acts ) in their minds. They put their hand for holy name-repetitions on the rosary. Read अक्खमालजावहि. Take जाप्येषु against T. जाप्ये :
11. 16404AME = ( FTTHTHaha: ]; 9123 ( = wanafà deceives ] as against. T. fa = fancyfa. [K. 11. ].
I. fanf3 [= fqafta: 7 accepted for metre as against B. fazla 3. Who is referred by names by cowherdesses. 1-2. describe u. 3. Indra. 4. 7.
5. Read af for afafe = a .
8. How can they inspire others for a pious act?. [K. 12. ]
This K. describes the nature of true god. The attack is against Śiva. [K. 13. ).
1. a f -2198119812214197=7214: [acariga. 9. 9. 4.). The name, installation, the form and the idea.
3. Without a name, he is like a piece of stone.
5. Haar is laid down for the monks; while 5 (objective worship ) is laid down for the pious householders.
9-10. The BETR go is enumerated in these two lines. The eightfold worship should be performed with (1) water ; (2) fragrant things; (3) rice; ( 4 ) food-offering; (5) flowers; (6) the lighting of a lamp before a deity; (7) incense-burning; and (8) the offering of fruits. For each of this form, the author has devoted one Sandhi. With the first introductory Sandhis there are eight other Sandhis, each one giving a story in praise of each of the eight forms of worship. Thus from the second Sandhi onward to the ninth Sandhi, there are eight stories.
II-12. The end of the Sandhi mentions directly or by pun the name of the writer अमरकीर्ति and his patron अंबाप्रसाद.
SANDHI: 2: The 7 introduces the topic of the Sandhi i.e. the bathing of the deity with water.