. Jaina Gem Dictionary.
not simply the accompanying cause of movements—it is. something more it is the cause (or condition) of the system of movements, the fact of an order in the movements of Jiva and Pudgala.--Dr. Seal. Dharma svâkhyâtattva (HESTUTATA Nature
of the Right Path. Dharniî (EHT) - That with which the conclusion (sadhya).
is always associated. Dhâtaki khanda (Errits)-The second continent
after Lavana Samudra. Dhâtuchatuska (anged67)— Four elements: earth,
water, air and fire. Dhrauvya (tot)-Permanence, continuous sameness
of existence. Dhriti (fa)--Goddess of the lake Tigiñíchha. Dhruva (la) --Perception of a lasting thing, as of a
mountain. Dhûma prabhâ ( 91-The fifth earth, in hue
like smoke. Dhyana (EUTT)Concentration. Contemplation or me
ditation, Digvirati (fotlasia)-Taking a life-long vow to limit
one's worldly activity to fised points in all the ten direc• tions. Dikkumâra (FFHTT)—The 10th class of Residential
order of celestial beings. . . . . .