Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Akşiñasiddhi (EETU LE) - Capacity of making
stores, place, etc., inexhaustible. . Aksipra ( 9) Sensitive knowledge of slowness of
motion. Âlâbu (Ag)-Gourd. Aliñgagrahaņa (EnfiiTTEU)--Not perceptible by the
senses. Âlochana (ENG )-Avagraha (g.v.) Alochana (
EGTET)Full and voluntary confession to the head of the order. Aloka ( Fi)-Beyond the universe. Alokânta (a r ) Up to the end of the universe.
(97) loka consists of 343 cubic râjis; and only here all • the sis dravyas are found. Âlokitapânabhojana (Gla9771616)Tho
roughly seeing to one's food and drink. Alpa (79)-Sensitive knowledge of a thing, one in
number, or little in quantity. Amanaska (E151671)Irrational; vithout a mind. Ambu vâta (ng ara)--Vapour atmosphere. Âmnâya (FPI)--Memorising and proper recitation. Amûdha-dțiști (G E ).- Freedom from inclina
tion for the wrong path. Amûrtatra ( Strica )immateriality.