11. O ft = $ ; not rufaa as in T.
13-14. मंत्र, ओषधि and देव's power is not seen that sure and eternal as the poet's power is seen; because a poet enters body of another and makes the other of immortal body.
Az = [ a]; getaz = [ 92770]. [K, 8]
2. & (B.) = [ga] is a better reading then yg (A, followed in the text. 1 $25 = [ge fatal.
3. Without them the human life of a prideless devotee is like the tits on the throat of a goat.
4. 5974 fants = T. the sinful act has been done by me. [= 9174] C. g qf73.
7. Foorafatet - the banner representing the success of the royal family of the town of Krsna (the ruling king of Godhra.) cf. I 5. I. 15 CET TETT3. 3jata was his minister.
8-9. enumerate the six religious acts of a householder. - सुद्ध should be समयसुद्ध% [ स्वमतशुद्ध ] pure according to one's own doctrine. - 10. रयणत्तयजुत्तउ-accompanied by three gems Viz. दर्शन, ज्ञान and E R 715-bereft of six shafts ie. six evil qualities. To Pleas-practising merits. [K. 9.). This K, describes af
4. Mey = [fizia:]
5. तहो परिक्ख अमुणतउ-not thinking about the scrutiny of that ( false god)
7-9. show the contradictions of the devotees of Vişnu and Siva ( = 312 ft. T.). Vişņu took the incarnations of a boar and a fish. [K. 10 ]
2. forfaqol should be forf 13 -[ rapor: ] [ = gar: har faggot: dea] 6. Note aaj in neuter gender. [ = farsta T. Faa]
9. From this line onward the author describes the false gods who themselves do not realise a doubt about their own