Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Vijaya (fast)----The 1st of the 5 Anuttara, highest
heavens. Vijñâna (ATT)--(1) Having perfect knowledge of
things as they are. (2) Consciousness. (3) One of the
5 Skandhas of Buddhism. Vikalanaya (farenotaret) Wrong point of view. Vikala paramārthika pratyaksa (विकलपारमार्थिक
FEIE) --Imperfect Real direct knowledge, i.c., of material objects without the assistance of the senses or the mind. The subject matter of this is only a part at a time; but the knowledge is clear.
This includes visual and mental knowledge. Vikala traya (anal )--Vikala traya are born only in
the Karma bliisii of 2... continents and in the further half of the last continent and in the whole of the last Ocean Svyambhiramana. They are 2, 3 or 4 sensed
sub-human-beings. Vikalendriya (fanatçu)---Having 2 to 4 out of the
5 organs of senses. Vikalpa ( 7).- Classes : kinds. Viksepinî (laagrit)-Narration which destroys errors, Vimâna (FHTAT)The Heavenly car or abode. Vimochitâvâsa (Chilearate)-- Residence in a de.
serted place. Vimoba (Faris)--=Anaddhya ra sâya (9.v.)