Jäina Gem Dictionary.
The rule is :-To tlië neárost square-root add the remainder 2x square root. 1.6.V2./1+2.1=1+1=.
the volume of tlie pit is (where r=radius and h=depth), ' + r"= V10x (5)*x i=1*: Cube yojanas cubie yojanas.
'The'h.u.'s in it are max (4 x 2000 x 2x2x2x2x6x500x8390 =413452630308203177740512192000000000000000000 (45 figures),
Take out one hair ond (h. u.) in 100 years; when the pit is . empty, you get the Vyavalára Palya. That is the number of years
in .it is '4134520303082031777495121:9200000000000000000000 (47 igures). :
To reduce these years into instants (Samaya), se lave . :: 1 year=2 ayana (six months). itayana-3 ritu (season). .
. . . . l'ritu=2 masa (months). 1 masa=30 aliorâtra (days and niglits). . . 1 ahoratra=30 mnhûrta.
1 muhûrta=sankliyata a valî.' .
1 kvali=Jagbanya yukta Asandhyâtă Samaya (GOD) Insta i Vadhuira palya. Take the instants of asankhyîta crore;
multiply them by the 15 figured'. Vyavaluirci Palya. The prod number of Samayas (instants i Palya.
These multiplied .. give tho number of ci
of the Middin Worm Addna Palya, Take the instants of
los llie insta
product is . ..Addha Pr'