· Jaina Gem Dictionarý. 27 Astitva (terra) —Being; is-ness; permanence"; consist
ing of its own isness. Asubha taijasa (TH AGTE)— Mlaleficent electric
body, emanating from an angry saint. Aśuchi (yle)--Impurity. Asurakumâra (TER ETC)--The first class of Resi.
dential order of celestial beings; called kumâra, because
of their perpetual youth and youthful actions. A-sva-samvidita (Falas)-Knowledge by
which the Self cannot be known. Atadâkâra sthậpanâ (9Gtak 491471) ---Repre.
sentation by a dissimilar figure. Âtapa ET49)--Body from which'warmth flows to others. Atîchâra (FileNC) - Defect ; partial transgression. Atíndriya (yalfçu)-Supra-sensual.. Atisarga (FFH)-Giving up. Atisaya (fage) Supernatural manifestation. Atithi samvibhâga (ang sila HTT)-Feeding the
ascetics with a part of one's food. It is one of the Vra
tas taken by a laynian. Ativyâpti Founta)-The logical defect when the
differentia is 100-wide. Ativyâptidoşa (sognato).A differential attri.
bute which is found in the class; but also in some other class. As to say cow's nre horned. True; but buffaloes