partial use in a line or two in the Kadavaka is very rare and the same is not noted. For example, in I. 4. line 1 has the ending agafal asuvvu and not जगण, while the whole Kadavaka otherwise is in पज्झडिआ.
It is also noticeable that even from the time of स्वयंभू , पज्झडिआ with a जगण was more used than वदनक with last द्विमात्रा = ~~. In the first 20 Sandhis of पउमचरिउ as pointed out by Prof. Bhayāṇi out of 285 Kadavakas of these 20 Sandhis, 91 Kadavakas are of पज्झडिआ while 112 Kadavakas are in वदनक. वदनक became a metre by itself as separated from qualfeut on this account, formerly it being probably a variety of q&feat.
(2) The 16-moras metre with the scheme : 6 + 4 + 4 + 2 is termed 9797 by Chn. 5. 28 YIEI 964. The definition does not say that the last two
19TS should be v u but the illustration given has in all the four us, the last syllablesu. This metre is mentioned by Sc. 4.32 and also Kd. 2. 21. The last flats by use are vu. PP. 1. 127. describes a metre called af as a 16-moras metre with the two padas a, b and c, d rhyming at the end, in which Fitut is not at all used and the last syllables are vu. Jacobi and Alsdorf call acah by the name of fear following the bardic tradition of PP. afegt however was the name of 9994 acquired by a peculiar rhyming device. 977 mentioned in Chn. 5. 30. later assumes the name of a separate metre in the bardic tradition. aga however is. the older name supported by metricians.
In our work वदनक is more used than पद्धडिआ as is the case in स्वयंभू' पउम चरिउ. aga is used in 172 Kadavakas out of 214 kadavakas of the whole work : 15 q5333 + 4 + + 23 Variation metres = 42 kadavakas having been excluded.
It is also probable that 959 may have acquired its special Gaņa-scheme later while it was distinguished from पज्झडिआ.
Chn. 5. 28. com. remarks : 470597 99761: Afa ofalgaraभूतम् ।. It means that संकुलक also was another name for वदनक.
(3) The third variety of 16-moras metre is called i t by later tradition. Sc. 6. 160 defines qilish: as SH 913113631 (
3 3 ) #fate is 1 934 चआरचउक्कं तं जाणसु पद्धडिआ धुवअं|| It means that पादाकुलक is a 16-moras metre; but if the Gaņa-scheme is : 6 + 4 + 6 it is called it; and if the Gana-scheme is 4 +4+4+4 it is certainly a year. In şi# the last 4+2 of acak are combined as according to Sc. the last Gaņa being of 6 HITS. As pointed out, according to Chn. संकुलक is the same as वदनक. संकुलक described as a समचतुष्पदी ( scheme 6 + 4 + 4 + 2) at Sc. VI 160; Rāj. 172; Chn. 5. 28. Com. seems to be the same as agah except that it ends in - not invu. The famous Hindi epic Rāmacarita-mānasa is composed in this metre; the last two shorts of our metre appear there contracted as a rule into a long. It has come to be known as Copāi or