Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 41
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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This passage in the Praudhamanorumá serves as an illuminating commentary on Bhimaba's verses. The word शिष्ट refers to Panini himself, who uses the compounds जनिक : and तस्मयोजक. But it is worth noting that Bhattoji's Nyasakara justifies the word विभुवनीवधातुः; the KasikaNyasakara justifies भयशोकहन्ता; while Bhamaha's Nyasakara justifies वृत्रहन्ता by one and the same ज्ञापक. And thus if we were to accept Mr. Trivedi's interpretation, we should be compelled to recognise three different Nydsakdras, all commentators on Påņini, and all justifying genitive compounds in by the same method. Even then our difficulty would not end. For Bhattoji assures us that he applies the term part to the Kdbild-Nydsakdra :
पूर्वत्रासिद्धमिति [VIII. 2,1] सूत्रे काशिकायां वहेः कान्ताणिचि चाड. भोजढदिस्युदाहस्य क्तिनन्तस्य तु औजिदित्युक्तम् । तत्रैव न्यासकृता णी कृतस्य टिलोपस्य स्थानिवद्भाव इति व्याख्यातम्
Praudhamanorama, Benares Ed., Part II ,p.614. स्वस्कापतृको मकपितृक इति [काशिका ] वृत्ति पन्थं व्याख्याय न्यासकार उपाह
Idem. Part I, p. 118. And yet Bhattoji's Kasika-Nyasakara justifies the word त्रिभुवनविधातु :, while the real KabikeNyasakdra, as we have seen, justifies the compound guitarrat. Bhattoji Dikshita certainly was not an inconsistent as to recognise two Kasikd-Nyasakáras. The distinguished author of the Praudhamanoramd obviously understands the Buddhist commentator of the Kdáika to justify, by his ज्ञापक, all genitive compounds in तच् including वृत्रहन्सा and त्रिभुवनविधातुः, when the latter says भीष्म : कुरूणां भयशोकहन्तेत्येवमादि सिद्धं भवति. It is thus manifest that Bhattoji's interpretation of the Nyasakára's words is the same as that which Bhamaha puts upon them. As the Nrasakara lived about A. D.700, Bhamaha must be assigned to the eighth century.
Bhamaha was the son of Rakrilagomin. Mr. Trivedi says that Gomin is explained by Naishantukas as a contraction of Gosvd min. This is not correct. The real explanation of Gomin is given by Vardhamana at the beginning of his Ganaratnamahodadhi:
शालानुरीय शकटाङ्गन चन्द्र गोमि-1
पूज्यश्चन्द्रः चन्द्रगोमी। "गोमिन् पूज्य" इति Here Vardhamana quotes a well-known sútra from Chandra-Vyakarana :
गोमिन् पूज्वे. [IV. 2. 144] गोमिनिति पूज्वे निपात्यते । गोमान् अन्यः
____Chandra-Vyakarana, German Ed., P.74. Rakrilagomin was Reverend Rakrila, a Buddhist, and his son Bhimaba was also a Buddhist. Pajvapida is never called देखनन्द but always देवनन्दिन. When Mr. Trivedi says that "many Nyasakiras are mentioned in the Dhaturritti of Madhavicharya: क्षेमेन्द्रन्यास, न्यासोचोस, बोधिन्बास शाकटायनन्यास," he tells us something less than the truth. The Madhaviya-dhatubritti frequently mentions the Nyksak dra. यवाह न्यासकारः “ये निजादिभ्यः परेपच्यन्ते ते सर्वे छान्दसाः तथा हि तान्पठित्वा छन्दसीस्थतम्" इति.
Madh-dha. जुहोत्यादि 14. Benares Ed., p. 126. न्यासकारो पि कर्ष इति शपा निर्देशानौवादिकस्य महणमित्याह.
Mádh.-tha. ene 6. Benares Ed., p. 214. अमुंन्यासकारादयो नेच्छन्ति । यदाहुः क्षुधादिषु त मोतीति प्ययन झुरित.
Madh.-dhe. शादि 25. Benares Ed., p. 208. न्यासकारोप्येवं निरुवाह- स्मरणार्थोप्ययम् । चेतन्ती समतीनामिति दर्शनात् ।
Madh.-dhi. वादि 39. Benares Ed., P. 83. .