Jaina Gem Dictionar.
Ahârya riparyaya Eleri Fagera) glitale in
scriptural knowledge due to the hearing of another's
preaching. Ahinsa (
E ET) Non-injury to any of the 10 vitalities of living beings. Alitabhîrutram ( CHPEG)-Fear of pain-bringing
actions. Ahoratra (ERT)-Day & night = 30 dluhůrta (9:".) Ailaka (Falas)- A layman with only a loin cloth, in the
11th Pratimâ (q...) Airâvata (Beta )-The 7th division of Jambůdrip.. Aitilya (PAE)=Sruta (9.6.) Ajira (esia) Non-Soul. It includes küla, Pudgalâs
tibâya, Dharmastikiya. Adharmâstikaya and Akašâstikaya, it possesses attributes opposcs to those of the Jiva, the principal of these attributes being conscious.
ness. Ajõânamithyâdarśana (EFT THEIGER) - Wrong
belief caused by ignorance. Ajūâuika (ig -agnostics: they are of 67 kinds.
They say that ascetic practices are necessary for salva.
tion and not the knowledge of soul. Ajwal samvakta (EUŞI FRM) - Right belici arising
from faith in discourses of Tirthaikaras. Ajñåta bhêra (SIT HTT)Unintentional character
(of the act).