Jaina Gem Dictionary.
the S'aliikıi by another one. So at the third step we have 1 as 27
27 S'alaka; 27 ones as Virian, and 27 as Deya. The noxt Deya or the result of
( 27 ) Virlana is 137 . Now we can reduce the S'aldiká by one norc.
The process is completo. The result is (
Let us express it symbolically thus : 27, which means that 27 is to be written four times, once as a base, then as a power of that base, then as a power of that power and so on.
If we take the last result, i.C., 27, and treat it by the Suláka method as we treated the three above, it would be a two-fold' treatment. The result of this second treatment also being treated in tlie Saiakii way will give us the third degree Saláka treatment of 3. This is technically called Salaku-Traya-Nistluipana. The resnit of treating J like this is a kind of K. To this result add the following six : 1. The innumerable spatial units of the substance of No
tion (Dharma Drarya), 2. The innumerable spatial units of the substance of Rest
(Adharma Dravya). 3. The innumerable spatial units of one Soul (ek Jiva Dravya.) 4. The innumerable spatial units of the Universe-Space
(Lokakasa). 5. Innamerable x innumerable spatial units, i.e., the number
of non-host individual Souls (Apratişthita Pratyeka). Innumerable x innumerable spatial units, i.e., the number
of host individual Souls (Sapratişthit a Pratycka).