Jaina Gem Dictionary.
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N. Nâdî (
FET) --Trasa nâți, the region of mobile souls, 14 rajjû high, 1 rajjû long and 1 rajjû wide. Nâga kumâra (arie TT)— The second class of resi
dential order of celestial beings. Naigama (amp)-Figurative, not literal, mode of speaki
ing of a past or future event as a present one. Mode of ..looking at a thing both generally and particularly. Naksatra (FEET)-Constellation, the 4th class of the
stellar order of celestial beings. Nâli (ariant) = 20 kalú (q.v.). . Nama karma (ATH ) - Body-making Karma. Nâma nikṣepa (ar# Figu)-Attribution of a nanie
without reference to its connotation; name-aspect; name.
as such; negative aspect. Nandiśvara (aretsat)--Name of the Sth continent
and occan. Nârâcha sambanana (FREEEEEFT) - Ordinary am. · phiarthrodial articulation and bones. A kind of physical
constitution, Naraka (1297) --Hellish being; infernal being. Narakânta (acima) --A river in Ramyaka. Nârâyana (artu)-The king of half of Bharataksetra
and successor by conquest of Pratina râynna.