Jaina Logic The Jaina Darshana is preeminently a system based on Logic. No statement, from whatever scurce it might come, will be accepted by a seeker after Truth unless it is tested on the toucl - tone of Logic. The author of this book cxamines Jujna Logic u der the following heads, Lakshana, Framana, Naya, Sapta. bhangig and Nikshepa. .
In between the sections dealing on Saptabhangi and Nikshepa, he has introduced two sections on Ahimsa and on Caste, evidently to show that, as Saptabhangi emphasises the equality of all dharmas, Ahimsa emphasises the equality of all Jivas and Caste emphasises the equality of all castes and the brotherhood of all mankind.
I. Lakshana is defined as the differentiating charace teristic of a substance.
II. Pramana is Proof or authority. It is of two kinds, Pratyaksha Pramana ( direct apprehension of reality) and Paroksha Pramana (indirect apprehension of reality). The five kinds of knowledge, Mati, Sruta, Avadhi, Manah-paryaya and Kevala are said to be Pramanas. Of these Mati Jnana (knowledge ottained through sense perception and memory) and Sruta Jnana (knowledge obtained through books, signs, pictures etc.) form Paroksha Pramana. Avadhi Jnana