Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 25
Author(s): Sten Konow, F W Thomas
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India

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Page 284
________________ No. 22.] TWO GRANTS OF PRITHIVICHANDRA BHOGASAKTI. 237 A [(क)]मुदषंडमंडितः स्वादूदको जलाशय इव प्राणिनां वृष्णाविशेदकारी उदितदिय22 सकरकिरणप्रबोधितो महापद्माकर व चियी निवासभवनं जलवि(धि)रिव रक्षित23 स्थितिरनकभूभृत्यालनपरः परमगंभौरी महासत्व(ख)च सततमेव देवकुलतटा24 कसनप्रपाधमकियानुष्ठानव्यसनो नारायणानुस्मरणतत्परच कौस्तुभम25 णिरिव विष्णीः पुरीकोकणविषयस्वालंकारभूतः भारतपुराणरामायण26 राजशास्त्रार्थतत्व(त्त्व)निपुणः प्रानः पटुः पण्डिती मेधावी अप्रतिहतबलपरा Second Plate ; Second Side. 27 [कमोत्साहमन्त्रप्रभुशक्तिस्त्रिभुवन[कुशी] [राजा भोगशक्तिः सर्वानेवात्मी*]-' 28 यपुत्रपौत्रप्रपौवादी(दोन) विषयपतिग्रामभोगिकम[हत्तरा[दी(दोन) समाचापय]-2 29 ति विदितमस्तु वी यथा पूर्वमुमादितं [स]मगिरिपट्टनं चन्द्रपुरोसहित] 30 [*]म्बय पनिकास[वा]णेयपशिकामौरेयपनिकाचयसहितं कंसा31 रिपलिका च मया समावासितं एलवेष्ठिकरपुटवेष्ठिप्रमुख32 समस्तनगरस्य दत्तं समगिरिवास्तव्यानां वणिजा चन्द्राकालिकं शुल्कमादी(द)33 यं समस्तराज्ये नास्ति [*] अपरं च अपुचधनं बा(ना)स्ति उम्बरमदाः] राजपुरुषा34 णामावासकी जमकच एतबास्ति [*] कुमारीसाहसे रूपकाणामष्टीत्तर35 शतं । संग्रहणे हाविंशतिरूपकाः कर्मचोडणिकायां षोडश रूपकाः शिर36 स्पीटने चत्वारि रूपकाः भारिकायां वणिक्पुषस्वाष्टोत्तरशतं रूपकाणां 37 नो रहीतस्य यच्चाष्टौ षोडश वा नगरमहलका विचार्य वदंते तदे 38 तदेव प्रमाणं [*] श्रौतेजवनराजन एतदनुष्ठितमिति । TRANSLATION. (LI. 1-28) [Common with Grant A.] (LI. 29-38) "Be it known to you that the deserted lands comprised within the township of Samagiri along with Chandrapuri and the three hamlets of Ambayapallikā,. Savāņöyapallikā and Maurēyapallika as well as Kamsāripallikă have been recolonised by me and vested in the town council headed by the merchants Ela and Karapuţa. The merchants residing in Samagiri (pattana) shall, for ever, be exempt from the payment of custom duties throughout the kingdom; their property shall not escheat to the state in the absence of a male heir; nor (shall they prwy registration fee) owing to partition of joint property and they shall not have to provide 1 This portion within square brackets is completely effaced and the reading is restored from Grant A. * This portion within square brackets is badly corroded and hardly any letter is visible. * [Reading seems to be [A]mmēya.-Ed.] • Ha is written below the line. • Tadd is redundant. [See above, n. 3.-Ed.] Rao Bahadur K. N. Dikshit informs me that umbara (derived from Bkt. udumbara) wood is still used for the door will in Mabarashtra and that therefore the sense is partition of the joint family property.


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