Jaina Gem Dictionary.':
Note: There are innumerable concentric rings of alternate
Continents and Oceans. The first is Jambadvîpa with a diameter of 1 lac Yojanas. Each ring has its breadth equal' to double of its predecessor's. The sories of their diamoters in lacs of yojanas.is 1, 5, 13, 29, 01, 125, 253, 509, 1021, 2045, 4093, 8189.
10381, 32765, 05533,. The differences are: 4 8 16 32 64 128 250. Eaclı term is double
of its immediate predecessor+3 tol (diameter of the nth ring) =24+*_3.
i-3=15336 diameter for the
15th ring, i.c., the - 3 - 05533
8th continent. There are 14 kinds of series. (Dhárâ).
Sarva Saina Vişama Kriti Akriti Ghana Aghana (All). (Even). (Oda). (Square).) (on-squaro). (Cube). (Non-cabe!.
Kriti Matrika (Squarable).
Mitarika (Non-squamble).
Aghapa Matrika Mätrika (Cabable). (Non-cubable).
Dvirûpa Vargn. Dvirûpa Ghana. Dvirûpa Ghanaghana. (2 Square (2 Cube
(2 Cabe Square Square
Cube Square square)
Square). Sarra.--1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...to U. Arithmetic progression with 1 3s
common Difference, and 1 as first term Sana.-2, 4, 6, 8, 10,...to - Arithmetic progression) with 2 as comnion difference and 2 as
" The No. first term.
of terms Vişama.--1, 3, 5, 7, 9,...to U. Arithmetic progressionis of
· with 2 as common difference and one as U.
first term.