Jaina Gem Dictionary.
According to some there are 98 such classes (Sec Gommațasara Jiva Kânda, Gâthâs, 73–80): 85, 9, 2 and 2 respectively of sub-hunan, human, hellish
and celestial beings. 85 of sub-human beings.-- 69 of those born by spontancous generation
(Samirchchhana).42 of one-sensed beings.
Earth-bodicd. Water-bodied. Fire-bodied. Air-bodied. Nitya szigoda vegetables. Itara nigoda vegetables.
12 of these as being gross or fine. 1 Sapratištita pratycka. 1 Apratisțita pratycka. 14 Thesc 14 being
i. paryâptaka, ii. sirvrittzaparyâptaka,
iii. labdhyaparkāptaka, are 42. 9 of vikalatraya, i.C.,
i. paryâpiaka,
ii. nirvrittyaparjâpiaka and : iii, labdlyaparyâptaka of two, three
and four-sensed beings. 18 of fivc-sensed hcings.