Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Sh.k.1 nit (p) Lika
8 n=1 rape-sced (r. 5.) sasson 8 r. 5.31 barley (b)
sh=1 utseda (u) finger (1) utseda (lit.=height, thickness, fat
ness.) It is uscd in mcasuring the bodies of hellish, celestial, human and sub-human beings and the cities
and temples &c. of the celestial beings. 500 uf.=1 Pramina finger (p.f.). It is used in measuring conti.'
nents, oceans, rivers and lakes &c. =1 Átmî angula, own finger (of). It is the own finger at any
particnlar time of people in Bharata and Airavata regions, Bows, utensils, ornaments, liouses, gardens &c. are measured by this.
G=1 pada foot (pi 2 p=1 Span (sp) 2 sp=1 Cobit (c) 20=1 Vişa. (V) 2 r=1 bom, dhanusa (ah) 2000 dh1 Koşa (K)
1 k=1 Yojana. · Dig a pit in depth and diameter 1 Pramına yojana (2000
utseda Koşa) Fill it packed with h.u.'s li.e., hair-ends of a lamb of Uttama-bhogabhūmi) level with the earth's surface. To find the . number of h.u.'s, square the diameter, multiply by 10, this gives
tlır circumference; multiply by 1 of diameter.
In Jaina Books == . Thus õīd=v3 + 23vq=31