Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 25
Author(s): Sten Konow, F W Thomas
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 267
________________ 284 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [Vol. XXV. (V. 29) The Yadu king made him a minister of his Government-(him) who had double wisdom due to his association with good people marked by discrimination, double vision by his study of the extensive brutis and smsitis, (and) double strength by his inexhaustible courage. (V. 30) Having shown by his brilliant command separate courses of conduct for the castes and orders of life, even as a cloud shows different paths by its lightning, be poured a large shower of gold into the treasure house of the king. (V. 31) The crooked and hard mind of treasonous people was quickly made straightforward by his brilliant prowess, even as the hard and curved bracelet of iron is made straight by burning fire. The cruel ones among them were burnt like thorny trees and then taken out. Then the glory of the king Ramachandra was made bright like gold. (V. 32) When he who had devoted his heart to the holy places like Käsi and Dvärakā which are the treasures of religious merit, established charitable feeding houses (in them) the capacity to yield (both) enjoyment and liberation now shines in thobe (holy places) which, from a consideration of the declaration of sages, were previously) held to confer liberation only. (V. 33) While he, who is well-conducted, devoted to his lord, modest, extremely averse to others' wives and wealth and possessed of great prowess, was conducting himself as a (noble) man, displaying herosim, there generally followed, day and night, in the wake of his glory which went forth in every direction, joy in good people and great trembling in the head and heart of wicked ones. (V. 34) The illustrious and gracious-minded king Rāma asked him many times to make an agrahāra worthy of himself for the attainment of) well-being in both the worlds. And when he accepted that honour as a great favour, he (i.e., the king) who humbles the pride (of his foes), conferred on hira villages of great value by pouring water (on the hand). (LI. 71-80) He, that Purushai Näyaka, the mine of such jewels of excellences, the Mahamāndalika of the illustrious Mahārājādhirāja Rāmachandradēva, has conferred, for the attainment of his desired object, making first the offerings of gold, rice and water on the Kapilashashthi in the month Bhadrapada included in the (cyclic) year Sadhāraṇa when twelve hundred yoars increased by thirty-two had elapsed since the time of the Saka king, the four villages together with nine hamlets included in them, situated in the Kanhairi kham panaka (sub-division) of the Kinhairi desa, together with the treasures, deposits, grass, water, stones and all dues such as fines, taxes (and) cess on artisans, -(the four villages, namely), Pokhari (with) the hamlets included in it, (viz.), Sāëgåhvāna, Pimpalagåhvāņa (and) Pālipokhari, Adagau (with) the hamlets included in it, (viz.), Pimpalavādi, Kajalakovi (and) Sõijaņē; Vägbauro (with) the hamleta included in it, (viz.), Simpidihiré, Gölēgāhvāna (and) Dhåravāghaurē; and Kurunapăragau--after dividing them into vrittie (i.e., parts) numbering eighty-six (and) assigning (then) to the Brāhmaṇas, eighty-three in number, who belong to various gotras and are students of various sākhās, together with two gods, agnishtika and prapā, in this manner, namely, two voittis to the two gods, one vritti for (the performance of the agnishţikā rite and (the maintenance of) a prapa (charitable water-shed) (every year) and the remaining voittis numbering eighty-three to the followingl Brāhmaṇas. Now the names of the Brāhmaṇas : (Here follow the names of eighty-three Brāhmaṇas together with those of their fathers, götras and sakhas.) (LL. 114-117) Now the boundaries of this agrahāra land :-To the east Dändigau (and) Sådule ; to the south Kebavapuri, Savarigava (and) Harikinibagau; to the west Rajagau, Hivarë, Chincha


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