Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 41
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JULY, 1912.)
Borka : see hausd. Rerrna : to exasperate; cf. rera or rerld, a quarrel. Betar: sandy land.
Beush: (reins, in Kula) a small trea (Cotonaster obtusa), valued for sticks and goads. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 42.
Bows: & fish having a curious habit of swimming about in companies on the surface with its moath out of the water during the late aatamn and spring. Ludhiana S. R., 1878-83, p. 18.
Box: the land inundated by a river. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 12.
Roze: piece of cloth given in token of betrothal by the girl's people to the boy's. Ludhiana S. R., 1878-83, p. 290.
Rhon, ron (Gaddl): the dark hanging forests seen on high ranges, perhaps from reh, the commonest tree in such localities. Kangra Gloos.
Rihalt: the 1st day of Sawan, bat the people in different parganas observe the Ribali on different dates in that month.
Rina : steep, as of steep hill sides, snow slopes, or precipices. Küngra Gloss. Bindi: ventilator. Sirmûr. Ringa: a stick for marking the depth of water. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 406. Ringarwah: pain in the legs, etc. Ci, ranghar. Gurdaspur. Birra: a grazing ground round a village-see dotli. Birri, rirrah : a small ridge.
Riaana: the cloth on which mdp full of grain is emptied. Of, mandhauna. Karnal S. R. 1872-80, p. 174.
Bissiala : a kitchen cholydla. Rohera (Prohtra): * tree (tecoma undulata=lahúra. P. Dy., p. 664). Rohtak. Rohi kalari: the rohi (loamy clay) land with ea admixture of saltpetre. Hoshiarpur S. R.,
P. 69.
Rohila : bread=rokhld. q. v.: Ex, rohila le diyo" bring bread. Bauria argot. Roi lens: to weep. Bauris argot. Rokhla, rohila : bread, Bauris argot. Ronda : a posthumo113 80n. Ci. pichhlag. Kangra S. R., p. 98. Rong: buckwheat (Dolichos sinensis). Kingra S. R., p. 25. Bonali: a kind of soil. Hissar S. R., p. 16.
Bora : the pieces of hard wood with which the hollow of sagar press is lined. Karnal S.R., 1872-80, p. 161.
Rora : & variety of course, hardy rice sown on dry land, Kangra S. R., p. 26. Boru: fixed assessment, a lump sum,
Bot: a ceremony performed by the Sultani families once = year on Friday ; . bage loaf, of ono maund (katcha) flour and a quarter maund (kateha) of gar, is cooked. The Shardi attends and beats the drum, and singe the praises of the saint (Sakhi Sarwar Sultan) while this is preparing, and receives one-quarter of the bread, the other three-quarters being eaten by the family. Ludhiâna S. R., 1878-83, p. 55.
Rower (Kuld): 1 cave uader a rock. Cl. guphd. Rub: sheep over two years old : one over a year old is doga ; . lamb in Kulü is gab. Rubban : quicksand (dal-dal). Baagbar: Mahanamadan Rajpat; 80 styled by other contas. Karnal S. R., p. 80. Runna: irreg. past part. of rond, wap' (w.). Rurl: heap of threshed rice.