[K. 10.]
3. Note Sk. 3#; the lengthening of g to g; so also in line 10. a.
6. Read fanars; acc. to B. anais.
7. a3 = 27; T ; B. Tu - before their feet' is a better reading.
8. From this line onward the story of a parrot and its two wives begins.
13. T. takes me = nguni. [K. 11.]
2. 513 = by the wife of the bird (who felt mercy ). She secretly left the egg, having taken it there. Acc. to T. 4730g yte313 = the she-parrot concealed herself. al = F . BC. have however the reading पच्छण्णु; A. पच्छण्ण. [K. 12.]
In this 4594- = A rafa; zght = tfa-kişit; VE = 577-jf-15 and the story of their other births proceeds. [ K. 13. ] . 10. HE fa o F15—note the idiom, [K. 14.]
6. 345 H&fas—became agitated with fear. [ = sk. 7421]
II. गेहगवक्खहो आसंघेविणु-Having resorted to the window of the house.
12. णीराइउ and कंतिविराइउ are the adjectives of णियसरीरु. 13. Read inverted commas after Heft.
14. 3773773 = I have no repentence for losing my life. See T. more difficult (to abandon), cf. 4.19.14. 3a3 = repentence. [K. 15.)
10.5H (line 9) is related to an.
14. रइजीविउ where रइ ( = रइहे ) is to be separately understood togo with जाइ (=sk. यया.)