Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Dânakşâyika (ETTERT) — Charity (bestoval of fear:
lessness, etc.) due to purification caused by destruction
of karmas. Dânántarayâ (@aliraera)-Charity-obstructing. Darsana(@STTT)Conation ; tendency towards an object. Darśana ksayika (ERITAT FT )-Purified conation.
Perfect conation. Darsana. moha ksapaka (दर्शन मोह क्षपक)--One
who destroys the three kinds of right-belief.deluding
Karmas. Darśana pratimâ (ESTA HIGHT)-The 1st Pratimâ,
faultless belief. Darsanâvaraṇa karma çalaku )-Cona.
tion-obscuring karmic matter. Dasavaikalika prakirnaka (दशवकालिक प्रकीर्णक)
-The 7th Angabâhya scriptures. Deśa châritra (@I SIT )Partial right conduct
of layman. Deśaghâti (nella)—That Karma which destroys the
manifestation of the essential attributes of the soul
partially. Desaghâti sparddhaka (agaia F )
Karmic matter which obscures only partially. Desanâ labdhi (CUFT ala)—Attainment of incli
nation to understand the truth.