Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Agurulaghu (1967
(1) Individuality; the quality by which a substance or attribute does not become another, and by which none of the attributes of a substance can ever fall off from it.
(2) Absence of family-determining Karma.
3) Neither too heavy nor too light.
(4) Increase and decrease in various ways in the modifications of all substances. It is a common feature of all dravyas, and this natural feature is to be found in
the mass, and also in an atom. Ahamindra ( firs) (Lit., I am Indra.) The Kal
pâtîta heavenly beings are so called, because they are
all alike as Indras. Âhanika ( 1191) Part of a chapter. Âhâra (EMTETC) --Assimilation of âhâra varganâ, or mole
cules of matter which form the external body. Âhâraka (ENTERT)-Spiritual manlike emanation from
the head of a Saint. It is also the name of the body possessed by one who has studied 14 Pürvas. The saint with such a body goes to resolve some of his doubts to
a Tirthañkara. Âhâraka miśra (TER -âhâraka mixed with
physical body. Âhârarargaņâ ETERUT)-The material molecules
which go to build up the physical, fluid and âhâraka bodies.