976) - Instantaneous rise, as the birth of celestial and hellish beings. Upasakadhyayana (ETTETEZ4761)-The 7th Anga ** of the Scriptures. Upasama (3497)-Subsidence.' Upasamaka (U7)-(1) Subsidential. Subsidence is the non-manifestation of the power of a Karma owing: to the auxiliary help of substance, place, time and thought activity or quality of thought. (2) The saint whose right * conduct deluding karmas are subsiding. Upasama Samyaktva (599THERIT)-Subsidential right belief. Upasamasreni (FUTUT) See Sreni. Upasanta Moha (Egre FIE) Subsided delusion... The saint whose right conduct deluding karmas have totally subsided; the 11th spiritual stage.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 117 Upasarga ( a)Disturbance caused by human, sub-human, and celestial beings and inanimate accidents. Upasthapana (SYE31471--Fresh admission after espulsion from the order. Upatta (5917) The Karmic and non-karmic matter assimilated by the soul. Urdhvagati (Feat tha)--Upward, direct motion, Urddhvaloka (zea )The upper world. From the summit of mount Meru to the end of the Universe. Utkarsana (ECU) Increase in the duration of karmas (which are bound to the soul already). Utpada (5697EUR) --Coming into existence, birth.. Utpada Parva (care 5)--The 1st Purva in 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Utsanjna Sanjna (ECHISTI HSIT).--- Infinite and infinite atoms. Utsarga (Ecari)-Escretion. Utsarpini (FHIQUI)-The won of increase: The rising of the wheel. Utsedha angula (EFET ITA)-Small finger in its breadth=8 barley seeds in diameter. Uttama ksama (TTTH FT)---Highest forgiveness. Uttarachara (STRE ET) - Succession. Inference of what has gone before from what follows it.
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________________ 118 Jaina Gem Dictionary... Uttaradhyayana Prakirnaka (STITEUYA Tohtumi)- The 8th Angabahya part of the Scriptures. Uttaraguna Nirvartana (uttara guNa nirvartanA) Production of books, statues &c. Uttarakuru (TRE) ---That portion of the Videha in the north where there is Bhoga Bhumi. Uttara Prakriti (ETRTEKA)--Secondary nature of karmic matter. Uttarottara Prakriti (STRITTE ETT) ----Tertiary nature of karmic matter. Vada (ar)-One of the 16 categories of the Nyaya school of philosophy. Vadara (TCT)Gross: as milk, water, etc. Substances which, on being separated, reunite. Vadara Jiva (arge oila) Dense-bodied souls. , Vadara Samparaya (arca FIFTTTT)--The stage of slightly gross passions, i.e., the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th stages of spirituality. Vadara Suksma (arc 767)-Gross fine ; Visible to the eye, but incapable of being grasped ; as sunshine, &c. Vadara Vadara (angt 91T)--Gross-Gross; very gross. As wood, stone, etc. which being cut into two cannot reunite by themselves. .
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________________ 119. .. Jaina Gem Dictionary. Caggocharabhag Pratita (art at HUT Sat) Indescribable; Incapable of being expressed in language. Tahni (af)-The 3rd class of Laukantika heavenly beings. Vaibhavikaguna (ahia JU)-The attribute by which the soul is thrown into the non-self thought activity, on being bound by the non-soul. Vaidharmya (@rut) -- Vyatireka dristanta (q. v.) Vaijayanta (arrerst)--The Second Anuttara, a region above the heavens. Vaikhari ( aet)-Sound vibrations which reach the ear. Vaikrivika (aerian)Physical body of a fluid na. ture: like that of hellish and celestial beings. Vaikriyika Misra (antara )-Fluid body with the karmic body. Vaimanika (ahh) --Heavenly bodies. Vainayika (TFT ) --Wrong belief in which religion is identified with veneration of parents, etc. It is of 32 kinds. Vairagya (attra)--Non-attachment. Vaisesika ( ago) A follower of Kanada; like the Bauddhas they believe in 2 Pramanas, perception and inference.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Vaiyavritya (T)--Service (of the Saints and worthy people). 120 Vaiyavrityakarana (Serving the meritorious. Vajra Naracha (Samhanana) [aga (Aga)) -Adamantine ligatures and bones. )] Vajra Risabha Naracha Samhanana (RSabhanArAca saMhanana ) - Adamantine character of the bones, etc. A kind of physical constitution of the human body. There is Amphiarthrodial articulation, of joints; the bones are slightly moveable and united by an intervening substance, Vakusa (a)-A possession-less Saint who has some consideration for his books, body and disciples. Vamana Samsthana (A)--Dwarf. Vanaspati Kaya (4)-Vegetable King dom. Vandana Prakirnaka (1)The 3rd Anga Bahya Sruta of Jaina Scriptures. Vardhamana(a)-(1) Lord Mahavira, (2) Increasing (Visual knowledge). Varga (a)--A Varga is one of the karmic atoms with an equal avibhaga pratichchheda (q. v.) Vargana (u)----Group of Vargas. Varsa (Division ; year.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Varsadhara (ac)--Mountains which separate the divisions of land. Vartana (a)-Being; altering. Varunivara and ocean. Vastu (arg)-House. Vastutva (aga)-Functionality. Vasudeva (arg)-The same as Narayana. Vatakumara (TAGHIT)--The 6th class of Residential order of celestial beings. Vata valaya (a)--Wind sheaths round the 121 (a)--Name of the 4th continent universe, Vatsalya (a)-Loving regard for pious persons. Vayu Kaya (a)--Air-embodied souls, 1 sensed beings. Veda ()-Sex. Vedaniya Karma (a)--Feeling karma; the karma which determines the pleasant or painful character of our feelings. Vibhangajnana (f)-Wrong Visual know ledge. Vibhava-artha-paryaya (fa$? $?a qafa)--Nonself, non-spatial modification. Modification in any attribute of a substance except spatiality, and such as is caused by the auxiliary operation of the non-self, such
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________________ 122 Jaina Gem Dictionary. as karmas, or impure thought activity of the soul as attachment, etc. Vibhavavyanjana paryaya (Tantra T FT) --Non-self modification in spatiality, i.c., with the auxiliary assistance of the non-self, as karmas etc., as the human etc. condition of existence of the soul. Vibhrama ( .- See viparyaya (q. v.) Vicharana (ATTUT)=iha (q. v.) Vichikitsa (falafeticeT)-Disgust, Vidarana (facrcu)--Proclaiming others' sin. : Videha (face)-The 4th Division of Jambadvipa. Vidhana (fara)-Division. Vidhisadhaka (fare F19.--Hetu which proves the esistence of a fact. Vidisa (aica) Cardinal directions; as North-East, South-West, &c. Vidyauuvada Pirva (faaligare get-The 10th Purva in the 12th Auga of the Scriptures. Vidyuta Kumara (arga )->The 3rd class of Residential order of celestial beings. Vigama (TH)-Decay. Vigraha Vati (faceast)-Passage o Mundane soul from one incarnation to another. : Vihaya gati (fara yf)-Capacity of moving in space.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 123 Vijaya (fast)----The 1st of the 5 Anuttara, highest heavens. Vijnana (ATT)--(1) Having perfect knowledge of things as they are. (2) Consciousness. (3) One of the 5 Skandhas of Buddhism. Vikalanaya (farenotaret) Wrong point of view. Vikala paramarthika pratyaksa (vikalapAramArthika FEIE) --Imperfect Real direct knowledge, i.c., of material objects without the assistance of the senses or the mind. The subject matter of this is only a part at a time; but the knowledge is clear. This includes visual and mental knowledge. Vikala traya (anal )--Vikala traya are born only in the Karma bliisii of 2... continents and in the further half of the last continent and in the whole of the last Ocean Svyambhiramana. They are 2, 3 or 4 sensed sub-human-beings. Vikalendriya (fanatcu)---Having 2 to 4 out of the 5 organs of senses. Vikalpa ( 7).- Classes : kinds. Viksepini (laagrit)-Narration which destroys errors, Vimana (FHTAT)The Heavenly car or abode. Vimochitavasa (Chilearate)-- Residence in a de. serted place. Vimoba (Faris)--=Anaddhya ra saya (9.v.)
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________________ 124 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Vinaya 'Mithyadarsana (Tante HTUTETTA) Taking every religious form to be equally worthy of pursuit. (A kind of wrong belief). Vinaya Prakirnaka (fara garuhi)--The 5th An gavahya part of the Scriptures. Vinaya (Tapa) (Far) (29)-Reverence. (A kind of austerity). Vipaka (977).- Fruition. Vipaka Vichaya (faqah f )--Contemplation of fruition of Karmas. Vipaksa (9) A premiss from which the conclusion: is certainly not possible. As, there is never any smoke in a red-hot ball of iron. Vipaka Sutra (raritet)--The 11th Anga of the Scriptures. Viparita. Mithyadarsana. (viparIta mithyAdarzana)-- . Perverse belief. Viparyaya (faquet)---Wrong knowledge Vipramoksa (FW THTET) -- Freedom. Viprayoga (q )---Separation: Vipulamati (ayah)-Mental direct knowledge of . thoughts of others about matter whether present now or relating to the past or future time. Virati (farefi). To be free from; freedom. Virata, i.e., a
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________________ Toing aming Jaina Gem Dictionari ! , AS . saint with full vow in the 6th and 7th stage of spiri tuality, Viruddha (raro) Hetue which contradicts the Sadhya 2.v.) Viruddha hetvabhasa (Faroese ECATHT)--A pre miss which is contradictory of the conclusion. As; there is svater there, because we see the smoke. This is contradictory, as smoke is a sign (FTETF Sadhana) of fire and never of water. Viruddha Rajyatikrama (faster Trade) Illegal traffic with aliens, etc. Virya (Ksayika) ali () --Infinite Power, due to purification caused by destruction of Karmas. Viryantaraya Karma (attiaer )---Karmic , matter, obstructive of power. Viryanuvada Parva (aligare ge-The 3rd Purva in the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Visarpa ( 14)--Expansion Visaya Samraksana aur #TATU)--Preservation of objects of sense enjoyments. Visesa (fagna)--(1) The peculiar quality or charac teristic or accident of a thing, as distinguished from its . qualities as a member of a class, i.c., HARI (2) One of the 7 categories of Vaiscsika school of philosophy. Viskambha (f261) --Breadth.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Visnu (fay)--The soul which by its knowledge can fill the whole universe. Vistara (fat)-Detailed exposition of the soul= Margana (q. v.) Visuddhi Labdhi - (vizuddhi labdhi) Attainment of a disposition for good and against bad actions. Vitanda (favs)-One of the 16 categories of the Nyaya School. Vitaraga (a)--Unattached to the non-self in any way. Vitaraga Samyaktva ( vItarAga samyaktva ) -- Belief without attachment. 126 Vitasti (aa)--Span=2 Pada. Vitata ()-Sounds from drum, Kettle drum, etc. Vivara (f)-Place. Viveka (a)--Giving up of much-beloved objects. Vivikta Sayyasana (vivikta zayyAsana ) - Sitting and sleeping in a lonely place. Vivrita (faga)-Exposed. Vrata Pratima ( )--The 2nd Pratima, observing the 12 vows. Vrisyestarasa (TA)--Quieting and aphrodisiac drinks. Vritti Parisankhyana (vRtti parisaMkhyAna ) - Mental
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. . 127 vow of a condition on fulfilment of which alone food can be taken by a saint. Vyakhya Prajnapti (Area UST)-The 5th Anga of the Scriptures. The 5th Parikarma in the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Vyanjana (1979)-Verbal expression; Vjanjanasya, i.e. of Vyanjana.- indeterminable sense object. Vyanjana paryaya ( 7414)--Spatial modifi cation. Any change or modification in the attribute of spatiality (pradesatva.) : Vyanjanavagraha (ou parau -Perception of in determinable sense-object. Vyantara (FCE) -Peripatetic. One of the four orders of the celestial beings. Vyapadesa (4992)-Description ; Definition. Vyapaka (4147)-Genus; a class; a whole as tree with reference to a mango tree. Vyaparopana (@ TU)-Hurting. Vyapti (@gh)Avinabhavasambandha (q. v.). Vyapya uta)-Relationship of a part to the whole. Vyatireka (TFF)-Negative logical connection, i.C., - a denial of connection, Vyatirekadristanta (outata Eltra)-The obser vation in which the premiss and the conclusion are both absent; as in a tank there is neither smoke nor fire. It is negative ( CETAT ) Dristanta.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Vyatireki (uf)--Successive. Vyavahara (4)-Conventional point of view. Vyavaharanaya ( vyavahAranaya ) - Practical point of view. As calling a pitcher of clay, a pitcher of water because it is filled with water. 128 Vyavahara Palya ( vyavahAra palya) - A circular pit with a diameter of one yojana, i.e., 2000 Kosas, and of an equal depth is filled with the ends of the downy hair of a lamb of 7 days born in the highest Ehoga bhumi; one end of hair is taken out every 100 years. The time taken to empty the pit is one Vyavakara Palya.=4,134526 3030820317774951219200000000000000000000 years. Vyavahara Samyagdarsana ( vyavahArasamyagdarzana) Right belief of 7 principles, etc. from the practical point of view. Vyavritti (A)--Paryayarthika (9.v.) Vyaya (4)-Going out of existence, decay. Vyuchchhitti (off)-Extermination of a sub class of Karma with reference to its bondage, operation or attendance on or association with the soul. Wherever the Vyuchchitti takes place, there is no more bondage, operation or attendance of Karma beyond that point. Vyuparata kriya nivritti (vyuparata kriyA nivRtti) - The 4th Pure concentration, unvibrating absorption of soul in itself. F.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 129 Vyutsarga (CET)-Giving up of attachment to the body. Y. Yadrichha (TE=21)--According to his own whims. Yaksa (T)--The 5th class of Peripatetic order of celes tial beings. Yasah kirti (:id)--Bringing good fame. Yathakhyata charitra (Tereyra aft)--Ideal and passionless conduct. Yati (fi) Saint with control over the senses-a monk. Yoga (ETT)-1. Sentence : 2. Faculty of the soul to attract matter: Vibratory activity of the soul which causes inflow of matter into the soul. (3) Contempla tion ; (4) Impulse: Vibration : Yogaduhpraaidhana (TMG: GUETT)-Misdirec tion of mind, body and speech. Yoganigraha (HIVE) - Control of Yoga s. e. of mind, body, speech. * Yogaparikarma (iroria')-Vibratory thought activity due to mind, body and speech. Yogasthana (ETTEUT)-Degrees of soul's vibratory activity. Yogavakrata (Tritaat)--Non-straightforward work ing of mind, body and words.
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________________ 130 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Yojana (CTA)-One yojana=2000 Kosas : Small yojana=4 kosas. Yoni (TI)-The material environment in 'which the incarnating soul finds lodgment. Yuka (94)--Louse=8 nits. Yukti (qfffi) - Perfectly logical and cogent ratiocina tion, which helps self-realisation.
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________________ APPENDIX A. THE 148 SUB-CLASSES OF THE 8 KARMAS. I. 5 qrarazafia Jnanavaraniya (=1.), Knowledge obscuring. 1. fa go Mati-j., Sensitive-Knowledge-obscuring. 2. un 3. Sruta-j., Scriptural 3. wafago Avadhi-j., Visual 4. 77:9 2 50 Manahparyaya-j., Mental , 5. haa go Kevala-j., Perfect II. 9 qziararaftar Darsanavaraniya (=d.), Conation obscuring. 1. a. Chaksu-d., Ocular-Conation-obscuring. 2. rafo Achaksu-d., Non-ocular , , 3. Ona co Avadhi-d., Visual se je 4. marta o Kevala-d., Perfect , , 5. tranfg Styanagriddhi, Somnambulism. 6. Fait may Nidra-sidra, Deep sleep. 7. DAT HTH Prachala-prachala, Heavy drowsiness. 8. Fargo Nidra, Sleep. 9. Agar Prachala, Drowsiness, III. 2 agafia Vedaniya, (=v.) Feeling. . 1. arm ao Sata.o., Pleasure-feeling; that which brings pleasure.
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________________ 132 Jaina Gem Dictionary. 2. ogia 10 Asata.V., Pain-feeling; that which brings pain, IV. 28 Ataria Mohaniya, Deluding. 3 qintroira Darsana-mohaniya, Right-belief-deluding. 1. fra Mithyatva, Wrong belief. 2. rafiqzziza (Fra) Samyagmithyatra (misra), Right wrong belief; mixed wrong and right belief. 3. *6789 arsla Sainyalctra Prakriti, clouded right belief; right belief clouded by slight wrong belief. 25 qua pietra Charitru-mohaniya. Right-conduct-delud ing. 16 hora Kasaya, Passions. 4 pamain Anantanubandiri, Error-feeding passions. 1. u Krodha, Anger. 2. #19 Mlana, Pride. 3. et Maya, Deceit. 4. ETH Lobha, Greed. 4 maardlaratia Apratyakhyanavaraniya, Partial vow-preventing passions, the same four as above, 4 Turennrarita Pratyukhyanavaraniya, Total-vow preventing passions, the same four as above. 4 soat Samjoalana, Perfect-conduct.preventing passions, the same four as above. This is the slightest degree of passion and co-exists with self-restraint of a high order. 9 Arhyra or 14, Nokasaya or Akasaya, Quasi-passions ; slight or minor passions.
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________________ 12 V. 4 Jaina Gem Dictionary. 1. Hasya, Laughter; Risible or Laughter-pro ducing. Rati, Indulgence. Arati, Ennui; dissatisfaction. Soka, Sorrow. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bhaya, Fear. 6. 7. 8. Pumveda, Masculine Jugupsa, Disgust; aversion. Hiding one s own, and publishing other people's, shortcomings. Striveda, Feminine inclination. 21 9. Napumsaka veda, Common sex g Ayu, Age-Karma. 1. Narakayu, Hellish age. 2. faisarg Tiryanchayu, Sub-human age. 3. gang Manusyayu, Human age. 4. ag Devayu, Celestial age. VI. 93 Nama, Body-making Karma. 4 afa Gati, Condition; Condition of existence Naraka, Hellish, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. fais Tiryancha, Sub-human. 3. Manusya, Human. Deva, Celestial. 4. 5 fa Jati, Genus of beings. Ekendriya, One-sensed. Bendriya, TwoTendriya, ThreeChaundriya, FourPanchendriya, Five-,, 31 31 39 133 13
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________________ 134 Jaina Gem Dictionary. 57a Sarira, bodies. 1, if Audarila, Physical. 2. Ofisiferente Vailriyika, Fluid. 3. ZITTE, Aharaka, Assimilative. 4. asta Taijasa, Electric. 5. Tato Karmana, Karmic. 3 rain Angopanga, Limbs ; limbs and minor limbs. 1. Argifch Audarila, Physical. 2. aparazi Vailcriyila, Fluid. 3. Merce Aharaka, Assimilative. 1 fato Nirmana, Formation; proper formation of limbs and minor limbs in relation to 4ra Sthana, Situation; and ar Pramana, Size ; dimension, 5 cm Bandhano, Bondage; molecular bondage; 5 names according to 5 kinds of bodies. 5 Bora Samghata, Interfusion; molecular interfusion, 5 names according to 5 kinds of bodies. 6 deara Samsthana, Figure; figure of the body. 1. Huaca Samachaturasra, Symmetrical; Perfect sym: metry all round. 2. MYFTHOCH Nyagrodhaparimandala Banyan-like; short in lower but large in upper extremities like a banyar-tree. 3. Fara Svati, Tapering; like a snake-hole: Broad in lower but short in the upper extremities. Reverse of the last. 4. Setti Kubjaka, Hunchback. : 5. am7 Vamuna, Dwarf.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 135 6. 946 Hundaka, Unsymmetrical. 6 JETTA Samhanana, Skeleton; or osseous structure. 1. RTH TIT agata Vajra-risabha naracha samlanana, Adamantine nerves, joints and bones. Adamantine nerves, joints (or amphiarthrodial articulation when the bones are slightly moveable and united by an intervening substance), and bones. 2. 7179 tiga Vajra-naracha-Samhanana, Adamantine joints and bones. 3, arra hifto Naracha-Samhanana, Joints and bones; ordinary amphiarthrodial articulation, and bones: 4. PRIP SETA Ardha naracha samhanana, Semi-joints and bones with joints and bones, more weakly articulated than in Taracha samhanana. 5. Riia 477 Kilita samhanana, Jointed bones ; Synar throdial articulation in which bones are immove able and directly united. 6. asaMprApta supATipha saMhanana Asamprapta sripatika samhanana, Loosely jointed bones; Diarthrodial articulation, in which bones may be more or less freely moveable, when the articular surfaces are covered with smooth cartilage, and surrounded by a fibrous capsule. 8 Fri Sparsa, Touch. 1. mare Kathora, Hard. 2. fra Komala, Soft. 3. Ta Guru, Heavy. 4. ng Laghu, Light. 5. na Ruksa, Rough,
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________________ 70 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Naya (979)-Standpoint; point of view which soow partial knowledge of a thing in some particular aspect of it. Nidana (FGTET) --Desire for future sense-pleasures. The 4th monomania, for future enjoyments. Nidhatti ( F T)-A kind of existence of Karmas in the Soul. Nidra (fact)-Sleep; a kind of Karma. Nidra nidra (Fiszip&T)-Deep sleep; a kind of Karma. Nigamana (FAUTHST) --The conclusion. It is a repeti tion of pratijna, implying a statement that it is estab. lished ; like the Q. E. D. of Euclid. Nigoda ( FAIRE --Sadharana vegetable kingdom, 'in which one physical body contains infinite souls, Nigrahasthana (FHEFUT)-- One of the 16 cate: gories of the Nyaya system of philosophy. Nihsamkita anga (fusifonat 15:)--Freedom from doubt; a characteristic of right belief. Nihsila vratatva (ug ) -Not taking, 5 vows and the 7 sub-vows. Nihsrita (FFF)--Sensitive knowledge of an esposed : thing, like a book on the table. Nikaya (FFIT) - Order, group; class. .'
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 71 Viksepa ( A T)-Putting down; aspect; Syn. Nyasa (9.v.). Nila (alat)-Indigo ; The 4th mountain dividing Videha and Ramyaka. Nimisa (FIFT)-Wink = innumerable sanayas. Nimitta (FFTT)-Help; arising from, caused by. Nimitta karana (FAHTIHTU ) = Samartha karana (q.v.). Ninhava (frrea )--Concealment of knowledge. Nirakara (Fafer 115) --Indefinite (conation). Nirdesa (Fe)-Description (Definition). Nirgrantha (FrStrz)--A possessionless Jaina saint. . Nirguna ( H U )---Without an attribute, such as Sattva, : Rajas and Tamas. Nirjara (FOTTT)--Shedding of Karmic matter by the mi Soul. Nirmana (FHIT ) -Proper formation of limbs and * minor limbs in relation to their situation (stlana) or dimensions (pramana). Nirodha (HRTE)-Stoppage, checking. Nirupabhoga (fataqHitl) -- Non-enjoyment. Nirvana (Far)-Liberation from all the Karmas.
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________________ 72 Jaina Gem Dictionary.. Nirvanapura (aiust)- The abode of the liberated, Nirvartana (facciat)--Production. Nirvedani (Farcrit)---Narration which induces non attachment. Nirvichikitsita anga (FalaffSPTT 75.)---Free dom from aversion to body, etc.; a characteristic of right belief. Nirvikalpa (Facha)-Attention which takes its rise from the four kinds of conation, ocular, non-ocular, visual, and perfect Nirvsitti (Froft)-The formation of Sense-organ itself. Nirvsittyaparyapta (Frazeouta)-The condition before Paryapti within one antarmuhiirta. Nisarga (cateri)-(1) Movement. (2) Intuition, by which right belief is caused. Nisarga kriya (FFECT FATT)-Admiration of un righteous hurtful things. Nischaya (FAAT)=Dharana (q.v.). . Nischayanaya (FF1.)--Real or essential point of view; as calling a pitcher of clay, a pitcher of clay. . Nisedha sadhaka (iaa HEX) --Hetu, which proves the non-existence of a fact.
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________________ * Jaina Gem Dictionary. 73 Niseka (Foto) - The number of Karmic atoms which operate in one instant, are collectively called a Nizeka. Nisiddhika prakirnaka (Falafest Tanitica)-The 12th Angavahya part of the Scriptures, Niskamksita (anga) (F16miiya) (19.) Freedom front desire for worldly comforts; a characteristic of right belief. Nitya nigoda (FACET FUNTC)-Souls which have never left Nigoda, i.e., vegetables in which infinite souls occupy one body. Nitya Nityam (FACI GAST)-Permanence; always permanent in their nature. Nivsitti kama ( Girona)-One desirous of libera tion. No-agama bhava niksepa (a1 MH Hrafe)- Calling a material thing by its present condition. No-karma (altri)-Physical matter. Nri (7)--Human beings. Nyagrodha Parimamdala (nyagrodhaparimaMDala ) body large in the upper, but short in the lower, extre mities, like a banyan tree. * Nyasa (-4TF)- Aspect. * Nyasapahara (TAITEIT).- Unconscientious dealings ... by means of speech. mitien
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________________ 74 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Ogha (TE)-- Proposition of the subject; laying down of the main outlines in brief of the soul=Gunasthana (q.v.). Om (ET)--This Jaina incantation is composed of 5 sounds: a (a), a (a), a (711), u(x) and m (1), which stand respect-, ively for arhat, asarira (i.c., siddha), acharya, upadhyaya, and muni (i.c., Sadhu). These are the 5 paramesti of Jainism (q.v.). Pada (97EUR) = 6 Angulas (9.v.). Padartha (agre)--Category; principle. Padma (99)--Pink. Padmaragaratna (EURTRE)-The jewel ruby. Paksa (96)-(1) A premiss from which the conclusion, though possible, may yet be open to doubt. As there is fire in this room, therefore it must be smoky. It may or may not be. (2) Also a combination of Sadhya, and Dharmi = (q.v.) Paksika Sravaka (Quin 2014) -A layman prepar ing for the Pratimas (q.v.). Palyopama (TC4CF)See under Sagara.
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________________ .. Jaina Gem Dictionary. 75 Pamchastikaya Samgraha (paMcAstikAya saMgraha) Collection of five Astikaya ufita. They are the five sub stances which have Pradesas. Pamkabhaga (1957T3T)- The second stratum of the 1st earth, :: It is the abode of Asura Kumara class of residential, and the Raksasa class of the peripatetic, order of celestial beings. Pamka prabha ( 6 71)-The 4th earth, in hue like ... mire. .. Paracharitachara (qafat) Follower of the non-self-conduct, ib., the path which does not lead to self-realisation. Paracharitra (CETTET) -Without conduct. Follower of non-self-conduct (i.c., the path which does not lead to : self-realisation). Paraghata (aart)--Having a body likely to be fatal to others; as lion's paws, stag's horn, etc. Paramanu (ulary)--An absolutely indivisible particle of matter; an atom. Paramarthikapratyaksa (TEHTCH COLET).- Real direct knowledge without the assistance of the senses: .. or the mind, The subject-matter of this may be a part or the whole, but the knowledge is always clear. It is pure intuition. It is sakala paramarthika pratyaksct or Omniscience ;'or vikala paramarthika pratyaksa, not .. unlimited like Omniscience.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Paramavadhi (Aaa)-High visual knowledge, Paramesti (The 5 Supreme Spiritual Dig nitaries of Jainism. They are Arhat, Siddha, Acharya, Upadhyaya and Sadhu. Among others they are characterised by 46, 8, 36, 25 and 28 qualities respectively. Pararthanumana (parArthAnumAna ) - The words which express the inference; also inference drawn through words. 76 Para samaya (A)--Non-self-absorption. Para samaya ratah (para samayarataH ) - Indulgent in the non-self absorption. Paratva ()--Long duration, Paravivahakarana (qefeqigsew)-Bringing about marriages of people outside of one's own family. Para-vyapadesa (430497N)--Delegation of host's duties to another. Parayatta (A)-Dependent upon the movements of matter, i.e., the sun, moon, &c. Time in practice is measured by the motion of heavenly bodies, &c., &c. Paridevana (paridevana ) - Pathetic mourning to attract compassion. Parigraha (E)-Attachment to worldly objects. Parigraha tyaga ( parigraha tyAga ) - Renunciation of worldly belongings, the 9th Pratima.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionaries Paribara yisuddhi (GFETE a )-Pure and ab solute non-injury. It is a kind of right conduct of saints. Parikarma ( chi)The 1st division of the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Pariksa (q ) = Iha (q.v.). Pariksepin (CRETE)-Surrounding. Parinama (HRT UTF)-Thought-activity: sense percep: tions and their objects: change: modification. Parinamika bhava ( q Urho Ha Natural thought-activity. Parisada ( qutae)--Celestial members of the court. Parisah (APNE) -Suffering; hardship. Parisah jaya (RUE FU)-Subdual of Parisah sufferings; bearing hardship. Paritapiki (aicangat )-Causing mental pain to oneself and others. Parivartana (tradat)--Cycle of wanderings. Parivartana linga (gitararas:.Siga of change. Parivartana sambhuta (aracin data)- The cause of the niodifications in being. : Paroksa (TTE)- Indirect; mediate; requiring the ; help of the senses and mind.
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________________ 78 Jaina Gem Dictionary.' Paroparodhakarana (T ESTU )-Residence in a place, not likely to be prohibited. Paryapta (PTH)-Developable. See Paryapti. Paryapti (wering)--The gaining by the Soul, within one . Antar Muhurta, of the capacity to develop fully the characteristics of the body into which it is going to incarnate. Paryaya ( 4 ) --- Modification. Paryayarthika ( Tufan )-- Relating to the modi.. fications of the substance; modal. Paryayarthikanaya (CAFT FETT ) --- Modification-". standpoint or modal standpoint. Pasyanti (Terrait )-Soul's attenion or upayoga to : speak or hear a word. : Pisacha (1921177 )- The 8th class of the peripatetic order of celestial beings. Pota (TA).- Unumbilical; birth without any sac or shell. Prabhavana (anga) (FHTXAT) (15)-Publishing the : greatness of Jaina doctrine; a characteristic of right belief, Prabhu (91)-God; Master of Karmas. Prachala (956) Drowsiness. .. mas.
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________________ . Jaina Gem Dictionary. 79 Prachalaprachala (FeatheaT)---Heavy drowsi. ness. Pradesa (CA)-Unit of space occupied by an in divisible atom of matter. * Pradesa bandha (agreret)-Bondage due to number of Karmic molecules (vargana). Pradesatva ( CE ) - Capacity to occupy space. Pradhana (991)-One of the 25 categories of the Sankhya system of philosophy. Pradhvamsabhava (TECTETHTT)-The non-existence of the present in the future. The present, of course, does not exist as such in the Puture. The condition of my writing this book at the present moment cannot exist in the Future. : Pradosiki (HTETTA) Tendency to accuse others in anger. Pragabhava (1779)-The non-existence of the I present in the Past. The present, of course, did not exist as such in the Past. The condition of my writing this book did not exist in the Past. :: Prajna (UFT)--Thirst for knowledge; intellect. : rakirnaka (an&t=5.)- -The people (like the subjects) Prakriti (seniai)_(1). Nature of Karmic matter.
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________________ 80 Jaina Gem Dictionary (2) One of the 25 categories of the Sankhya school of philosophy. Prakriti bandha (fr) -- Bondage due to prakRtivandha nature of Karmic matter. Pramada (1)--Carelessness; heedlessnes in spirit ual matters. Pramadacharita (a)--Thoughtless con duct. Pramada vahala (17)--Passion-tossed. Pramana (U)-- (1) Big measure, which is 500 times of the ordinary measure, as Pramana angula, Pramana yojana, etc. (2) A category of Nyaya. (3) Authority by means of which we test direct or indirect right knowledge of the self and the non-self in all their aspects simultaneously. (4) Limits. Pramana angula (i) -- big finger = 500 ordinary angulas. Pramanabhasa (E)-Wrong knowledge. Pramana nirmana (pramANa nirmANa ) --Formation of limbs and minor limbs in relation to their dimensions. Pramatta_samyatta ( pramatta saMyatta ) - The 6th spiritual stage, e.g., of a monk with slight careless ness. "
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________________ !. .. Jaina Gem Dictionary Pramatta samyattasya (4) saint of 6th stage, called Pramatta Samyatta. Pramatta virata ( faca)--The 6th Spiritual stage; imperfect vow. Pramatta yoga (7)--Passionate vibrations. Prameya ($?$?)--A category of Nyaya. Prameyatva (a)--Know-ability. Prana (T)--Vitalities. Prana pana paryapti (prANApAna paryApti ) - Completion of capacity to develop respiratory activity. Pranata (Iaua)--The name of the 14th Heaven. Pranatipatiki (unfachma)--Depriving of vital ities. Pranavada (ul)-The 12th Purva of the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Prasna vyakarana ( 1)--The 10th Anga of the Scriptures. Prathaktva vitarka vichara ( prathakUtva vitarka Absorption in meditation of the self, but un consciously allowing its different attributes to replace one another, the 1st pure concentration. Prathamanuyoga (prathamAnuyoga) (1) The 3rd division of the 12th Anga of the Scriptures; (2) Biographical portion of Jaina literature. 6
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________________ 82 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Prathamopasama samyaktva (ATHUTH prohra)-The first subsidential right belief. It may arise (1) in a soul which has never had right belief, by the subsidence of the four error-feeding passions and wrong belief, i.e., the four anantarubandhikasaya and mithyatva, or (2) in a soul which has had, but has lost, right belief, by the subsidence of the above five and the two following: (1) Samyaka mithyatva, mixed right and wrong belief, and (2) Samyaktva prakriti, right belief clouded by slight wrong belief. Pratijivi guna (arasiilayu)-Attributes which merely indicate the absence of their opposite. Pratijna (ulasi)-The proposition which is to be proved: as there is fire in this mountain. It contains the qe (paksa) and the tea (sadhya). Pratikramana (arianhu)-Self-analysis and repent. ance for faults. Pratikramana Prakirnaka. (pratikramaNa prakIrNaka) The 4th part of Angavahya Scriptures. Pratima (AFIT) One of the 11 stages of a layman's life. Pratinarayapa (GSARTIU)-The king of halft of Bharatksetra and predecessor of Narayana. Pratipatti (ufaula)-Dharana (g.v.). Pratirupaka vyavahara (udah ti SMAETT) Adulteration.
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________________ Jaina. Gem Dictionary. 83 Pratisevana (afhant)-Liability to transgression under another's compulsion, Pratisthapana (9fagry)--Care as to where to answer the call of nature. Pratityabhava (galeria)-Manifesting in relation to matter. Pratyabhijnana (FEATHSIT)Sanjna. Recognition. It is the remembrance of the identity of a thing which :' is before us. Here the object recollected is actually .. before our eyes and the novelty of the knowledge con sists in the identity of object now perceived with some-.. thing previously seen. Pratyakhyana (HETICF)-Giving up; determina tion of not using certain things on certain days. Pratyakhyana kasaya (UTe a rt)--Total :, vow-preventing passions. Pratyakhyana Pirva (CoreTa -The 9th * Purva of the Scriptures. Pratyaksa (4219) ---Direct; known by the Soul itself without any external help; self-evident. Perception. Pratyaksabadhita (HCETALTETA)--A premiss from which the conclusion drawn is obviously refutable. As fire is cold, because it is a substance. Fire is obviously never a cold thing. benever
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________________ 84 Taina Gem Dictionary: Pratyaya (CT)-Cause; the collective name of 5 kinds of thought-activity causing bondage, as wrong belief, etc. Pratyayiki (aparitit) --Inventing new sense-enjoy. ments, Pratyeka (979) -A constitution, in which one body contains one soul. Pratyeka Buddha (TFT --Led to the path of liberation by his own intuition. . Pravachana (Han)-Sruta ; Scriptures. Pravachana vatsalya (faqa ataca)--Affection for co-religionists. Prayaschitta ( 979fa7 )-Expiation. Prayogakriya (Herren)-Bodily movements. Prayoga labdhi (HUTTET) ---Attainment of thought-activity to reduce further duration of all Karmas, except the 'age-karma. This comes after Desana labdhi (q.v.). ; Prayojana (TIGAT) ---Function ; a category of the Nyaya school of philosophy. Presya prayoga (627 PTT)-Sending someone out beyond the limit. Ptithula (ga )--All-pervading in the universe.
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________________ .: Jaina Gem Dictionary. 85 . Prosadhopavasa ( o uala - Fasting regularly, : the 4th Pratima. Taking a vow (vrata) to fast on : .four days of the month, i.e., on the 8th and the 14th days of every lunar fortnight. Pudgala (aqua) --Matter ; substance. . Pudgala ksepa (gora)-Throwing something material beyond the limit. Pudgalavipaki (ygaarait-Body-maturing, the Karma which matures and whose fruition affects * the body mainly. Pulaka (gara )--Possession-less saint, with slight fapse in perfect observance of the primary vows. Pundarika (DETTO )-Lake on the Mountain Bikhari. Pundarika prakirnaka (jszimynui)-The 12th Angavahya part of the Scriptures. ... Purva ( One Purva= (8400000), years. Pirvachara (at) ---Inference of what follows from what goes before ; Precedence." Pirvagata ( TAT)-The 14 Purvas of Jainism. Parvaratanusmarana ( AFTU) --Remem.. brance of or thinking over past enjoyment of women, Purusa :(98)-(1) The soul. X (2) One of the 25 categories of the Sankhiya system of philosophy. ' A . ' .
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________________ 86 Jaina Gein Dictionary. Purusaveda (grac)-Masculine inclination. Puskaravara ( 967 ) -Name of the 3rd continent and ocean. Puskarardha (goFTT -The half of the 3rd conti. nent Puskaravara dvipa. Raga (TTT)Love. Rahobhyakhyana (R O )---Divulging the secrets of man and woman. Rajata (2016)--Silver. Raja ( Todor Rajji (TEST) th of the total height of the universe. Rakta (770)-A river in Airavata. Ramyaka (277) ---The 5th division of Jambudvipa. : Rasa (TF)-- Taste. Rasa parityaga (TA FRITT) --Daily renunciation of one or more of the six delicacies, namely, clarified butter, milk, curd, sugar, salt and oil. Rasa fiddhi (TR ) Capacity of an evil eye and its opposite, etc. Rati (fat)-- Indulgence, Ratna prabha ( T HT)---Name of the 1st earth in hue-like jewel. 2
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________________ ::.. Jaina Gem Dictionary: Ratribhukti (TTT) The 6th Pratima, not taking - anything at night, Raudra dhyana (hic yra)-Wicked concentration. Riddhiprapta (Figung)-- With supernatural powers. Rijumati (Forfat) -Simple mental knowledge. Rijusatra (F EET)-Actual (point of view) referring to present condition. Risi (TTT)-A saint with miraculous powers. Ritu (c)-A season of 2 months. Rohita (CiAT)- A river in Haimvata. - Rohitasya The rear) -A river in Haimvata. Rukmi (o )-The 5th mountain dividing Ramyaka and Hairanyavata. Rupa (4)-(1) The quality of mattei'. ... (2) Body, one of the five Skandhas of the Buddhists. 'Rupa gata (ang TAT)-- The 4th Chulika in the 12th Anga of the Scriptures. Rapanupata (aqlanma) --Making signs for persons .. beyond the limit. Rupya-kula (atrat) --A river in Hairanyarata.
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________________ 88 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Sabda (716)-(1) Descriptive (point of view) as'use of the present for the past tense, etc. (2) Sound. Sabda naya (110c )--Also the name collectively of the Sabda, Samabhirildha and Evambhota points of * view. (g.v.) Sabdanupata (TCC1841A) --Sending one's voice beyond: the limit. Sachitta (Aferat) --Living matter or thing. Sachitta apidhana (aftEigan)--Covering witb. a living thing. Sachittachitta (aftiTT)-Living and dead matter. Sachitta niksepa (afea FET)--Placing on a living thing. Sachitta sambandha (afat fart)--- Anything connected with a living thing. Sachitta sammisra, (TE )--Mixture of living and non-living things. Sachitta tyaga. pratima (sacitta tyAga pratimA) The 5th 'Pratima, renunciation of animate vegetation, etc. Sadavastharupa upasama (sadavasthArUpaupazama) Suspensive subsidence, i.e., the existence of karmas in the state of the soul's present bondage. These Karmas do not operate now but shall do so in the future.
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________________ J.Cilla veu VIC Lonary. Sadbhava sthapana (peta FOT99T)Equal to Tadakara sthapana. (q. v.) Sadbhuta vyavaharanaya (sadabhUta vyavahAranaya)Substantive Practical standpoint. To distinguish in practice the qualities of a substance which in reality form one indivisible whole of the substance. As the soul is nothing more nor less than its attributes of perfect knowledge, conation, &c., &c. From the real point of view all these together make soulness. But from this practical point of view these various qualities can be considered and described separately. Practically distinguishing a really indivisible thing. Sadhana ( ETA)(1) That thing or quality which cannot exist without its Ana (sadhya; or the thing, the exist. ence of which is proved by it. As smoke cannot exist without fire. Roughly it is the basis of proof; the premiss froni which a conclusion is drawn. - (2) Cause. Sadharana sarira (FTERU TIE)--One vegetable body possessed of many souls. Sadharana vanaspati (FTETCU Antena A vegetable with many souls in one body. See Sapratista pratyeka; and Pratyeka and Sudhdrana. Sadharmavisamvada (eilagarc)--Sadharma= * co-religionists, avisanvada=not disputing with. Not. quarrelling with one's co-religionists.
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________________ 90 .Jaina Gem Dictionary. Sadharmya (EEFT ) ----Anvaya dcistanta (q. v:) . : Sadhu (Arg--Saint of long standing. Saduu samadhi (atg FHITT)-Protecting the saints. Sadhya (HTET) That which is inferred from the observation, and the inference of which is me (ista), nafta (abadhita) and most (asiddha), i.e., is sought, is irrefutable, and hitherto unproved to the man addressed. Roughly it is what is proved; the conclusion. Sadhyanyathanuppatti (FTEYTTELYFER )= . Vyapti (q. v.) Sadrisya pratyabhijnana (sAdRzya pratyabhijJAna) Recognition of a thing by feeling (sensing) something similar to it. As thinking of the pudding of yesterday by a similarity in the taste of the pudding of to-day. - Sadvedya (EET)--Pleasure-bearing Karma. Sadvikalpa (asfa469)-Of six kinds. Sagara (FNTT)--10:x crore x crore of Addla Palyas 1. Addla Palya--a circular pit with a diameter of 1 Yojana, i.c., 2000 Kosas of an equal depth is filled with the ends of the downy hair of a lamb of 7 days, born in. highest Blogabhiimi. One end of hair is taken out in every 100 years. The time taken to empty the pit is a Vyavalara Palya. Innumerable Vyavahara Palyas make one Uddhara * Palya. Innunierable Uddhara Palyas make one Addlia Palya.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. . 91 Sahabhavi ( F TA) Inseparable accident or pro* perty. The attribute of a thing. Sahabhavi paryaya (shat qeft) -- Condition which co-exists with the substance always. It is called guna or attribute. Sabachara (FET)Co-existence. Sahaja viparyaya (FEG facere)--Mistake in know ledge due to one's own self. Sahasa Niksepa (HEAT PATU)Putting down a thing hurriedly. Sahasrara (FEATT)--The name of the 12th Heaven. Saiksya (1 ) Student saint. Sakalacharitra (Hina)Page #155
________________ 92 Jaina Gem Dictionary. Samabhava-(AHra) Equanimity. Samabhirudha (naya) (AAFAAC) (779) Specific (point of view). Giving a word one fixed meaning out of its several meanings. Samachaturasra samsthana (samacaturasra saMsthAna) Perfect proportion of the physical body. Samadana ( F GTA)Neglecting the taken vows. Samahita (FHIES)--Concentrated. Samanaska (Anahti) -- Rational; possessed of a mind.. Samanika (ATHITT) - Celestial beings of equal status. Next in grade to Indra. Samantapatana-(HHFARMIG)--Call of nature at public places. Samanya (arhiret) ---A padartha or category of Nyaya. Samanya guna (HHT TU)--Common attribute. Samartha karana ( F ICU) -- Efficient cause, where the circumstances which hamper the effect are non-existent and those which produce the effect are present. It immediately precedes the effect produced. Only one or more circumstances cannot produce the effect desired, unless they are united with other circums. tances to make up the efficient cause. There are universally two efficient causes: (1) (54157) upadana, primary or material cause, i.c., the thing which undergoes the transformation into effect;
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. 93 * as in making a bangle of gold, gold is the material cause: as in love and hatred, the soul itself is the primary or material cause. (2) Fafatt (ninitta), secondary or auxiliary cause, i.e., the circumstances which produce the effect; but which do not become the effect itself. :: Note that efficient cause is nothing more nor less than the total of the primary and secondary causes, e.g., in making a jar of clay, the efficient cause is the capacity of the clay to be made into a jar; and the circumstances or means, including the potter and his processes, by which the clay is actually made into the jar. The capacity of the clay is the primary or upadana cause. The potter, his tools and processes, &c., are the second ary or nimitta cause. Samavasarana (AFCETU)-The hall of audience of the Tirthankaras. Samavaya (ahath)-(1) Group. (2) A padartha or category of the Vaigesika. Samavayanga (FHITAM)--The 4th Anga of the Scriptures. Samavedani (Fracat-Narration which induces 'affection for the truth. . Samaya (ha)-Unit of time. Its measure is the time taken by an atom in going from one point of space to the next one with slow motion. An Instant.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Samayaprabaddha (74925)--The maximum and minimum of the number of molecules which the soul binds to itself in one instant. Samaya, i.e., instant, unit of time, i.ctime talsen by an atom of matter in passing from one kalailib, i.Co, one point of time to the next. Samayika charitra (Arhifi FIFT)--(1) Right conduct. (2) Equanimity, Samayika prakirnaka (HIHITIS gasituati) The first Angavahya part of the Scriptures. . Samayika pratima (ETHIRUS ATAT) --The 3rd Pratima, faultless meditation three times a day. Samayika vrata (ATHIFOR --Vow for Samayika or self.contemplation. Samhanana ( 97 ) --Physical constitution or osse ous structure. Samiti ( a f ) - Carefulness. Samkhyatabhagahan! (FourT ATTEIT) Decrease in or by numerable division or part. Samkhyatabhagavriddhi (Firena TT& Increase in or by numerable division or part. Samkhyatagunahani ( Ta usta) Numerable fold decrease. Samkhyatagunavriddhi (Fleura TUTIS) Numerable fold increase.
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________________ .: Jaina. Gem Dictionary. 95 Samparayika ( TFF)--Mundane inflow, 1.e, inflow of karmic matter which causes the cycle of birth and rebirth. Samsara (Fert)-Cycle of existence. Sansara Chakravala (Fer Forg-Wanderings in the cycles of mundane existences. Samsaya (Agreu)-(1) Ignorance due to doubt. (2) * A padartha or category of the Nyaya system of philo sophy. Samsaya mithya darsana (sigra THEATEST) : Doubt: scepticism, hesitation in belief. Samskara (Fiffitt) --Mental accompaniments: one of the 5 Skandhas of Buddhism. Samstaropakramana (FFERT9U)-Spreading a mat or seat. Samstava (FEAT)-Praise; spoken admiration. Samstava prakirnaka (uenta gilu)-The 2nd Angavahya part of the Scriptures. Samsthana (Fire).--Figure of the body. Samsthana vichaya (FFUTA faan)- Contemplation: of the nature and constitution of the Universe. Samudghata (FEGEIA)-It is the emanation of the soul-particles from the body, without discarding it i wholly and for good. : The whole soul does not leave the body; it is only a ::. sort of over-flow for some particular reason and the soul
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________________ 96 Jaina Gem Dictionary. returns to the body to be re-absorbed by it. There are 7 kinds of it. Samvara (at)-Stoppage or checking of inflow of karmic matter into the soul. Samvedani (act-Narration which excites love for Truth. Samvrita vivrita (Agar fara)-Covered and exposed. Samvyavaharika pratyaksa(sAMvyavahArika pratyakSa) Practical direct knowledge through the senses and the mind. The subject matter of this is only a part of the thing known; but the knowledge is clear to that extent, This is sensitive knowledge. Samyagdarsana (appreta) -Right belief. Samyak charitra (Fry TRT)Right conduct.: Samyak dristi ( F ETE)-One who has right belief. The 4th stage of spirituality or 4th spiritual stage. Samyakjnana (HFUIFITF)-- Right knowledge. Samyaktva (Aupasamika) Ferenc (@ram*) (Subsidential) right belief. . Samyaktva (ksayika) Perenca (HTF ) ---(Purified) right belief. Samyaktva mithyatva (Eresnica fourca) Mixed right and wrong belief. . Samyaktva prakriti mithyatva (samyakUtva prakRti FALUTCT) --Right belief clouded occasionally by the slightest wrong belief.
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________________ Jaina Gem Dictionary. Samyama ()-Control, five sorts of right conduct, Samyamasamyama ( saMyamAsaMyama ) - Control by vows of some, but not of other, passions. Samyuka ()--A bivalve shell, as a cowrie. Sanatkumara (sanatkumAra ) - The name of the 3rd Heaven. 97 Sandigdhasiddha (mg)--Unproveable be cause sadhana is uncertain. Sangha (a)-A brotherhood of Saints. Sanghata (a)--Interfusion of molecules of five sorts of bodies. Sanhanana (a) Six kinds of physical constitution or osseous structures. Sanjna (A)--(1) Recognition: mind; elsewhere also; name; desire; knowledge. (2) Sanjia or animate feeling of Ahara (food); bhaya (fear); Maithuna (contact); parigraha (attachment). (3) Perception (i.e., recognising and naming). (4) One of the 5 Skandhas of Buddhism. Sanjni (i)--Rational; having a mind. Sanjvalana kasaya (19)-Perfect-rightconduct-preventing passion. Sankhya (are)-A follower of Kapila which believes in three pramanas, inference, perception and trustworthy affirmation. Sankhyeya ()-Numerable.
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________________ 98 Jaina Gem Dictionary. . Sankramana (FOTO) ---Change in nature of Karmas. The transformation of a Karma into one of the same class. Sankranti (ha)-Change. Sanksepa (FETO) ---Summary description of thought activity of Soul; Gunasthana (q. v.) Sapaksa (796)-A premiss from which the conclusion is certain. As there is fire of wet wood in this room, therefore it must be smoky. There the room must certainly be smoky. Sapratisthita pratyeka (aufarga Tris) That one-body-one-souled vegetable, (pratycka vanaspati), which supports the existence of many one-body-manysouled vegetables (sadlarara vanaspati). Sadharana is so-called because the many souls are the same with respect to their bodies, food, respiration and age. Sapta bhanga ( **)--Seven kinds of predication. (See notes under higie for details). Saraga samyaktva (ETT Franca) --Belief with attachment. Saraga samyama (ACHT TH)--Self-control svith slight attachment. Sarasvata (ERF ) The first class of Laukantika heavenly beings. Sarvaghatikarma (adataan)That Karma which destroys the manifestation of the essential attributes of the soul totally.