[VoL. Xxv.
Kshēmagiraka, Annagrama and Kallivana. The first six are stated to be vishayas or territorial divisions. The approximate situation of Göparashtra can be known from the mention in the Nirpan plates referred to above, of a village named Balēgrāma as situated in the Göparāshtra-vishaya. Balēgrama is no doubt to be identified with modern Belgaum-Taralha in the Igatpuri Taluka of the Năsik District. Jayapura, where the temple of Nārāyaṇa was situated,
may be Jarvad Budrukh, 10 miles south-west of Anjaneri. Jayagrāma may be Jaikheda in the Dindori Taluka. Ambé-Avangana is Ambegaon, about 23 miles north-west of Nasik; Kalahaka may be Kokangaon, 2 miles south-east of Jaiklieda and Mradgāhitaka, Maganpara, 5_miles north-west of Jaikheda. Kallivana is undoubtedly Kalran in the Nasik District, which is also mentioned in some other grants of the period.
The localities mentioned in grant Bare Samagiripattana, Chandrapuri, Ambayapallikā, Savāņēyapallikā, Maurāyapallikā and Kaṁsāripallikā, Samagiripattana cannot now be traced, but it was probably situated near Chandrapuri with which it is coupled in the present grant, and which is probably identical with Chandrachi Met, 12 miles south-west of Anjaneri. Savāņāyapallikā may be Samundi, 5 miles north-east and Kaṁsāripallikā may be Karholi or Karohavadi, 6 and 7 iniles respectively east of Chandrachi Met. Maurēyapallikā may be Morwadi, 3 miles south-west of Nāsik.
Grant A.
First Plate. 1 ओं' [*] जयत्याविष्कृतं विष्णोर्बाराहं क्षोभितार्मवं(वम्) [*] दक्षिणीव्रतदंष्ट्राग्रवित्रा
न्तभुवनं वपुः [1] [१] 2 श्रीमतां सकलभुवनसंस्तूयमानमानव्यसगोचाणां सप्तलीकमाभिः सप्तमाट3 भिरभिवर्चितानां ।' कार्तिकेयपरिरक्षणप्राप्तकल्याणपरंपराणां भगवनारायण4 प्रसादसमासादितवराहलाञ्छनेक्षणक्षणवशौकताशेषमहीभृतां हारीतीपुत्त्राणां च5 लुक्यानामन्वये सकलमहीमण्डलैकतिलको महाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरः श्रीविकमादि6 त्यवल्लभस्तत्पादप्रसादीपजीवी खपुचनिर्विशेषी हरिचन्द्रवङ्गस्यालंकारभूतः(त)शर7 दुपगमप्रसत्रमण्डलमचन्द्रमा इव प्रजानामानन्दकारी श्रीखामिचन्द्रो नाम राजा येने8 दं चतुर्दशग्रामसहस्रसंख्यं सकलमपि पुरीकोसणं भुक्तमासीत् [*] तस्य च
राज[*] बौखा
1 We have to thank Prof. V. V. Mirashi of the Nagpur University for suggesting the identification of most of the place names mentioned in the grants and also for making some valuable suggestions in the preparation of this article.
'Expressed by asymbol.
Danda unnecessary.