.. Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Câggocharabhàg Pratîta (art at HUT Sat)
Indescribable; Incapable of being expressed in language. Tahni (af)-The 3rd class of Laukântika heavenly
beings. Vaibhâvikaguna (ahia JU)-The attribute by
which the soul is thrown into the non-self thought
activity, on being bound by the non-soul. Vaidharmya (@rut) — Vyatireka dristânta (q. v.) Vaijayanta (arrerst)—The Second Anuttara, a region
above the heavens. Vaikharî (
aet)-Sound vibrations which reach the ear. Vaikrivika (aerian)Physical body of a fluid na.
ture: like that of hellish and celestial beings. Vaikriyika Misra (antara )-Fluid body with
the karmic body. Vaimânika (ahh) —Heavenly bodies. Vainayika (TFT ) —Wrong belief in which religion
is identified with veneration of parents, etc. It is of 32
kinds. Vairâgya (attra)--Non-attachment. Vaisesika ( ago) A follower of Kanada; like the
Bauddhas they believe in 2 Pramânas, perception and inference.