Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Lavaņodadhi (MAUTEFT)The ocean, which en:
girdles the 1st continent Jambûdvípa. Lesyâ (@TET) ---Tint; paint; here, thought-paint= .
Bhava lesya, as distinguished from Dravya lesyâ=
matter paint; colour of the matter. Linga (iets) ---Sex; sign. Lisa (c)--Nit. Loka (19)---Universe=343 cubic râjuis in volume. i Lokâkâsa (1991)-The universe, the place of all;
the substances. Lokapâla (cat)-The protectors of the people (like Kotwâls).
M Madhya loka (Talsi)-The middle world. Of the
height of Mount Meru, 1 lac 40 yojanas high. . . Mahâhimavân (FETTE HO )--2nd mountain divid
ing the two regions, Haimîvata and Hari. Mahâkalpa prakírnaka-(Felsea Tours
The 11th Angavâhya part of the Scriptures. .. Mahâ matsya (HETERT)-The great fish, the largest
animate being found in the last Svyambhûramana ocean, Mahậpadma (781991)-Lake on Mountain Mahî