Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 41
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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AUGUST, 1912.]
(Continued from p. 179.)
Sanghri: a disease of the throat. Cf. gal-pera. D. G. Khân. Sangu: companion, Jubbal.
Sanj: small wheaten cakes for the Devis. Pângi.
Sanj: evening. Karnal, S. R., 1872-80, p. 122. Sankhohor: Ophiophagus elaps: a snake. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 18. Sankli a gold earring with a chain. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 157.
Sanna: a part of a plough. Jallandur S. R., p. 109.
Santa: a leather rope to fix the yoke to the plough. Karnal S. R., p. 116.
Santa: a leather whip. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 163,
Santa nata: an exchange of betrothals between two families. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 127.
Santiyanasi: a tree (Argemone mexicana.) Cf. kandai and khari. Karnal S. R., p. 9. Sa nu a tenant, of any kind; Kulû. Kângra S. R., p. 90.
Sanwak, samak: a grass which bears a small grain collected in times of famine (panicum lacun): Rohtak ? sanwak, P. Dy., p. 1011 or samak, wild rice, p. 998.
Sanwe: land which has been lying fallow.
Ludhiana S. R., 1878-83, p. 101,
Sanwin: a system of cultivation, in which a spring crop, usually wheat, is taken, then the round lies fallow for nearly a year, during which it is repeatedly ploughed and rolled. Cf. nulin and nurin. Jullundur S. R., p. 118.
Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 154. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 154.
Saod: good omen. Cf. saon. Saon: good omen. Ci, saod. Saond: a loaf, made of wheat flour. Simla Hills.
Saphal adj. fruitful.
Sappar: a rock or small precipice of rock; shafa in Kalû. Kângra Gloss.
Sår mere soakage of water. Karnål S, R., 1872-80, p. 159.
Sara: a piece of cloth worn round the loins. Cl. tamand. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 42.
Sarai: a platter, made of pottery, used once at feasts and thrown away. Cf. kasora, kasori and saranu. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 121.
Saranu: a platter, made of pottery, used once at feasts and thrown away. Cf. kasora and sarai.
Sareli a large snake. Simla Hills.
Sargudhi: an inferior form of marriage: Churâh for widow-remarriage usually, but sometimes for virgins when the parents are very poor-called garib-chara. Chamba.
Sari the wife's sister. Of, sali. Gurgaon, S. R., 1872-83, App. V., p. 1. Sariya the wife's brother's wife. Ci. salaij, salahj, salha, saliya and salhe.
Sariya: a petticoat of coloured, striped or printed cotton. Cl. ghagra. Sirsa S. R., 1879-83, p. 155.
Sarkha: a post-position: 'like, even.'
Siro: the wife's brother. Ci, sala. Gurgaon S. R., 1872-83, App. V., p. 1. Sarsam rape. Karnal S. R., 1872-80, p. 179.