Jaina Gem Dictionary.
Sabda (716)-(1) Descriptive (point of view) as'use of the present for the past tense, etc.
(2) Sound. Sabda naya (110c )--Also the name collectively of
the Sabda, Samabhirildha and Evambhota points of • view. (g.v.) Sabdânupata (TCC1841A) --Sending one's voice beyond:
the limit. Sachitta (Aferat) --Living matter or thing. Sachitta apidhâna (aftEigan)--Covering witb.
a living thing. Sachittâchitta (aftiTT)-Living and dead matter. Sachitta nikṣepa (afea FET)--Placing on a living
thing. Sachitta sambandha (afat fart)--- Anything
connected with a living thing. Sachitta sammisra, (TE )--Mixture of
living and non-living things. Sachitta tyaga. pratima (सचित्त त्याग प्रतिमा)
The 5th 'Pratima, renunciation of animate vegetation,
etc. Sadavastharupa upasama (सदवस्थारूपउपशम)
Suspensive subsidence, i.e., the existence of karmas in the state of the soul's present bondage. These Karmas do not operate now but shall do so in the future.