Jaina Gem Dictionary."
Manahparyâpti (7:quila) Completion of
capacity to develop the organ of the mind. Manah paryâya (7779273)---Mental knowledge :
direct knowledge of another's thoughts about matter. Mamgala (sitat)--The planet Mars. Manovarganâ (airastut)---Subtle matter of which
mind is made. Mânuşottara (FICUTTI) - A mountain which divides
Puşkarvaradvipa into two equal parts. Marañântikî (Hautfront- of death-bed. Maranasamsa ( HTUTTET) --Desire to die soon. Mârdava (Hiça)—Ever-ready and sincere humility. Mârganâ (#TTUT)-Soul-Quest. There are 14 special
conditions or characteristics by means of which the mundane souls are sought, distinguished and investigated. The irnames are :---1. Gati, 2. Indriya, 3. Kaya, 4. Yoga; 5. Veda, 6. Kasûya, 7. Jñana, 8. Samyana, 9. Darsana, 10. Lesyâ, 11. Bliavyatva, 12. Samyaktva, 13. Sanj:
sõitva, 14. ATâraka. Mârga prabhâvanâ (714raRT)--Propagation of
the right path. Matijñâna (Ffçişilat—Sensitive knoirledge, acquired,
by means of the 5 senses and the mind.