Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Brahmacharya pratima (ब्रह्मचर्य प्रतिमा ) -- Celibacy, the 7th Pratimâ or stage of a layman's life. Brahmendra (The only Indra of the 5th and
6th heavens,
Brahmottara (H)—The name of 6th Heaven. Brihaspati (EA)—The planet Jupiter. Buddha (g)-The planet Mercury. Buddhi (g)-Goddess of Mahâ Pundarîka lake. Buddhiriddhi (gfgfg)—Power of enlightenment.
C Chaitya ( चैत्य)- -Images of the Adorable or the Perfect
Chakradhara ()-The king of the whole Bha
rata kṣetra.
Chakravarti (a)-The king of the whole Bha
rata kṣetra.
Chala ()-Right belief not fully fixed. Chandra prajñapti (5)—The 1st Parikarma of the 12th Añga of scriptures. Also it is one of the Upâñgas. Charanânuyoga (R)-One of the 4 kinds of Scriptures. It contains Rules of conduct for laymen and ascetics.