Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 41
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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OCTOBER, 1912.]
He summoned the Vaishan vas of his country and forced every one of them to write on a paper "शिवापरतरं नास्ति (There is none higher than Siva ) ” and present it to him before an assembly of all pandits.
When the great sage (Râmân uja) heard of the harsh behaviour of the Chola king, he disguised himself in white attire and started from Srirangam, saying to the god "O Thou, Lord of Sriraigam, protect thy shrine and religion,” and left Karattálván behind (to look after Ertraigan)
चोलस्य श्रुतिकड चेष्टितं यतीन्द्रः श्रुत्वाथ "श्रित विमलाम्बरः स रङ्गात् । श्रीरङ्गिनव तव धाम दर्शनं चे
प्रास्थित विनिवेश्य कूरनाथम् ॥
On his way the great sage saw, while passing through a desert, a body of soldiers, sent by the Chôla king to obstract (him and his disciples); he then ordered his disciples to throw charmed san is in the path of the army to stop it (and pursued his way).
On the advice of his preceptor, the paper in the presence of pandits
" श्रुत्वा यः 45 'मार्गे स ' Pr.
निर्यातो यतिपतिरागते" महीतुं चोलेन प्रहितबलं विलोक्य पश्चात् । धन्व" क्ष्मापथि सिकतावली: किरङ्गिः तारीत ||
" धातुलिपि' MS.
श्रीनारायणपुरमा विपन्न ||
At every halt in his way, though with a heavy heart, Ramanuja protected the natives of the country, pleasing even females and Sûdras by his sight and by showing his glory and at last reached Tirunârâyanapuram.
मार्गेऽयं प्रतिवसति प्रजास्ततस्त्या रक्षित्वा विरचितभी शूद्रमोदम । आलोकैर्निजचरितप्रदर्शनाच
तत्सैन्यं यतिपतिमन्त्रित प्रकीर्णैः सिकताम
Being obstructel by the charm ed sands caused to be poured in the way by the great sage, the army turned and led Periyanambi (the teacher of Râmînuja) and Kûrattâlvân, disguised as a sanyasin, to the royal palace from Srirangam.
आपीनृपवन मापूर्ण श्रीरङ्गानि
पत्रेऽस्मिन्परतरमस्ति नो शिवादिस्याधातुं लिपि " माधेगोष्ठि विद्वदमे । चोलेनानुमतपुरोधसेति पृष्टौ
तौ न्याय्यामिति वदतः स्म " वाचमुचैः ॥
the Chola king asked them to write "शिवात्परतरं नास्ति " on assembled there, but they proclaimed the truth as follows: अन्याय्यं तदिह हरिं विना वरीय
स्वयं नृपतिनियोगप
मानार्थी शिवपदमाकलय्य तस्मा
रोगं 50 चाप्यं धिकमिति स्फुडाक्षराणि ( ? ) ||
* रागतीं.' MO.
46 'सविध' Pr. "स' Pr.
'चन्द' P. परचा M.3. 'वास्तव' Pr.