Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Anvayi ()-Co-existing in different stages. Anyatva (a)--Reflection that all else is separate
from me.
Anyonyâbhâva (F)—The non-existence in the present condition of one thing, of the present condition of another thing. As in the present condition of the book there is non-existence of the present condi. tion of water. Or the non-existence in the watch, of the lamp. It is denial of the reciprocality between two things.
Apadhyâna (ETA)—Thinking ill of others. Apagama (H) = Avâya (q.v.)
Apagata (a) = Avâya (q.v.)
Apakarṣana ()-Decrease in the duration of Karmas, already bound to the soul.
Apâna (17)-Breathing-out. This is a word tech
nical in Yoga system.
Apanoda (T) = Avâya (q.v.) Apanutta (A) = Avâya (q.v ) Aparâjita (GA)—The 4th Anuttara; a celestial
Aparyâpta (a)-Non-developable. See Paryâpta. Aparyâpti (f)—The state of dying within one
Antaramuhurta without gaining the capacity to develope fully the characteristic of the body into which the soul incarnates.