(2) क्षायिक-destruction of the सप्तप्रकृतिs by effort. (3) मिश्र (referred to as 'वेयय = sk वेदक in . I0. and मीस (in K. II. line 12) where for example six fas cease naturally while the last one is nullified by effort.
The two fold division of the resulting Frika is based upon the results of the प्रकृतिs which are seven in number. (T.) सप्त-प्रकृतिs
are i (1) क्रोध, मान, माया, लोभ 4 कषायs; (2) 3 प्रकृतिs of दर्शनमोहनीय i.e. मिथ्यात्वमोहनीय, मिश्रमोहनीय, and सम्यक्त्वमोहनीय. cf. तत्त्वार्थ 8. 10, note also line 15. पढमु कसायचउक्क समाणउ दंसणमोहु तिविहु असमाणउ । इय सत्तपयडिहि etc. [K. II.]
1-4. describe क्षायिक i.e. the putting aside of सप्तप्रकृतिs with an effort. The example is : Just as in a bronze vessel pure water is separately laid by the removal of dust. Dust is सप्तप्रकृति (= रइ i.e. sk. रजः)
5. By the natural cessation of six rafas and by the removal of the seventh one by effort, the मीस = मिश्र method brings, in result, the सम्यक्त्व.
7. अट्ठगुणवंतउ-(T) संवेग-निर्वेद-निःशङ्का etc.; पंचवीसदोसेहि मि चत्तउ-(T) 3 दोषs of मूढत्व; 6 दोषs of अनायतन; 8 दोषs of मद; 8 of शंकादि = 25 दोषs.
10. तिहि सुरकायहि पढमिहि तह थीजमलसहायहि-cf. तत्त्वार्थ. 4. 8. भवनपति, व्यन्तर and face are three kinds of gods who enjoy pleasures with women by physical bodies. तिहि (T) = त्रिषु i.e. देव, मनुष्य and तीर्यच.
II. छहंमि णरयहमि-तत्त्वार्थ. 3.1. excepting रत्नप्रभा, six hells are: ( रत्न )शर्करावालुकापङ्कधूमतमोमहातमः प्रभाभूमयो घनाम्बुवाताकाशप्रतिष्ठाः सप्ताधो पृथुतराः । i.e. शर्कराप्रभा, वालुकाप्रभा, पङ्कप्रभा, धूमप्रभा, तमःप्रभा; महातमःप्रभा. (T.)
12. उवसमखाइय etc. cf. तत्त्वार्थ० २.१. औपशमिकक्षायिको भावौ मिश्रश्च जीवस्य खतत्त्वमौदयिकपरिणामिको च ॥१॥ The soul (जीव) according to the Jaina thought is परिणामि-नित्य and not एकान्तिक-नित्य as in Vedanta. There are several aspects (पर्यायs) of जीव which are differently found in different conditions. The aspects of the soul can be of five भावs only as enumerated in (T.)
13. पंच अइयार-तत्त्वार्थ०7.18. शङ्काकाक्षाविचिकित्साऽन्यदृष्टिप्रशंसासंस्तवाः सम्यग्दृष्टेरतिचाराः ॥१८॥ (T.)