Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 41
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 95
________________ BHAMAHA AND DANDI APRIL, 1912.] Bhamaha is later than Dagli. On the contrary, Mr. K. P. Trivedi, Professor Rangacharya and Pandit Anantacharya? hold the same view as myself with regard to the priority of Bhamaha to Dandi. These scholars have anticipated me in mentioning several points which, I also thought, tended to prove that Bhan tha was anterior to Dan li. Without entering into any discussion of the arguments advanced for and against by the scholars in the works referred to, I shall content myself at present with giving the opinion of one of the old commentators on Dan lin's Kivyadarsa with regard to the question at issue. In his edition of Kivyd laria, Professor Rangacharya has given two commentaries on the work, ono a onymous and the other by an author of the name of Tarunavâchaspati. Though the latter does not furnish any clue to his period, still there can be no doubt that his commentary is at least several hundred years old. His opinion, as embodying he tradition prevailing at his time, ought to carry considerable weight. His commentary on 1. 29, II. 235 and IV. 4 of Kavya larsa runs thus: (a) कल्याहरणसङ्ग्रामविप्रलम्भोदयादयः । 91 सर्गबन्धसमा एक नैते वैशेषिकागुणाः ॥ 1. 29 भामहेत 'कन्याहरणसङ्ग्रामविनोदात्रता' इति आख्यायिकाविशेषणतया उक्तम् || आख्यायिकाभेद एव अत्र निराकृतः || एतान्यङ्गमाने गद्यनबन्धस्य असाधारणानि न किन्तु सर्गबन्धस्यापि साधारणानि इत्याहकन्येति ॥ (b) हेतु सूक्ष्मलेशौ च वाचामुत्तमभूषणम् । कारकज्ञापक हेतू तो चानेकविधौ यथा ॥ II. 235 हेतुं लक्षयिष्यन् भामहेनोक्तम् हेतुश्च सूक्ष्मलेशी च नालङ्कारतया मताः - इत्येतत् प्रतिक्षिपति — हेतुश्चेति ॥ (c) प्रतिज्ञाहेतुदृष्टान्तहानिर्दोषो न वैत्यसौ । विचारः कर्कशप्रायस्तेनालीढेन किम् फलम् ॥ IV. 4. दशैवेत्यवधारणं न युक्तम्, भामहेोक्तानां प्रतिज्ञाहान्यादीनामपि विधनानत्वात्; इति चेत्, आह-प्रतिज्ञेति ॥ We thus learn that Tarunavâchaspati was clearly of opinion that Bhamaha preceded Dandi. I would add here a word about the Nyisakara allu led to and criticised by Bhamaha, Professor Pathaks thinks that the Nyasakara referred to by Bhâmaha is no other than Jinêndrabuddhi, the author of the Kikavivaranapañchika, aud concludes that Bhamaha lived after Jinendrabuddhi about the middle of the 8th century. But in the quotation that he gives from Jinendrabuddhi's work there is no reference at all to the word Vritrahant to which Bhamaha takes exception (ra). There is enough evidence to show that there were other early Nyás karas besides Prabhachandra, the author of the Saktayana-nyasa, and Jinendrabuddhi. In the very Mysore inscription quoted by the Professor on page 21, we are told that Pujyapada wrote a Nyasa on Páņini- पाणिनीयस्य भूयोन्यासं शब्दावतारं व्यरचयत्पूज्य वराहस्वामी. This statement is borne out by Vrittavila-a, a Kannada author of the middle of the 12th century, who says that Pujyapada wrote a tiled or gloss on Panini-Paniniyake fikan baredam Pujyapa la-vratindram. The period assigned to Pujyapâda by Mr. Rice is the close of the 5th century. There is nothing improbable in supposing that he might be the Nyasatdra referrel to by Bhâmaha. Unfortunately, a copy of this Nyasa has not yet been met with. Further, a Njâsa is alluded to by Bâna in his Harshacharita. As Bâna flourished in the early part of the 7th century, the Nyasa referred to by him could not be Jinêndrabuddhi's, if the date assigned to the latter by Professor Pathak, namely, A. D. 703, is to be accepted. It will thus be seen that Professor Pathak's argument for placing Bhameha in the middle of the 8th century is not quite conclusive. In this connection I would also say a word or two about Dapdin's time. Most scholars are agreed that Dandi flourished in the 6th century. In commenting on नासिक्यमध्या परितचातुर्वर्ण्यविभूषिता ॥ अस्ति काचित्पुरी बस्यामवर्णाह्वया नृपाः ॥ III. 114 the well-known instance of prahélika or enigma in Dandin's work, Tarunavâchaspati explains it as meaning Kinchi rule over by the Pallava kings.10 As we know from inscriptions that the 5 Introduction to Prataparudra-yasibhushanam, p. 32 ff. • Introduction to Karyadaria, p. 6. 7 Issues of the Brahmavalin, for 1911.. Jour Bomb, As. Soc., Vol. xxiii, p. 18 ff. • Ibid. p. 9 10 कालीन गर्यो पल्लवा नाम क्षितिपतयः सन्तीति अर्थो विवक्षितः । P


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