Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Kâluşya (571667)Unclean thoughts. Kalyanavâda ( FarruatĘ ) --The 11th Půrva in the
12th Añga of the Scriptures. Kâmatîvra abhinivesa (ATHAIS GAE--
Intense, sesual desire. Kamkşâ (mial)-Desire of worldly objects, as rewards
for piety. Kâpişta (nas)--The name of the 8th Heaven. Kâpota (Alyta) Grey; dove-coloured. Kâraña (RU)—(1) It is the cause or causes which produce an effect.
(2) Infcrence of eifect from causc. Karana labdhi ( U O)-Attainment of thought
activity which causes right belicf within 48 minutes. Karanânuyoga (UTGUTT)-That portion of Jainn
literature which treats of cosmology, ctc. Kârana viparyâsa (Fru aquis) --Mistake in the
cause. Karma (1)-(1) Karma is the karmic molecules which
inflow into and bind a soul, if it is subject to love and hatred, etc., activity: very fine matter, of which the Karmic body is made and which in its various kinds and degrees goes on binding, and dropping of from, the mundanc 'soul incessantly. (2) Actions for which the mundane soul is responsible.