Jaina Gem Dictionary.
...In fineart thania-Goinmațasara Jîva Kanda gâthâs, 573-574, the frequency is calculated as follows:
7 oare (uchchhvâsa or pulse-beats=1 ara stoka.) 7 Stokas=1 ( a ) (lava.) 381 lavas=1 (71cî) (1zâli.) 2 nâlis=1 (Jam) (muhůrta.)
Thus the number of pulse-beats in one muhůrta=2x 381x7x7=77x7 x 7=539x7=3773. In one mu• "Trûrta, there are 48 minutes, therefore the frequency
of pulse-beats per minute, according to Jainism, is 319=7838.
In ganga (şat pâluda), the chapter on Hange, (bhâua pâhida), gâthâs, 28-29 an antar muhúrta is calculated as follows:---Labdhya paryâpta (q.v.) Souls die 18 times in one pulse-beat. In one antar muhûrta they die 66336 times ;.1 antar mulůrta=66396 pulse-beats. As there are 379 pulse-beats in one minute, therefore the number of minutes in one antarmuhúrta is
18 06330 X 48 3773 = 18x3773=46 minutes 53 3773 seconds. But
48 : this antarmulärta is madlıyama or middle. : The utkrista' or maximum antarmuhúrta is 48. minutes minus one samaya (q.v.)=48 minutes practically. . The jaglanya or minimum antar ruhúrta is 1
samaya +1 âvali (q.v.) (see Gommațasara Jîva Rându ::gâthâs, 574 (1) p. 120 of Edition 1911, Bombay).