Jaina. Gem Dictionary.
Sâmparâyika ( TFF)—Mundane inflow, 1.e,
inflow of karmic matter which causes the cycle of birth
and rebirth. Samsara (Fert)-Cycle of existence. Saņsâra Chakravala (Fer Forg-Wanderings
in the cycles of mundane existences. Samsaya (Agreu)-(1) Ignorance due to doubt. (2) · A padârtha or category of the Nyâya system of philo
sophy. Samsaya mithyâ darśana (sigra THEATEST) : Doubt: scepticism, hesitation in belief. Samskâra (Fiffitt) --Mental accompaniments: one of
the 5 Skandhas of Buddhism. Samstaropakramana (FFERT9U)-Spreading a
mat or seat. Samstava (FEAT)-Praise; spoken admiration. Samstava prakîrņaka (üenta gilu)-The 2nd
Angavâhya part of the Scriptures. Samsthầna (Fire).--Figure of the body. Samsthâna vichaya (FFUTA faan)- Contemplation:
of the nature and constitution of the Universe. Samudghâta (FEGEIA)-It is the emanation of the
soul-particles from the body, without discarding it i wholly and for good.
: The whole soul does not leave the body; it is only a ::. sort of over-flow for some particular reason and the soul