Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 54
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Aran, 1925 ]
199 "Dola Mahobe liye jat haid : chori na karf, Bir Chauhan.” Itant sunike Prithiraj ne phir Lakhan se kahi sunal : “I am taking the palan keen to Mahoba. I have committed no theft, O brave Chaaban." Hearing this Prithi Raj again spake to Lakhan :
200 "Kai tumhare DA atkej hain, Lakhan. Kyon thano tum rart 1 Alha Odal jo Aye haii, khayo namak Chandele kyår." “ Your work is not stopped, Lakhan. Why do you pick a quarrel 1 If Alha and Odal were to come, they have eaten the salt of the Chandela king."
“Tum kyon Aye san jQjhan ko, Lakhan Kahan tumhAro kam". Banike bateu Prithiraj ke, tab Lakhan ne kahi sunai: “Why have you come into this battle, LAkhan ? What is your business here 1" Hearing the words of Prithi Raj, spoke Lakhan -
202 "Rathi ki AlhA ge Kannauj meu : ham ne Rajgir das inam. Dharm hamaro Alhå råkhyo : Ganjar pais& l&yo ugah." In anger (with the Chandels] Alhe went to Kannauj : I gave him Rajgt in reward. AlhA (now maintains my prestige, he realizes the revenues of Ganjar.
203 "Ganga kinhi ham Udal ee pagiyA palati Ban&phar math Alha Udal jo ran jujhain: pahile jujhain Kannauji RA." "Swearing on the Ganges I exchanged turbans with the Ban&phar (dal) . If Alha or Cdal fall in the field, the King of Kananj (i.e., myself, LAkhand will fall tra"
204 “Sang na chhoraih ham Odal ko ; tam suni lewa, dhani Chauhan." Bunike baten ya LAkhán ki, Pirthi rahe krodh meú chhAf. "I will never give up Udal: hear me, thou wealthy Chauhan." Hearing the words of Lakhan, Prithi was filled with wrath.
206 Prithfraj ne tab lalkaro : "Tahar nahar, båt un&a. Topaii lagas dewa marchan pei, in pajtó ko dewa usal." Then shouted Prithi Raj: "Tahar, thou lion, make true tho words [of Lakhan) Bot cannon on the entrenchments and blow there scoundrels away."
206 , Itant sanike tab Tahar ne topaii Age dal barhal. Hukmai daf dayo khalassfo kon, topå batts dewa lagal. Hearing this Tahar ordered the cannon to go forward. Anå ordered the gunners to put a light to the guna..
207 Donoo or ke chale khalassf: topdi batti upar pahuncho JA. Battf dal-dai an topao men, dhuana rahyo katak men chhA1. On both sides went the gunners and reached the cannon. They lighted and the smoke of the cannon covered the army.
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