Jaina Gem Dictionaryz"tap Châritra (aupaśamika) : T
(Subsidential) right conduct. Châritra (kşâyika) Siria (ATRIA)(Purified) right
conduct. Châritra moha (Fifa FIE) -Right-conduct-delud. ing. Chârvâka (alat) --A materialist who believes in
Pratyaksa pramâna or the authority of perception only. Charyâ (aut)--Conduct. Chetanâ (STRAT) --Consciousness; intelligence. Chhadmastha vitarâga (asen TT-The 11th
and 12th stages of spirituality, where all the passions
have subsided or are destroyed. Chhala (act)--One of the 16th categories of Nyâya
school. Chhedopasthậpanâ (@CITET451)---Recovery of
equanimity after losing it. Chintâ (feat) -Induction. Chittodbhrama (FETE )-Wandering of mind. Chûlikâ efendat) - The 5th part of the 12th Añga of
Daivakuruvaka (aita)Inhabitants of Daiva.
uru, the Bhoga bhûmi portion of Videha kşetra.