Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 41
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 20
________________ 16 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [JANUARY, 1912. compares the wicked with owls, who have an eye even in the darkest of darkness. Then again in the eighth, he says that the wicked though they des. troy tbe merits of others become the more sinful; just as clouds which cover the rays of the moon become darker thereby. What do all these signify? The word Saśiruk in the eighth verse again means Chandraprakita, though the unhistorical commentators do not say so. The tenth verse is well known throughout India and is in the mouth of every Pandit. It says that on the death of Vikramaditya, love of Art and Poetry is gone. Upstarts are flourishing; everybody's hand is on his neighbour's throat. What does this mean, unless it means a re. volution in which the antinor did not fare well on the death of Chandragupta-Vikramadity? I agree with Dr. Hoernle that history does not speak of such * revolution. But does history record all the revolutions in India ? His the history of India advanced so far? If not, may may not these wailings of a sensitive poet signify a cbange for the worse? Read the hemistich with the prefutory verses of Visaradard, and the inference is irresistible that the changes of the times were rninons to Subandhu and his party. The word Sachida may have a derivative meaning of companionship or friendship, for the word comes from Sachá, meaning saha, a word common in the Vedas. So the word A matyt also comes from Amrisha. But the radical meaning was long lost sight of. Kalidasa, who flourished within a century after Subandhu, uses the word Suchina always in the sense of ministers. Tena dhuir-jagato gurvi sachiveshu nichik hipe. Grihini suchivah sakhi mithah, etc. Mr. Pathak translates dishtyd kritirthasrama as deserving congratulation on the success of his efforts. If it were the phrase dishtya varhase, it would have meant congratulation; but siraply disht yd means "fortunately." He was successful in his endeavour, not in obtaining sover. eiguty, because, that is not the subject treated of here; but he was successful in giving encouragernent to literary men, that is, in being deruyu" to kritadhiyah or men of talent. Caleutta. HARAPRASAD SHASTRI. BOOK-NOTICE. KAVYAPRAKA WITH PRADITA AND UDDYOTA: edited Pradipa with the Prabha, but unfortumately by VASUDEVA SHASTRI ABRYAN KAB. AnandAsramns without the Vritti or the explanatory prose Sanskrit Series, Poon, No. 66. portion of the text. Of Nagojibhatta's commenSLOWLY and steadily has the Anandásrama tary only the portions dealing with t'llisus I, II, Press been putting forth its work, at so much VIT, and X were available in the editions of those a day, and already our shelves are proaning with Ulias published by the lato Prof. Chandorkar the weight of the volumes it has published. We for the sake of the B.A. students of Bombay have used the word grorning intentionally. The University. The present edition, therefore, of varieties of types in which the volumes are print the Rileyaprakies with tho Pradipa and the ed are often rather too big and make the volumes complete tadyota is quite welcome. It would more bulky and heavy than they oug bave been still more welcome had Mr. H.N. Ápte. therefore, less handy. The Shastri and the who has got the management of the Series in bis Paudit might perbapa be thereby enabled to hands, Sven his way to include explanation spare the use of spectacles for some time longer of the instances cited in the text from the tban they would otherwise be, at least in reading Udiharanashandrika of Vaidyanatha. Någojithese volumes. But their case is different. They bhatta does give explanations, but not so fully. have got only a few books to possess. Other In the publications issuing from the Anandasscholars already feel the want of shelf-room for ratna learned critical introductions by the the numerone books they are obliged to have in editors, dealing with such matters as the date these days of multiplication of books, and position of a book and its author in th The present volume is the latest in the Anan literature to which they relate. are not to dasrama Series. Kivyaprakása is a classic of classic of looked for. But it is better to have no suel: llawkira literature anil there has been no end introduction than to have an unscholarly or to the writing of commentaries on it. Yet only uncritical one. The present editor does no: a few years ago there were no good editions of seem to be aware even of the fact that the either the text or of good commentaries on it Kiryaprakika was left incomplete towards the available in print. Mahesachandra's first edition, end by Mammata and was completed by satisfactory as it was, was then out of print. Rajánaka Allata But a correct text, correctly Kamalakari, n not very satisfactory commentary, printed, of a work not already printed it all o" was available only in a lithographed edition. printed incorrectly, is what we have a right to The only edition which students of the work expect from the Press; and we have certainly go! could avail themselves of was the one with that in the volume before us, and that in itself in Maheśvara's commentary. But the commentary But the commentary a great deal. For the sake of correctness of was far froin satisfactory. Then followed spelling, however, we would have wished that the Vimanacharya's edition, in which the text was, as word "Uddyota'' had not been printed as in a variorum edition, smothered in the excerpts Udyota," as it has been in so many places. from various commentaries. (Cf oth Rechtschreibang in Vedt, pp. 101-2. Perhaps the best commentary on the Kurya- 2.DMG. XLVIII.) The list of Errata (nuchant prakása is the Pradipt with its two commen- too is not as complete as it should have been. taries, the Prabhi of Vaidyanatha and the Udyota of Nayojibhatta. The Nirnayasågar SHRIDHAR R. BHANDARKAR. Prens gave us some time ago an edition of the Bombay.


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