Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Sinha (iz). One of the four orders of Digambara Jaina
ascetics. Sindhu (h) -A river in Bharata. Sîtâ (HE)-A river in Videha.
Sîtodâ (HCIçi) - A river in Videha. · Skandha (FET) (1) Molecule. (2)=Khandha=one
of the five aggregates or groups of Buddhism. : Skandhadesa (FREGET) --Half-molecule. Supposing
a molecule has 16 atoms. Then 16 atoms, are the maxi. mum molecule: 9 the minimum. 8 is the maximum hall. molecule, 5 the minimum. 4 is the maximum quarter.
molecule; 2 the minimum, Skandhapradeśa (France)-Quarter molecule, see
Skandhadeśa. . Smriti (Far)--Remembrance. Smriti samanvâhâra (Fala fraiert) - Repeat
edly thinking of. Smsityantarâdhâna (
F E TE )-Forgetting :. the limits. : Smrityanupasthâna ( 4546417)-Forgetting
: the due formalities. Snâtaka (ata)—The Kevalin, in the 13th and 14th
stages of spirituality. . Snigdha (FETE)-Smooth. Spardhaka ()—A group of vargana (q. v.) .