Jaina Gem Dictionary.. 15 Ananta gunabâni (Fra JUETA) —Infinite-fold
decrease, Anantânubandhî kaşâya (Estrateert 721)---
The passions which feed wrong belief; error-feeding
passions. Ananta viyojaka (para torni)-One tho trans
forms the karmic matter of the error-feeding passions
into that of less injurious ones. Ananugâmî (18THT)Visual knowledge limited to
a particular locality. Anapavartya (nya)-An=not, apavartya=cut
short. Anariddhi prâpta (attie 977) -Without super
natural powers. Anarthadanda virati (ATTEUS Facfa-Taking
vow not to commit purposeless sins. Ânata (na)—The name of the 13th Heaven. Anâtmabhậta lakṣaṇa (Tacita JETU)-- Separ.
able accident. Anavasthita (WakeUF) ---Unsteady visual knowledge. Ânayana ( R )-Sending for from beyond the limits. Andaja (91551) Incubatcry; birth from an egg-shell ;
egg-born. Anekânta (para) --Alany-sided vice of Logic.