Jaina Gem Dictionary.
- Antahkaranarupa upasama (अन्तःकरणरूपउपशम)
-Internal subsidence is that by which the operation of Karmas . (which are to attain fruition in the future) is either hastened before, or retarded till after, the time
of their due maturity. ? Antakriddasâïga (TASHEETIT)- The 8th Aőga of
the scriptures. Antaradvîpaja (facec14)—Inter-continental
Mlechchhas. They live in the islands of Lavaņa Sea
encircling Jambậdvípa. Antarâya karma (FATTE AF-Obstructive Karma, Antarmuhûrta (c )--A measure of time. It
is (1) Jaglanya or minimum and is equal to 1 avals and I samaya and (2) Utkrişta or maximum, which is equal
to 48 minutes minus i samaya, Anubhâga bandha (TTT arat) Bondage as
regards to its fruition being strong or mild. Bandha is the bondage (or assimilation) of karmic matter to the
soul. Anubhâga bandhâdhyavasâya sthana (HTT
FETEJTETT FART)--Degree of passion which determines the intensity of bondage of karmic matter to the
Anubhaya Yoga (979 911)-- Neutral vibration
activity, i.c., neither true nor false.