Jaipa Gem Dictionary.
1 Juta Upaghâta, Self-destructive; Having a self
destructive limb or organ. 1 qera Paraghâta, Destructive; Possessing a limb or
organ fatal to others. 1 on âtapa, Hot light; radiant heat; possessed
of a brilliant body, which is hot to others but not to the possessor, as the gross radiant earth-bodied
beings in the sun. 1 saia Udyota, Cold light; phosphorescence; cold light,
like moonshine. 1 gegara Uchchhvâsa, Respiration. 2 faerama Vilâyogati, Movement; capacity of moring
in space. 1. TH Śubha, Graceful.
2. 74 Asubha, Awkward. 1 Are TC Pratycka sarira, Individual body; A body
enjoyable by one soul only, 1 MUTU TE Sûdhûrana Šarira, Common body ;
Possessed and enjoyable by many souls, as a
potato. I ag Trasa, Mobile, with bodies having 2, 3, 4 or 5
senses. 1 Farat Sthâvara, Immobilc, with bodies having one
sense only, i.c., the sense of touch. 1 977 Subhaga, Amiable; amiable personality, even
though not beautiful. 1 gün Durbhaga, Unprepossessing; unprepossessing, even
though beautiful. I gear Sustara, Sweet-voiced ; musical.