person should have at least 500 mg (milligrams) of sodium a day but no more than 2300 mg (1 tablespoon) a day. Avoiding excessive salt in the diet is also important because salt increases blood pressure which directly affects kidney health. With increased salt, the volume status of kidneys rises which puts further strain on them. Research shows that eating less than 2300 milligrams of sodium per day may reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Most of the sodium, people eat comes from processed and fast foods. Adding other spices or herbs to the foods instead of salt and foods high in potassium, which counteracts some of sodium's effects on blood pressure is good.
Mahavira said, “Monks should shun Vigay. In excess they stimulate the passions. A passionate person is always attracted by the sensual desires just as a bird is attracted by a tree laden with ripe fruits. If a monk feels that he is not fit without eating vigay, he should eat vigay in a limited quantity and in a proper procedure. Otherwise he should not eat vigay." (Sugar, honey, wine, milk and milk products, oil and meat are classified as Vigay.)
The definition of Vigay shows real insight into nature of things. A major characteristic of Jain belief is the emphasis on consequence of not physical but also mental behaviour. Food also affects man mentally, memory and ability to focus, think clearly, and relax, by affecting body's chemistry. In assimilating the food, the physical and energetic forces of food interact with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels - and in turn determine health and the quality of life.
Mahavira has referred to withering away of the karma-body, ego, passion and grossness (obesity). Body