Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 54
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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OCTOBER, 1925]
observation, that the Macedonian stater could not be the sole prototype from which the early Briton kings modelled their coinage." Waddell's view is that the coin is Phoenician in origin. Finally, Waddell gives a number of English surnames, despite their known late origin, which " clearly" preserve "vestiges of the name of the Catti, Khatti or Gad tribal title of the Aryan-Phoenician citizen of Britain. .. presumably in patrilinear descent." 7. Morite Phoenician Stone Circles.
Having thus dealt with the revival and distribution of the Phoenicians in waves over Britain, Waddell discusses the prehistoric stone circles still found there and elsewhere. Here his views are as subversive as ever, and he openly follows the theory of distribution by Phoenicians propounded by Elliot Smith and Perry. To give the trend of this argument, it is necessary to quote him at length. "The great prehistoric Stone Circles of gigantic unhewn boulders, dolmens (or table-stones), and monoliths, sometimes called Catt Stones, still standing in weird majesty over many parts of the British Isles, also now appear to attend their Phoenician origin. The mysterious race,, who created these cyclopean monuments, wholly forgotten and unknown, now appears from the new evidence to have been the earlier wave of immigrant mining merchant Phoenician Barats, or Catti Phoenicians of the Muru, Mer, or Martu clan -the Amorite Giants of the Old Testament tradition; and from whom it would seem that Albion obtained its earliest name (according to the First Welsh Triad) of Clâs Myrd-in (Merddin) or Diggings of the Myrd'. .... about B.C. 2800." To this statement he appends the following remarks:-This early Phoenician title of Muru, Mer, Marutu or Martu meaning the Western Sea' or 'Sea of the Setting-Sun,' which now seems obviously the ... Mor-bihan or Little Mor, Phoenician source of the names Mauret-ania or Morocco ... . is found.... in Britain associated with Stone Circles and megaliths, and . . several More-dun, Mor-ton and Mar-tin, Cor mostly on the coast; e.g., Mori-dunum, Marthen, West Mor-land, More-cambe Bay, Moray, etc."
Waddell then brings arguments to show that the Phoenician remains in Egypt, Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, are identical with, or similar to those in Britain, and that these last date long before Brutus the Trojan. He next states that "the purpose of the great Stone Circles now appears, somewhat more clearly than before, from observations now recorded, to have been primarily for solar observation; whilst the smaller circles seem mainly sepulchral." On the first of these points Waddell found something for himself "which has hitherto escaped the notice of previous observers." He found "by personal examination at Stonehenge, Keswick, Penrith, etc., that the point of observation was not at the centre of the circle, but at the opposite or south-west border, where I found a marked observation Stone." At Keswick... where the fine circle is "locally called Castle Rigg, or Castle of the Rig, a title of the Gothic kings, cognate with the Latin Rex, Regis and the Sanskrit Râja of the Indo-Aryans, and the Ricon of the Briton coins.... he found "an observation stone, with marks on it, inscribed in "Sumerian linear script " reading "seeing the low-sun," which was presumably "seeing the sun on the horizon." He then found a similarly inscribed stone at Stonehenge and in several other circles.
On these purely personal observations he builds up a long argument to show that "the great prehistoric Stone Circles in ancient Britain were raised by the early Mor-ite scientific Brito-Phoenicians as solar observatories. . . . and that their descendant Britons continued to regard them as sacred places." On the way to this result Waddell remarks that the name Hare-Stones is sometimes applied to the Circles in Scotland, and they seem to him to contain "the Harri or Heria title of the ruling Goths of the Eddas, which I show is the equivalent of the Hittite title of Harri or Arri or Aryan." The name "Kes-wick .. Abode of the Kes, i.e., the Cassi clan of the Hittites."
means the
(To be continued)