Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 41
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[AUGUST, 1912.
clear that a śruti is a measure of musical interval, and all śrutis were intended to be equal. The illustration by means of two vinds, one with fixed notes and the other with variable ones, given in the S. R., though defective from another point of view, also proves the same thingst
In the Bh. the twenty-two śrutis have no distinctive names. In later works we find them named, the most commonly accepted names being those given in the S. R. The Sangita-sumayasara, quoted by Simhabhûpâla, gives a name to each of the sixty-six árutis comprised in the three octaves. 52 Similarly there is no mention in the Bh. of the so called five kinds (jati) of srutis, viz., dipta, Ayata, karana, mridu, and madhyd, found in later writers. What was intended by this classification of śrutis I am unable to say. The S. R. gives no explanation, but the Náradi-siksha contains some verses in this connection, which I give below without pretending to understand them to any great extent. The notes are those used in saman chants and mentioned above.
दीप्ताऽऽयताकरुणानां मृदुमध्यमयोस्तथा ।
श्रुतीनां योऽविशेषज्ञो न स आचार्य उच्यते ॥ ९ ॥ prarमन्द्रे द्वितीये च प्रचतुर्थे तथैव च ।
अतिस्वारे तृतीये च क्रुष्टे तु करुणा श्रुतिः || १० || श्रुतयोन्या द्वितीयस्य मृदुमध्यायताः स्मृताः । तासामपि तु वक्ष्यामि लक्षणानि पृथक् पृथक् ।। ११ ।। आयतात्वं भवेनीचे मृदुत्वं तु विपर्यये ।
स्वे स्वरे मध्यमात्वं तु तत्समक्ष्य प्रयोजयेत् ।। १२ ।।
द्वितीये विरता या तु क्रुष्टश्च परतो भवेत् ।
दीमान्तां [दतां तां ] तु विजानीयात्प्रथमे न ( 1 ) मृदुः स्मृताः [ता ? ]: ।। १३ ।। अत्रैव विरता या तु चतुर्थेन [ चतुर्थे न ? ] प्रवर्तते ।
तथा मन्द्रे भवेदीता साम्नश्चैव समापने ॥ १४ ॥
नाविरते श्रुतिं कुर्यात्स्वरयोनापि चान्तरे ।
न च हूस्वे च दीर्घे व न चापि घुटसंज्ञिके ॥ १५ ॥
Náradi-siksha I. i.
Lastly, in the Bh, we find no mention of the following characteristics, attached by later writers to the various notes:
(1) Division into (a) udatta (nishdda and gändhāra), (b) anudatta (rishabha and dhairala ), and (c) svarita (shadja, madhyama and pañichama). This classification occurs in rājñavalleya siksha and in metrically defective verses in the Pániniya-siksha, neither of which are probably very old. It is easy to see that this classification has no merit. There happened to be three kinds of notes, viz., with two, three and four śrutis respectively, and there existed the three varieties of accents, and these were joined together.
of them three brutis, and the panchama, madhyama and the shadja four each. Thus there are altogether 2x2+2x. +3×4=22 śrutie in a grama. निदर्शनं स्वासामभिव्याख्यास्यामः । यथा द्वे वीणे तुल्यप्रमाणतन्त्र्युपवादनदण्डमूर्छन
मामाश्रिते कार्ये । तयोरेकतरस्यां [तरां] मध्यमग्रामिकीं कृत्वा पञ्चमस्थापकर्षे [ कर्षयेत् ] श्रुतिम् । सामेव पञ्चमवशात् षङ्कप्रामिकीं कुर्यात् । एवं श्रुतिरपकृष्टा भवति । पुनरपि तदेवापकर्षयेद् यथा गान्धारनिधारयन्तायितरस्यानृपनयधिकम्वा पुनस्तद्वापकर्षानीतिरस्यां पञ्च प्रविशतः [त्रि ]श्रुत्यधिकत्वात् । तद्वत्पुनरपकृष्टायां तस्यां पञ्चममध्यमषङ्का इतरस्यां मध्यमगान्धारनिषादवन्तः प्रवेक्ष्यन्ति चतुःश्रुत्याधिकत्वात् । एवमनेन श्रुतिनिदर्शनेन द्वैमामिक्यो द्वाविंशतिश्रुतयः प्रत्यवगन्तव्याः | Tho corrections in brackets are mine. In other places where the quotation differs from the printed edition I have the authority of one or more Mse. The first correction is justified by the reading of G. तयोरन्यतर मध्यमनामिकि कुर्यात् | The third correction is self-evident.
61 S. E. pp. 33-38, slokas 11-23,
53 S. R., Calcutta, p. 43.