Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Karma bhūmi (part 1)-The place sshere agri
culturc, etc., are followed by men for their subsistence. ; Karma chetanâ (SAT)--Consciousness of only
one's action or Karma itself. Kârmana (THU)--Karmic; made up of moleculer
of subtle matter, called kârmâna vargana. Kârmâna Targanâ (Titu astur)-Molecules of
Karmic matter which fill the universe; Karmic molecules
of which the Karmic body is made. Karma phala chetanâ ( 5 ESITTT)
Consciousness only of the fruition of Karma or the
result of action, as in trees, etc. Karma pravâda (Si alc)The 8th Pârva, in
the 12th Añga of the Scriptures. Karma raja (FG) Kârmic ashes. Karma yoga (FT FTT)-Vibrations set in in the sout
by the operation of Karmas; Kârmic Impulse. Karmendriya ( T )-Five of 25 categories of
the Sânkhya system of philosophy. Karya ( after ) Inference of cause from effect. Kaşaya (1979)-Passion. Kasayadhyarasāya sthāna (कषायाध्यवसाय स्थान)
Degree of passion which determines duration of bondage.